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Messages - Emre_1974tr

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I translated my article with the machine. But of course machine translation can make many mistakes, but you can generally understand what I am talking about in my article.

Resolution of Heritage Verses

Each of the heritage verses, Nisa 11, 12 and 176, actually offers separate formulas for individual situations. In fact, each sentence in these verses mentions a separate situation and formula in its own right...

When I was researching it online, I saw that there were people who noticed and said that these three verses gave separate formulas in them. But as I said, not only the verse, but also every sentence in the verses also mentions a different situation and sharing in its own right. Each sentence is a separate list of heirs and the proportions they will receive.

Whoever's mentioned in the sentence, they're the only heirs. So either they're alive, or they're still being inherited, even if they're others.

Therefore, in fact, there is no ratio to each other, common formula, hunting, as the sects practice. In Nisa 11, for example, "If there are more than two women, they own two-thirds of what the deceased leaves." is a separate formula alone (if only girls are heirs and more than two girls, this rate applies, or else it is not in other stylish and circumstances).

And so the stones are in place. In any case, it's enough. Not only is there increased inheritance in some cases, but there is also who will be given this increased amount in light of the verses. (E.g. Verse 8 of Nisa...)

Now let's write verses Nisa 11, 12, and 176 describing this heritage share and then provide an example of analysis through one:


4:11 God directs you regarding the inheritance of your children: "To the male shall be as that given to two females. If they are women, more than two, then they will have two thirds of what is inherited. And if she is only one, then she will have one half. And to his parents, each one of them shall have one sixth of what is inherited, if he has a child. If he has no child and his parents are the heirs, then to his mother is one third; if he has siblings then to his mother is one sixth. All after a will is carried through or a debt. Your parents and your children, you do not know which are closer to you in benefit, a directive from God, for God is Knowledgeable, Wise."

4:12 And for you is half of what your wives leave behind if they have no child; but if they have a child then to you is one quarter of what they leave behind. All after a will is carried through or a debt. And to them is one quarter of what you leave behind if you have no child; but if you have a child then to them is one eighth of what you leave behind. All after a will is carried through or a debt. And if a man or a woman who is being inherited has no ascendants, but has a brother or a sister, then to each one of them is one sixth, but if they are more than this then they are to share in one third. All after a will is carried through or a debt, which does not cause harm. A directive from God, and God is Knowledgeable, Compassionate.

4:176 They seek a ruling from you, say: "God gives you the ruling for those who have no ascendants. If a person passes away and has no children but has a sister, then she shall receive half of what he leaves behind; and he will inherit from her if she has no child. However, if he has two sisters, then they will receive two thirds of what he left behind; and if he has siblings, men and women, then the male shall receive twice what the female receives." God makes clear to you that you do not stray; God is aware of all things.


As an example, let's open up the information given in verse 11.

I have said that each of these verses, let alone each sentence in them, offer separate formulas for different situations. Let's present his analysis:


11. "Allah advises you regarding your children: For the male, the share of two females."

That is, if the heirs consist of only children and there are both male and female children, male children will receive 2 units, while female ones will receive 1 unit.

Briefly, with an example, if there is 300 L. inheritance and a man and a woman have children, the male will receive 200 L. and the woman will receive 100 L.

"If they are more than two women, they have two-thirds of what the deceased left."

So if they only have daughters as inheritors and their number is more than two, they have two-thirds of the inheritance. Here I would like to draw your attention again; The desired here is for girls to receive two-thirds only and only in this case. Otherwise, there is no such share in other terms and conditions.
(By the way, considering the statement in verse 176, if the inheritors are 2 girls, these 2 people share two thirds).

If we continue with the 300 L. example, they only have girls and if they are more than two, they share 200 liras among them.

"If the child is just a woman, he owns half the inheritance."

As stated in the continuation sentence in the verse, if the deceased left only a single daughter  she could receive half of the inheritance.

