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Messages - adilriaz123

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« on: June 01, 2017, 07:07:04 PM »
Asalam ul laykum brothers and sisters, when i say dajjal system, i am not talkimg about the individual mesiah ad-dajjal, but i am talking about his followers who are getting this world ready for his coming.

As prophet muhammad pbuh mentioned that Dajjal has followers that will get this world ready for his coming. We know that the belief of the cabalistis that they are waiting for the messiah to come. From my lengthy research into the history of dajjal systems like illuminati. I came accross a common factor. That was Sabbastian Zevi, who during 1666 started his own jewish heresy cabbalism. He made his followers believe he was the messiah. Then Jacob Frankist who believee he was inheretir of Zevi's beliefs started Frankist Movement. The ideology was "the messiah would come when the world is either all good or all bad, because the messiah would come to keep the balance, since not everyone can become a saint, let everyone become evil" this ideology exists till today. The Rothschild family who were cabalist jewish converts from turkey, went to europe and worked for a bank then eventually dominiated the financial sector. They also financed another talmudic cabalist jew Adam Weishaupt who started Illuminati, what i find interesting was that Rothschild are inheretars of all the dajjal systems. Why do i say this, is because they believe in a messiah is coming a messiah who will control this earth and enslave everyone. This is clearly the false messiah Dajjal.
We know prophet muhammad pbuh said :Anas bin Malik narrated that the Messenger of Allah*صلى الله عليه وسلم said "Every Prophet from the first to the last warned and informed his people about the Dajjal due to the severity of* his trials & tribulations."* (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim). According to variations of this Hadith, "...No prophet was sent who did not warn his people of the Dajjal..."

So there will be great fitnah on the land before his coming. Or narrations tell of depleated resources and diseases and calamities. As we can see in our current day and age. This is clear. Also there are narrations that major number of the followera of dajjal will be jews, these r refering to zionist jews who are atheist jews that only follow the talmud.

There are many narrations when taken together we get an image of a system getting this world ready for the coming of the individual Dajjal.


Asalam ul laykum brothers and sisters, in regards to the claims of raping. i have not yet looked at the whatever reference that Ali Sina has provided. direct me to it, but anyways. THe only instance that I know of anti-islamists use against prophet muhammad pbuh is this:

It has been narrated on the authority of Salama (b. al-Akwa') who said: We fought against the Fazara and Abu Bakr was the commander over us. He had been appointed by the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him). When we were only at an hour's distance from the water of the enemy, Abu Bakr ordered us to attack. We made a halt during the last part of the night to rest and then we attacked from all sides and reached their watering-place where a battle was fought. Some of the enemies were killed and some were taken prisoners. I saw a group of persons that consisted of women and children. I was afraid lest they should reach the mountain before me, so I shot an arrow between them and the mountain. When they saw the arrow, they stopped. So I brought them, driving them along. Among them was a woman from Banu Fazara. She was wearing a leather coat. With her was her daughter who was one of the prettiest girls in Arabia. I drove them along until I brought them to Abu Bakr who bestowed that girl upon me as a prize. So we arrived in Medina. I had not yet disrobed her when the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) met me in the street and said: Give me that girl, O Salama. I said: Messenger of Allah, she has fascinated me. I had not yet disrobed her. When on the next day, the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) again met me in the street, he said: O Salama, give me that girl, may God bless your father. I said: She is for you. Messenger of Allah ! By Allah. I have not yet disrobed her. (Sahih Muslim 4345)

above is an intentional and melacious referencing, due to the important fact, that it those who quote it, cut it short take a look:

