Author Topic: Help PLEASE!!! Christians Claim to Call the Prophet (PBUH) a False One!! I need  (Read 28166 times)

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Offline Mohamed Saif

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Assalamun Alaikum dear brother Idris

I actually thought that Isaiah 59:20 where it says that the "redeemer shall come unto Zion" and Isaiah 62:3 where it says that "Thou shalt be a crown of glory" is talking about the same servant. That is what I meant.

I was actually going through your previous posts and found some interesting facts. In one of your previous posts you said that the name Ahmed existed in Isaiah in the Armenian Bible.  If you could actually prove that then the whole book of Isaiah is almost dedicated to Prophet Muhammad. If the servant songs referred to the same person and Prophet Muhammad's name existed there then the entire song is about him.

It cannot refer to Christ since Prophet Muhammad suffered far more than him. Christ suffered Three years of persecution while Prophet Muhammad suffered 13 years. So who is the suffering servant?  The answer now is almost obvious!

Your works are highly scholarly and professional. Keep up the good work brother Idris

Thank you

Offline Idris

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I actually thought that Isaiah 59:20 where it says that the "redeemer shall come unto Zion" and Isaiah 62:3 where it says that "Thou shalt be a crown of glory" is talking about the same servant. That is what I meant.

Correct, these two passages talks about the same person, since were applied messianically by the ancient Synagogue. The Redeemer and Zion should be understood as a reference to Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) coming back to Mecca, saving his people from idolatry and other great sins.

I was actually going through your previous posts and found some interesting facts. In one of your previous posts you said that the name Ahmed existed in Isaiah in the Armenian Bible.  If you could actually prove that then the whole book of Isaiah is almost dedicated to Prophet Muhammad. If the servant songs referred to the same person and Prophet Muhammad's name existed there then the entire song is about him.

Yes, there is a curious indication which could prove that the name Ahmad originally appeared in Isaiah 42:10. It is Haydar ‘Ali al-Qurayshi, a Muslim historian quoted by Rahmatullah al-Hindi, who reported that in the year 1666, an Archbishop called Voscan Yerevantsi or Auscan Erewanci, have translated the Book of Isaiah into Armenian language in which he supposedly mentioned Ahmed in chapter 42:10, but for now I’am too sceptical to this report until I will be able to check it for myself with the help of friends professor insha’Allah.

It cannot refer to Christ since Prophet Muhammad suffered far more than him. Christ suffered Three years of persecution while Prophet Muhammad suffered 13 years. So who is the suffering servant?  The answer now is almost obvious!

Well, certainly Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) in his lifetime suffered much more than Jesus (pbuh). He was suffering physically and psychically as well.

Your works are highly scholarly and professional. Keep up the good work brother Idris

Thank you, I hope that my work will be fruitful for all Muslims!

Take care, and salam
Ahmed (Poland, Warsaw)

Offline Mohamed Saif

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Assalamun alaikum dear brother Idris

I have one more doubt.  How do we know that the "Zion" mentioned in Isaiah is not literally the Zion in Jerusalem.  How do you know it refers to the Holy city of Mecca?

My other question is that if Prophet Muhammad fulfilled most of the messianic prophecies then why is Jesus Christ called the Messiah in Islam. Did he do anything special to gain the title? We know that he only came to confirm the law and the gospel and give glad tidings of a messenger to come after him. And we also know that he didn't liberate the jews from the Roman Empire. Then why was he given this title? 

Thank you

Offline Idris

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I have one more doubt.  How do we know that the "Zion" mentioned in Isaiah is not literally the Zion in Jerusalem.  How do you know it refers to the Holy city of Mecca?

The term Zion either refers exclusively to Mecca alone or there are perhaps two Zions. This expression is used in so many different ways, but in the Book of Isaiah, as I remarked almost every time it is applied to Mecca, or in some cases to Kaaba itself! For example, reading Isaiah 1:26 according to the text of LXX, Zion will be called the “Mother City”, and in Masoretic Text is called the “Faithful City” or rather the “Safety City”. Now, both of these titles are given only to Mecca in Islam’s teaching (see Quran 6:92, and 16:112). In Isaiah 28:16 it is said that God lays in Zion for a foundation some special stone, a very precious stone which is to be placed on the corner of Zion’s building. According to Islam’s tradition, when Abraham and Ismail (peace be upon them) were laying the foundation of Kaaba and then was almost finished, Allah gave to them a heavenly stone, which is now called the “Black Stone” placed in the corner of the wall of Kaaba (zawiya mukarrama). In Psalm 48:12, pilgrims are told to encircle Zion. It is well known in Islam that pilgrims must encircle Kaaba (see Quran 22:29). There are few other striking allusions as well.

My other question is that if Prophet Muhammad fulfilled most of the messianic prophecies then why is Jesus Christ called the Messiah in Islam. Did he do anything special to gain the title? We know that he only came to confirm the law and the gospel and give glad tidings of a messenger to come after him. And we also know that he didn't liberate the jews from the Roman Empire. Then why was he given this title?

As I tried to explain you in my previous posts, personally I do not believe in other Messiah besides Jesus (pbuh), because my source - i.e. the Quran and hadiths – mentions zero about two messiahs like in this corrupted Torah in which you will find e.g. that David is called Messiah, and now even Moses in Qumran texts is called the Messiah. Why the Jews were calling them by this title, I don’t know, but I know that Allah has cursed them, and exposed them in many ways. For instance, Allah has revealed in the Quran that the Jews and Christians calls themselves “Sons of God”. Isn’t written in Psalm 82:6 “You are gods, and all of you are sons of the Most High” ? This is of course a wishful thinking, since they desired so to be called in such a manner, but Allah didn’t affirm it, in contrary, He explicitly refused their claims, and this automatically mean that the words “You are gods, and all of you are sons of the Most High” from Psalm 82:6 must have been inserted by those arrogant Jews who abolished Allah’s law. So, this weird Jewish teaching about many Messiahs – paradoxically excluding Jesus (pbuh) from this group! – is insane and have no support from Islam sources.

Take care, and salam
Ahmed (Poland, Warsaw)

Offline Mohamed Saif

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Dear brother Idris

Do you know what the seven seals is in the book of revelations?  Is it related to the sealed scripture in Isaiah?  And in the book of revelations it speaks of a New Jerusalem?  What exactly is New Jerusalem in Islam?

Thank you

Offline AMuslimDude213

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I think personally New Jerusalem is refering to Jerusalem under muslim rule since we innovated it and bought alot of stuff in it.

Offline Mohamed Saif

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Assalamun alaikum

I actually thought that New Jerusalem was the Holy city of Mecca.


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