« on: June 19, 2013, 12:33:53 PM »
Who are you aiming that remark at?
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Ah right, interesting. Well im not an arab speaker and not really sure but could it be the context dictated which spelling to use?
I'm saying that the prophet got the Quran verbally and he told his companions to write the Quranic verses. The companions spelled a word in a way sometimes and in a different way. For example, Imagine I use 'Color' and 'Colour' in the same sentence. Atheists/Christians like to say it was a mistake, Muslims say it was purposely put there. How did the prophet tell the companions the way a word would be spelled if he was illiterate.
I am a bit confused Brother mclinkin. The Quran did come to the Prophet PBUH verbally but i dont think he did anything to it. He simply relayed exactly what he was told by Angel Gabriel. Atleast, thats what ive always been told.how could the prophet Muhammad purposefully choose words to be spelled differently either for rhetorical purposes or numerical miracle purposes?? How could an illiterate person choose words to be spelled differently?Brother farhan, remember, the Quran is Allah's word. The Prophet PBUH didnt choose words to be spelled differently, Allah did.
Yes but how did the Prophet choose the spelling. The Quran came to him verbally.
how could the prophet Muhammad purposefully choose words to be spelled differently either for rhetorical purposes or numerical miracle purposes?? How could an illiterate person choose words to be spelled differently?Brother farhan, remember, the Quran is Allah's word. The Prophet PBUH didnt choose words to be spelled differently, Allah did.
OAKY, brother I apologize. I think instead of writing begalis I should have written some Bengalis. And yes I hate the politics of Pakistan. Many acts are taking place in Pakistan which are contrary to Islam. Every nation has bad and good people. yes some nations have much good people some much bad.Yes. Some would have been a better way to explain it.
Please forgive me for the offence and lets be friends again. As muslims we should all be united irrespective of arabs, non-arabs, Afghans, Pakistanis, Indians, Iranis, Palestinis, Bangladeshis etc.
ASSALAMUALYKUM, I think irrespective of nations and colours we the muslims should forget about the past and look front. We all should unite. Every nation has bad or good people. I personally believe there are many good people in KSA, Iran, Iraq, Palestine, even in USA. And I think KSA is changing day by day.Now it grants citizenship to foreigners with phd degree residing there for 15 years. It has ensured woman's right. Yes still there is lot to change.Are you a bengali Brother Farhan?
Whatever I think as Muslims we should unite. Because I think as day will pass by, the situation of the world will deteriorate.
I think after the drying out of the oil reservoirs in KSA, Kuwait, Qatar etc, USA will attack these countries. They are just holding back for oil. I think by 2060 the oil reservoirs will dry out, then I think sucide bombings, killings will initiate in KSA and other gulf countries. And that unrest might spread all over the world.
So, the dark age is knocking at the door, I think. We muslims now should unite. I should e remembered that Arab-Non Arab doesn't matter the only thing that matters, that is we are Muslims. No one is superior here. In the present world the ancestors of the people of mainly Pakistan, India and Bangladesh were either Arabs or Persians. Many Arab went their to preach Islam. For example HAZRAT SHAHAJALAL (RA). He went to Bangladesh. His grave is still there. So the present world is mixed of arabs and non arabs.
ALLAH KNOWS THE BEST. Take care brothers
Mountains as pegs:That's not how I meant it Brother. I came across some people that said that just like pegs hold clothes on a clothes line the mountains hold the earths crust to the earth but I have found no scientific writings on this so I simply concluded as you have that this is describing the appearance of mountains.
1.) Figurative sense: Sure
2.) Literal sense: Sure as well. Mountains have roots like pegs and they resemble pegs.
It can work both ways brother.
SecondlyLOL. One of a kind. xD
Shamoun the WHALE has the nerve call people fat ?
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