{Ive already told you that i dont believe the so called "jew controlled media" so please dont keep repeating that.}
I will keep repeating it if it is connected to these events. Ive already told you that i dont believe that Taliban are terrorists so please dont keep repeating that.

{You seriously think im going to go into a warzone to ask for an apprently "fake taliban".}
Certain areas where fighting is still taking place. Certain areas are free of war. And am not forcing you. If you want to, go and find the truth.
{We have the news and internet for a reason.}
And there are many informative sites where you can search for the truth in these matters.
{I too also agree that women beating is not Shariah but the fact is the taliban do beat women and yes probably because of cultural causes but they still claim it is Islamic.}
False, Taliban commanders have even said that beating women is against the teachings of Islam, and do not practise it. I explained this in my above post.
{Human rights organisations never blame Islam, for all they're concerned they couldnt care less about Islam.}
Many HR activists blame Islam. Islams views on gender equality, sexuality, freedom of speech, freedom of will, Sharia punishments...etc They abhor Islam and its laws.
{You keep referring to baseless conspiracy theories regarding jews controlling the media and banks (zionists control what the government does regarding Palestine but thats it. There are no Jews in a dark little room plotting the downfall and takeover of Islam and the world).}
See thats the problem, you call it 'baseless'. Which it is not, look at the evidences please!!! Also its not even been 1hr since i posted my last reply with link to other information and then you call them baseless conspiracies. Do the research first.
The Jews most importantly control the media and banks, evidences are provided in the "links" in the other post. Well then someone can tell you that 'there are no Jewish Zionist controlling Palestine its all exaggerated nonsense'. So are you talking non-sense. You have a belief that others call idiotic conspiracy theory like you call the one that i believe in idiotic. So dont think that your belief is less idiotic or so much intelligent. (if you think that way)
I don't believe Jews in a dark room plotting......But there are Jews around the world controlling state institutions, media, militaries, think tanks, politicians, congress, parliament, Multinational Corporations, advisers, banking families that do plot. And if they meet, they meet in a bright, enormous room.

I didn't say everything regarding the Taliban is lies. Of course they are going to have errors here and there, they are humans. And please tell me what are the Taliban's ideology?