Again, if we go over 300 Lira, 150 Lira means this one girl child.

"If the deceased has a child, he will have a sixth share for each of the parents as he left them behind."

We understand from this statement that this time the heir has left his parents behind as well as his children, and that's why they have a share (one sixth for each ...).

Of the 300 lira, 50 lira belongs to the mother, 50 lira to the father, and the remaining is the children.

"If the deceased has no children and his parents have inherited him, then his mother is one third."

In this sentence in Nisa 11 verse, it is mentioned that "only the mother and father are inheritors". So this time there are no children, only the parents of the deceased are inheritors (even if there are siblings or something left behind, they are not inheritors).

In this case, the mother received a third. Since the share rate is not given although the father is mentioned in the sentence, the remaining two thirds means your father.

In this case, the mother receives 100 Liras of 300 Liras, while the father receives 200 Liras.

"If he has siblings, his mother's share is one-sixth of what is left of his will and debt."

If the deceased has a mother but does not have a father and also has siblings, the share of the mother decreases to one in six. The rest are shared by the brothers. But let's repeat, if the father had also been the father, only the mother and father would have received the estate, and the siblings would not have their share ... (And as it is understood from the verses, if the deceased has a child, the siblings cannot get a share.)

Likewise, in verses 12 and 176, special cases and formulas are mentioned, sentence by sentence. For example, if the deceased left a spouse in verse 12, verse 176 tells how the division would be if only siblings / siblings left behind, and as I said, each sentence in these verses contains a list of heirs and a formula.

If you wish, let us briefly examine the verse 176 of Nisa in this context:

4:176 They seek a ruling from you, say: "God gives you the ruling for those who have no ascendants. If a person passes away and has no children but has a sister, then she shall receive half of what he leaves behind; and he will inherit from her if she has no child. However, if he has two sisters, then they will receive two thirds of what he left behind; and if he has siblings, men and women, then the male shall receive twice what the female receives." God makes clear to you that you do not stray; God is aware of all things.
Here, too, "if only siblings are heirs", it is explained what the proportions are and of course, each sentence offers a separate list and a separate formula:

If the heir is only 1 sister, half of the inheritance,
If the heir is 1 brother, he takes all of the inheritance,
If 2 sisters are heirs, they get two-thirds,
If only the siblings are inheritors and they are men and women, that is, of both sexes, they share the entire estate as one (female) and two (male).

By the way, we indirectly understand from these verses that if there are only many brothers left, these sisters will receive the entire inheritance, or if there are more than two sisters (referring to verse 11), these sisters will receive two-thirds of the inheritance (equally divided among themselves).

If you read verses 11 and 176 of Nisa one after the other, you will see that the rates given to boys and girls only when children are inheritors in verse 11 are exactly the same as those given to brothers and sisters when only brothers are inheritors in verse 176.

(Incidentally, let us state that the siblings mentioned in one sentence of Nisa 12 verse and the deceased's spouse are the heirs. But in this verse 176, "only brothers" are heirs.)

In summary: In verse 11, there is no spouse, while in verse 12, there is a spouse, verse 176 tells how to make a taksim when there are only brothers.


And as it is known, what is essential is the testament according to the verses, and these rates are for the division of the remaining property after the will is fulfilled and the debts, if any, are paid.

As you can see, there are none of the problems such as insufficient inheritance or courtyard. The verses describe the sharing of heritage in a flawless manner. The important point here is to be able to see that each sentence gives a separate formula according to a separate list of heirs. In other words, each sentence in the verses gives a unique list of heirs and tells what the heirs will receive in this case.

While solving problems related to inheritance sharing, it is checked who the surviving heirs are, and the inheritance is divided by determining which sentence of the verses related to inheritance.

As an example, let's solve the question involving 3 famous girl heirs.

“A man dies and leaves behind a mother, a father, three daughters and a wife. How will the heritage be shared? ”.