It has been narrated on the authority of Salama (b. al-Akwa') who said: We fought against the Fazara and Abu Bakr was the commander over us. He had been appointed by the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him). When we were only at an hour's distance from the water of the enemy, Abu Bakr ordered us to attack. We made a halt during the last part of the night to rest and then we attacked from all sides and reached their watering-place where a battle was fought. Some of the enemies were killed and some were taken prisoners. I saw a group of persons that consisted of women and children. I was afraid lest they should reach the mountain before me, so I shot an arrow between them and the mountain. When they saw the arrow, they stopped. So I brought them, driving them along. Among them was a woman from Banu Fazara. She was wearing a leather coat. With her was her daughter who was one of the prettiest girls in Arabia. I drove them along until I brought them to Abu Bakr who bestowed that girl upon me as a prize. So we arrived in Medina. I had not yet disrobed her when the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) met me in the street and said: Give me that girl, O Salama. I said: Messenger of Allah, she has fascinated me. I had not yet disrobed her. When on the next day, the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) again met me in the street, he said: O Salama, give me that girl, may God bless your father. I said: She is for you. Messenger of Allah ! By Allah. I have not yet disrobed her. The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) sent her to the people of Mecca, and surrendered her as ransom for a number of Muslims who had been kept as prisoners at Mecca.

this far as i know is the only thing in regards to rape that anti-islamists claim, and it is debunked by the entire text.


« on: June 01, 2017, 06:28:21 AM »
Asalam ul laykum brothers and sisters, Atheism is directly endorsed by the Dajjal System(Cabalism, Illuminati, Freemasonry, Skull and Bones Society, etc...) there was a letter while back in the 1900s that Albert Pike the leader of freemasonry send to the other individual ranking very high in the freemasonry by the name of Mazzini, in this letter was a detailed summary of how this dajjal system is directly responsible for the World War 1 and 2, and how they plan to bring about the World War 3. They plan to cause global confusion and clash of civilization between the Zionists and Islamic World, causing both parties and the world nations to exhaust their sources. Once that happens, they plan to unleash their army of ATHEISTs or more properly understood as NIHILISTS, who would cause a social catacalysm and make the world understand the true meaning of atheism which is utmost savagery.

technically right now is the process of proxy governments and global destabilization, once WW3 starts and countries are exhausted they plan to bring out their dajjal armies that they have hidden in Deep Underground Militarized Bases through out the world. there far as i last checked there were about 40 here in US. Some are for the cowards to luxuriously hide in till the mess is over, others are to hide weaponry, army and technology.

So yes, Atheism is directly linked to Dajjal system, some know and are part of it. While others don't know and just do not want to believe in any god.

btw u can watch the video on youtube "Albert Pike and all 3 World Wars"

Asalam ul laykum brother Dawud, even though i agree that Gospel of Barnabas is very vivid and clear in the whole account of crucifixion. The problem i see is that it isn't accepted by the mainstream Christianity. Even if we point out evidence from it. The Christians won't accept on the premise that it isn't from the disciples. I believe what we need to do is look more into the gospels and see what else we can learn that clearly destroys the false belief of the crucifixion. for example we have many verses that pose direct challenge of validity of the crucifixion. Like the  (Deut. 24:16), (Luke 24;39), Matthew 27:16-17, Mark16:9-20(insertions), etc...

Since these can be found within the Mainstream gospel they present a much more of an evidence rather then a Gospel that the mainstream Christianity doesn't accept as their own work of their apostles.


Assalam ul laykum brother Osama, indeed there was much use of analygies by Jesus pbuh, the disciples, jews and the Roman. But what is interesting that Jesus pbuh continously states about the disciples "ye, of little faith" and lack of understanding. So this also helps us understand, there testimonies are very weak.

Asalam ul laykum here is another interestjng point, Christians point out that even though Crucifixion sounds unjust, it is the Father the Lord sacrifice and with his vast knowledge he sacrificed his son for sins of Mankind.

Now here is another problem. If the Father is the God of both the Old Testament and the New Testament, this logic fails completely due to this verse:

Parents are not to be put to death for their children, nor children put to death for their parents; each will die for their own sin (Deut. 24:16)

Even if Christians claim, well it says dying for the father, but jesus died for our sins, sins of mankind.

Here is another important thing to note, the verse says
 each will die for their own sin

Thus by the logic of the God of the New and Old Testament the crucifixion is illogical.

Asalam ul laykum brother Osama, i looked at the entire passage brother, it dorsn't give any indication that Jesus pbuh is talking about himself but rather Lazerath, because the passage mentions:

12 His disciples replied, “Lord, if he sleeps, he will get better.” 13 Jesus had been speaking of his death, but his disciples thought he meant natural sleep.