Since both the spouse and the children are inheritors here, the fourth sentence of Nisa 12 verse describes the relevant section (each sentence of this verse describes what should be done if there is a surviving spouse):

". And to them is one quarter of what you leave behind if you have no child; but if you have a child then to them is one eighth of what you leave behind"

According to this sentence, if the man leaves his wife behind and has children, only these people can be inheritors. His wife gets one eighth of the estate, and the children get seven eight . Even if the deceased has a mother, father or siblings, he cannot get a share in this case.


As I said, each sentence gives a separate heir list and formula, and as you can see, inheritance is always enough.

Increasing inheritance is in question only in some cases, again, as I mentioned at the beginning of my article, there are verses containing signs that show who this increased heritage can be given ... For example:

4:8 And if the distribution is attended by the relatives and the orphans and the needy, then you shall give them part of it and say to them a kind saying.

Almost all pagans are pantheists.

Pagans who worship idols or humans are aware that the things they worship are not gods. But in their perverted pantheistic philosophy, they see what they worship as a reflection, a manifestation, a part of God. Thus, they fall into the trap of the devil. They think they are monotheists, but they are actually polytheists.

The fact that the pharaoh sees himself as a Lord is also the result of this pantheist philosophy. He thought of himself as the reflection, that is, the manifestation of God. Like all pantheists, he worshiped himself and the universe.

The Holy Qur'an clearly explains these facts. At the moment, the only real holy book we have is the Qur'an. On the other hand, the elites hiding the books like the Torah and gave the Fake Torah and false Bibles to the people(hadith books).

2021 1443 in Hijri calendar

2022 1444
2023 1445
2024 1446

Holy Quran

14:43 They will approach with their heads bowed, and their eyes will not blink, and their hearts will be void.

14:44 Andwarn the people of the Day when the retribution will come to them, and those who have been wicked will say: "Our Lord, delay this for us until a short time, and we will heed your call and follow the messengers!" Did you not swear before this that you would last forever?

14:45 Andyou resided in the dwellings of those who had wronged themselves, and it was made clear to you what We did to them; and We had put forth the examples for you.

14:46 Andthey schemed their scheming, and their scheming is known to God; and their scheming was enough to make the mountains cease to exist.

All prophets including Muhammad showed miracles, I showed this in my Turkish article.

And again, all the prophets were able to show miracles only when God wanted them. Every time a miracle was asked from them, no positive answer was given. Like the prophet Muhammad, they said, "We cannot perform miracles on our own." Many times, requests for miracles were denied:

Holy Quran 14:11 Their messengers said: "We are indeed human beings like you, but God will bestow His grace upon whom He pleases from His servants. And it is not up to us to bring you proof except with the permission of God. And in God the believers should place their trust"

13:38 AndWe have sent messengers before you and We have made for them mates and offspring. It was not for a messenger to come with any sign except with the permission of God; for each period there is a Book.

40:78 And We have sent messengers prior to you. Some of them We have told to you, and some We did not tell to you. And it was not given to any messenger that he should bring a sign except with the permission of God. So, when the judgment of God is issued, the matter is decided with the truth, and the followers of falsehood will be lost.

11:32 They said: "O Noah, you have argued with us, and continued arguing with us, so bring us what you promise us if you are of the truthful ones."

11:33 He said: "It is God who will bring it to you if He wishes; you will not have any escape."

11:34 "And my advice will not benefit you if I wanted to advise you and God wanted that you should go astray. He is your Lord, and to Him you will return."

Holy Quran

6:137 And it was adorned for the polytheists, by their partners, to kill their children in order to turn them and to confound their system for them. Had God willed they would not have done this, so ignore them and what they invent.

14:46 Andthey schemed their scheming, and their scheming is known to God; and their scheming was enough to make the mountains cease to exist.

« on: May 25, 2021, 10:19:47 AM »

From a forum:

"Did Satan trick Christians into worshiping it as 'God'?

Here is description of Yahweh, the God of the Bible:

There went up a smoke out of his [Yahweh's] nostrils, and fire out of his mouth devoured: coals were kindled by it.
Psalm 18:8 & 2 Samuel 22:9

And here is a description of the Leviathan [aka Satan]:

Out of his [Leviathan's] nostrils goeth smoke, as out of a seething pot or caldron.21 His breath kindleth coals, and a flame goeth out of his mouth. Job 41:20

As we can see, Yahweh’s description is identical to Leviathan’s/Satan's description! Both described as a fire-breathing dragon!
Isaiah 27:1… Leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; the dragon that is in the sea.

Yet Yahweh is described exactly as the Leviathan? (dragon)

Rev 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world [into worshiping it as 'God']

Here's another possible clue that ‘the LORD’ ['God'] of the Bible really might be Satan!

These 2 passages are referenced to each other in my Bible (KJV) and you can check for yourself that they are in the same context (by reading the succeeding few verses)

<< 2 Samuel 24 >>
King James Version

1 And again the anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel, and he moved David against them to say, Go, number Israel and Judah.
Is referenced to:
<< 1 Chronicles 21 >>
King James Version

1 And Satan stood up against Israel, and provoked David to number Israel.

Within the same exact context, the terms ‘the LORD’ and ‘Satan’ are used interchangeably! – as if they were the same entity!"

6:7 And if We had sent down to you a book already written on paper, and they touched it with their own hands, then those who have rejected would say: "This is but clear magic!"

If we look at other signs other than the clear meaning of this verse; Does it mean that you insist on accepting all these realities as an illusion and illusion, even though we clearly present you physical things that you can perceive with your buyers?

52:13 The Day they will be called into Hell, forcibly:

52:14 "This is the Fire which you used to deny!"

52:15 "Is this magic, or do you not see?"

Again, apart from the first clear meaning of this verse, if we are to do brain training; You have always called the world of matter a dream, an illusion, now taste the torment of the fierce fire and see if matter is real or is it illusion? Could it also contain an indirect warning in its sense?

52:44 And if they see a portion from the heaven falling, they will say: "Piled clouds!"

54:2 And if they see a sign, they turn away and say: "Ongoing magic!"

In these verses, apart from their first meanings, can it be a warning for those who see the world of matter as an illusion and try to deny its reality by saying that there are "energy fluctuations piled up in the origin of matter" or something?

6:30 And if you could see them when they are standing at their Lord; He said: "Is this not the truth?" They said: "Yes, by our Lord," He said: "Then taste the retribution for what you have rejected."

Again, in this verse, the first and real sense of the disappointment of the unbelievers as a result of their religious denial is described. But again, if we are to do brain training other than the first meaning of the verses,  that those who thinks worls is a illusion despite all their proof of the material world be criticized indirectly.

As I said, the reason I wrote all these verses is just to exercise the mind. In any case, no one can say "this is the following" for the secondary and tertiary meanings of the verses. Those who say are in error.

However, some verses directly give us the information that matter-creatures are real:

46:3 We did create the heavens and the earth, and everything between them except, with the truth, and for an appointed time. And those who disbelieve turn away from what they are being warned with.

29:44 God created the heavens and the earth with truth. In that is a sign for the faithful.

In his verses, Allah states that He created as "truth".

In addition, in some of his verses, he swears on the creatures he created. For example:

95:1 By the fig and the olive.

95:2 And the mount of ages.

95:3 And this land of peace.

Our Lord does not swear on a dream. The truth is that he swears on them.

In short, the belief that "everything is a game of our perceptions, in fact matter is just a dream" that the Spiritualist/New Ageist doctrine tries to impose on people is not true.

(from my Turkish article with machine translation)

Happy Eid. Hope you have  feast/eid forever.

« on: May 03, 2021, 12:43:07 PM »
Wa Alaikum As'salam dear brother...