14 So then he told them plainly, “Lazarus is dead, 15 and for your sake I am glad I was not there, so that you may believe. But let us go to him.”

So Jesus isn't talking about himself but Lazeraus as Sleep = Dead.

I don't think this passage is useful to delegitmatise crucifixion, since there is no similarities. Since Jesus pbuh is talking about Lazeraus dying and not himself.

P.s. this also proves that disciples were not there durinf the alleged crucifixion.

Asalam ul laykum brother Osama, as u mentioned the reference regarding banned from bible and some of the works bejng banned among them was a one that is about Jesus standing next to the cross and laughing. It actually comes from the Gnostic Gospel apocolypse of Thomas, where Jesus pbuh proclaims that itbwas Simon Peter who bore the cross and not him. But actually in the current bible there is MUCH MUCH more powerful evidence against crucifixion. That is:

Luke 24:
36 While they were still talking about this, Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you.”

37 They were startled and frightened, thinking they saw a ghost. 38 He said to them, “Why are you troubled, and why do doubts rise in your minds? 39 Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have.”

40 When he had said this, he showed them his hands and feet. 41 And while they still did not believe it because of joy and amazement, he asked them, “Do you have anything here to eat?” 42 They gave him a piece of broiled fish, 43 and he took it and ate it in their presence.

This passage contridicts everything about crucifixion. Then the other passages after these verses, Luke is trying to convince the viewer about him rising from third day, however this whole passage in contridicting. Because how can he rise or be as a spirit when he says clearly he is flesh and is eating with them.

« on: May 28, 2017, 07:02:31 AM »
Asalam ul laykum rahmatullahi wabarakatihu and Ramadan Mubarak dear brothers and sisters in Islam, i have a important question regards to Salat ul Tasbeeh. I wanted to do this nawafil prayer this Ramadan, However i am very confused regards to ruling regards to it. Even though Hadith exists:

While some scholars call it Hasan other call it Daeb. So i am confused who to trust. even though there seems to be much virtue, I need a definate answer. Hadith exist but the scholars vary in regards to the actual rulings on it. while some say it is recommended others say it isn't.

Hafiz ibn Hajar (RA) then mentions the Hadith of Salat-ut-Tasbeeh as an example for this and he accepts it to be in fact either Sahih (authentic) or Hasan (sound) and not Dha'eef (weak). (Ibid)

but there are some that don't trust the authenticity. so i wonder what u brothers and sisters think, i would also like to hear ur opinion brother Osama on this.

Correction.  "My". = Our

Walakum salam rahmatullahi wabarakatihu ameen brother osama, may allah give us guidance to take advantage of this sacred month to forgive all of my past sins and future sins. Ameen. Also brother it ia most benefical that on the last 10 days do much nawafil prayer and recite surah qadr in ur nawafil prayer indeed allah swt will grant u forgiveness and much barakah. Ameen

Asalam ul laykum brother Mohamed Saif, brother Idris talked about first and foremost decoding the entire chapter of Isaiah. Since his book will be based on the discoveries in Isaiah, in beginning we are only going to stick with that. Then I don't know maybe in the future look at other chapters. Since Chapters of Isaiah are the strongest piece of evidence regards to prophecy about prophet Muhammad pbuh it only makes sense to start there. Who knows if this turns out to be very successful, we might end up working on other chapters as well. I believe this research as brother Idris said is going to take time due to the Fact that we are going to be looking at the text in their original languages and lectures, and some rare literature from a safe guarded library that brother Idris was talking about getting access to.

asalam ul laykum rahmatullahi wabarakatihu indeed brothers I think that is the right call to wait till after the holy month. Afterall our obligations to Allah swt always come first, even though we r doing this for the sake of Allah swt, indeed obligations always come first, thanks brother Idris and brother Osama. jazakallah.

Asalam ul laykum dear brother Idris, sounds good brother. I actually just recently opened a facebook account with my website name. So count me in, regards to having a reserved group in facebook for this study. jazakallah.

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