 Quran O people, a proof has come to you from your Lord, and We have sent down to you a guiding light. (4:174)

and do not make corruption on the Earth after it has been reformed (7:85)

It is one of the great ones. A warning to humanity. For any among you who wishes to progress or regress (74:36-37).

The influence of the religion concocted by clerics during the Umayyad and Abbasid dynasties is still dominant in Muslim countries. The blasphemous idea that the Quran is incomplete, unintelligible, and insufficient for spiritual guidance created a huge demand for religious books, and clergymen with big turbans and long beards supplied volumes of them. The masses were told that those books were going to complete, explain, and detail the Quranic revelation. These clerics thus implied that God was not a wise and articulate author; He could not make His message sufficiently clear and he failed to provide guidance on many issues, sometimes even issues involving important spiritual principles and practices. Without these supplementary books, the Quran was of limited use to the individual seeking religious guidance. Some even went so far as to declare that reading the Quran alone would mislead the reader. Numerous books of hadith and sectarian jurisprudence (sharia) were labeled authentic and for all practical purposes, they replaced the Quran. The Quran was not a book to be understood on its own; people needed to read books written by professional narrators, collectors, editors, and scholars of hearsay and speculation. Many people got lost among the volumes of books written to interpret and explain the Quran and did not find sufficient time to study the Quran itself. The privileged few who did find that time, had little chance of understanding it, since their minds were tainted with man-made religious instructions, and their logic had been corrupted by contradictory teachings or what we call might call holy viruses.

Although religious scholars, clerics and their blind followers have always demonstrated the utmost formal respect for the Quran as physical media, (the leather or paper on which the verses of the Quran were written) they lost faith in, and respect for its message. Verses of the Quran are hung in high places on the walls, touched and treated with utmost reverence, yet Muslims rarely refer to them for their guidance. They are too confused by the contradictory and tangled maze of thousands of hadith falsely attributed to Muhammad and lost among the trivial details of sectarian books. When they occasionally refer to the Quran, it is most likely to be in an abusive manner, abusing the verses by taking them out of context and using them as slogans to declare holy wars or justify aggression. The Quran that liberated people from the darkness of ignorance was transformed, soon after Muhammads departure, to a book whose verses were recited for the dead, an amulet carried by the mentally and physically sick, and a paper idol to be revered and feared.

Though the Quran is considered one of the most read books, millions of Muslims read the Quran without understanding it. Even if their native language is Arabic, they are taught not to trust their understanding. The Quran might be the most read book, but unfortunately, due to the concerted effort of religious clerics, it has been turned to the least understood and the least followed popular book in history.

When the mass reversion from the progressive and enlightening message of the Quran started, those who rejected the fabricated hadith and Sunna, the Arab version of Jewish Mishna and Gemara, they were labeled as murtad (apostates) and they were threatened, tortured and murdered by the followers of hadith and sunna. For instance, a critical study of the Muslim history will reveal that Abu Hanifa was one of those courageous monotheists (hanif) who was persecuted during both the Umayyad and Abbasid dynasties. During his lifetime, he was accused of not accepting hadith. However, the murderers took advantage of his growing reputation after his death and led the creation of a Sunni sect falsely attributed to him.

The Origins of Hislam

After the death of the Prophet Muhammad, a diabolic event happened. In direct contradiction to the teachings of the Quran, male clerics dedicated the religion not to God alone, but to a holy corporation consisting of:

God +
Muhammad +
Muhammads companions +
The companions of Muhammads companions +
Early sect leaders +
Late sect leaders +
Early scholars of a particular sect +
Late scholars of a particular sect, and so on.
The product of this corporation was the hadith (teachings attributed to Muhammad), the Sunna (actions attributed to Muhammad), the Ijma (consensus of a select group of early scholars), and the Sharia (religious decrees by early scholars). The result was numerous hostile factions that afflicted a great amount of division and atrocities in the land about thirty years after the departure of Muhammad (6:159; 23:52-56). This concoction of medieval Arab/Christian/Jewish cultures was introduced to the masses as Gods infallible religion, as delivered by the last prophet. The only thing actually delivered by God to Muhammad, however, was the text of the Holy Quran, which is set out as the final and authoritative divine message to humankind:

Once We recite it, you shall follow such a recitation (Quran). Then, it is We who will explain it. (75:18-19)

Unfortunately, ignorance, intolerance, misogynist teachings, superstitions, and outdated practices have accumulated over the centuries in interpreting and translating the holy book of Islam. It is time to re-introduce the actual message of the Quran. It is time to remove the accumulated layers of man-made dogmas and traditions that have attached themselves to the text. (6:21; 7:29; 9:31; 16:52; 39:2,11,14; 40:14,65; 42:21; 45.17; 74:1-56; 98:5).

Under a very cruel theocratic state terror, many men mobilized to participate in the creation what we rightly call Hislam. They did not have much chance to add or subtract to what was considered The Quran, but there was a lot of room for innovations, superstitions, additions and distortions through fabricating hadith. When a man from Bukhara started collecting hearsay more than two hundred years after the departure of the prophet Muhammad, the landscape and social demographics were fertile for all kinds of theological concoctions and mutations. Those people and their parents had participated in numerous sectarian wars and atrocities. Many educated Gentiles, Christians and Jews were converted to Islam for dubious reasons. Most of these converts had never experienced a paradigm change; they just found it convenient to integrate their culture and most of their previous religious ideas with the new one. To justify and promote their version of religion, the elite started packaging and introducing their religious, cultural, and political ideas and practices under the brand names of hadith, sunna, commentaries, and fatwas. Besides, they fabricated numerous stories called asbab ul-nuzul (the reasons for revelation) about why each verse was revealed, thereby distorting the meaning or limiting the scope of many Quranic verses. There was a great effort and competition to distort the meaning of words, taking them out of context to promote the agenda of a certain religion, culture, tribe, sect, cult, or king. Male chauvinists, hermits, misogynists too took advantage of this deformation movement. Hearsay statements attributing words and deeds to Muhammad and his idolized comrades became the most powerful tool or Trojan horse, for promotion of diverse political propaganda, cultural assimilation, and even commercial advertisement. As a result, the Quran was deserted and its message was heavily distorted.


Soon after Muhammads death, thousands of hadiths (words attributed to Muhammad) were fabricated and two centuries later collected, and centuries later were compiled and written in the so-called authentic hadith books:

to support the teaching of a particular sect against another (for instance, what nullifies ablution; which sea food is prohibited);
to flatter or justify the authority and practice of a particular king against dissidents (such as, Mahdy and Dajjal);
to promote the interest of a particular tribe or family (such as, favoring Quraysh tribe or Muhammads family);
to justify sexual abuse and misogyny (such as, Aishas age; barring women from leading Salat prayers);
to justify violence, oppression and tyranny (such as, torturing members of Urayna and Uqayla tribes, massacring Jewish population in Medina, assassinating a female poet for her critical poems);
to exhort more rituals and righteousness (such as, nawafil prayers);
to validate superstitions (such as, magic; worshiping the black stone near Kaba);
to prohibit certain things and actions (such as, prohibiting drawing animal and human figures, playing musical instruments, chess);
to import Jewish and Christian beliefs and practices (such as, death by stoning, circumcision, head scarf, hermitism, rosary);
to resurrect pre-islamic beliefs and practices common among Meccans (such as, intercession; slavery; tribalism; mysoginism);
to please crowds with stories (such as the story of Mirage (ascension to heaven) and bargaining for prayers);
to idolize Muhammad and claim his superiority to other messengers (such as, numerous miracles, including splitting the moon);
to defend hadith fabrications against monotheists (such as, condemning those who find the Quran alone sufficient); and even
to advertise products of a particular farm (such as, the benefits of dates grown in a town called Ajwa).
In addition to the above mentioned reasons, many hadith were fabricated to explain the meaning of the difficult Quranic words or phrases, or to distort the meaning of verses that contradicted the fabricated hadith, or to provide trivial information not mentioned in the Quran (such as, Saqar, 2:187; 8:35 )

Islam versus Hislam

Lets first check the Quran and enumerate some of the characteristics of Islam, the system of peace, submission and surrender to God alone.


is not a proper name, but a descriptive noun coming from the Arabic root of surrendering/submission/peace, used by God to describe the system delivered by all His messengers and prophets (5:111; 10:72; 98:5), which reached another stage with Abraham (4:125; 22:78).
is surrendering to God alone (2:112,131; 4:125; 6:71; 22:34; 40:66).
is a system with universal principles, which are in harmony with nature (3:83; 33:30; 35:43).
requires objective evidence besides personal experience (3:86; 2:111; 21:24; 74:30).
demands conviction not based on wishful thinking or feelings, but based on reason and evidence (17:36; 4:174; 8:42; 10:100; 11:17; 74:30-31).
esteems knowledge, education, and learning (35:28; 4:162; 9:122; 22:54; 27:40; 29:44,49).
promotes scientific inquiry regarding the evolution of human kind on earth (29:20).
rejects clergymen and intermediaries between god and people (2:48; 9:31-34).
condemns profiteering from religion (9:34; 2:41,79,174; 5:44; 9:9).
stands for liberty, accountability, and defiance of false authorities. (6:164).
stands for freedom of expression (2:256; 18:29; 10:99; 88:21-22).
requires consultation and representation in public affairs (42:38; 5:12).
promotes a democratic system where participation of all citizens is encouraged and facilitated (58:11).
prohibits bribery, and requires strict rules against the influence of interest groups and corporations in government (2:188).
requires election of officials based on qualifications and principles of justice (4:58).
promises justice to everyone, regardless of their creed or ethnicity (5:8).
acknowledges the rights of citizens to publicly petition against injustices committed by individuals or government (4:148).
encourages the distribution of wealth, economic freedom and social welfare (2:215, 59:7).
promotes utmost respect to individuals (5:32).
relates the of the quality of a society to the quality of individuals comprising it (13:11).
recognizes and protects individual rights to privacy (49:12).
recognizes the right to the presumption of innocence and right to confront the accuser (49:12).
provides protection for witnesses (2:282).
does not hold innocent people responsible for the crime of others (53:38).
protects right to personal property (2:85,188; 4:29; exception 24:29; 59:6-7).
discourages non-productive economy (2:275; 5:90; 3:130).
encourages charity and caring for the poor (6:141; 7:156).
unifies humanity by promoting gender and race equality. (49:13).
values women (3:195; 4:124; 16:97).
values intellect (5:90).
offers peace among nations (2:62; 2:135-136, 208).
considers the entire world belonging to all humanity and supports immigration (4:97-98).
promotes peace, while deterring the aggressive parties (60:8,9; 8:60).
pursues the golden-plated brazen rule of equivalence, that is, retaliation with occasional forgiveness (42:20; 17:33).
stands for human rights and the oppressed (4:75).
encourages competition in righteousness and morality. (16:90)
stands for peace, honesty, kindness, and deterring from wrong doing. (3:110)
expects high moral standards (25:63-76; 31:12-20; 23:1-11).
asks us to be in harmony with nature and environment (30:41).
teaches that the only system/law approved by god is Islam (3:19,85).
(Edip Yüksel)


IN THE QURAN: PRAYER, FASTING, HAC AND ZAKAT  (With machine translation from the book "Religion in the Quran" written in Turkish):

Book and interview by Taner Demirci Lopez, who converted from Christianity to Islam.

« on: May 01, 2021, 08:30:39 AM »
The difference from the other classical 19 code is that the 128 and 129th verses of Tawba Surah are also in the system.

« on: April 30, 2021, 11:58:41 AM »
Gokmen Altay's book about "real 19":

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