Author Topic: What if Aliens wrote the Quran?  (Read 18695 times)

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Offline mclinkin94

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What if Aliens wrote the Quran?
« on: July 20, 2013, 03:21:41 PM »
You are about to read the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard in all of my life. There was this guy who when presented with irrefutable Quranic miracles, he responded with, "Okay, How do you know that God wrote the Quran and not Aliens: you see some miracles in the Quran and you immediately attribute it to God".

I was speechless. I responded by saying:

1.) The author of the Quran claims he is God
2.) You have no evidence that Aliens ever came to earth
3.) People in the past told Muhammad (pbuh) he was a magician, soothesayer etc. (and the alien thing was as ridiculous as saying he was a magician).

But then he said "No, really think about it--why wouldn't aliens have written the Quran so they can give humanity something or stop humanity from progressing scientifically-because religion has been shown to stop scientific advances because people are pre-occupied worshiping a fairy tale that their book convinced them of being true. That means that the aliens were trying to limit human progression so they can come destroy us in the future or use us as slaves"

The only thing i was able to say is that: What if there really was a God and he sent a scripture with divine miracles--you would still say it was written by aliens? Why base your lack of faith on speculation? The "What ifs" does not disprove Islam. What if, someone made a time machine and went back in time to write the Quran so he can change the world.

You won't believe what he said after that: "Yeah thats another possibility too. See how do you know its from God if there are other possibilities that its not"

This guy was actually convinced somewhat that the Quran could have not been written by ancient humans. But,

I again was disappointing to hear this close-mindedness. Seriously Aliens?

Whats your take on it? Comments? I cannot believe atheists could sink this low. Do you have anything to say?
« Last Edit: July 20, 2013, 03:23:39 PM by mclinkin94 »

Offline ThatMuslimGuy

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Re: What if Aliens wrote the Quran?
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2013, 08:02:35 PM »

Lol Brother this doesnt surprise me at all. I volunteer at a weekly dawah stall in my town centre and you get some crazy stuff man,

Someone was trying to explain reincarnation to me by saying if you put a hydrocarbon in a class of water. You can either get H2O or Carbon. Therefore reincarnation. Or some rubbish like that.

I was like ok I just told you the Quran mentions the expansion of the Universe 1400 years ago and your talking about this? HUH

People come out with all sorts of rubbish when they throw logic and rational aside.

Offline abdullah

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Re: What if Aliens wrote the Quran?
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2013, 05:22:43 AM »
assalamualykum akhi
This should be expected with some atheists, their problem is not a lack of proof of the existence of god, rather it is the fact that they are too arrogant to submit to god or something bad happened in their lives and they blame it on god, then they go on to say that god doesnt exist.

In order to refute his "alien theory", their are many prophecies in the Quran which cannot be explained by aliens, because of the fact that it is impossible to go back in time or to look into the future. Knowledge of the future is only with god, hence the Quran is from god.
Also his silly slavery theory doesn't match up with the message of the Quran. The Quran tells us not to be blind followers of society, rather we should be aware, deeply reflect, and think about what is going on around us.

also akhi I would suggest you prove to him the existence of god via logical deduction
The Universe has a beginning
Everything that has a beginning has a cause
Therefore the universe has a cause

The Universe could not have caused itself because saying it did would be tantamount to saying A mother gave birth to herself.
Therefore the only logical explanation would be that god created it.
god is eternal, he is the uncaused cause

surat al ikhlas goes very well with this argument

Offline Black Muslim

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Re: What if Aliens wrote the Quran?
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2013, 01:37:24 PM »
See what drugs do to you ?! How am I supposed to reason with someone who's ready to say he doesn't exist and that we live in a matrix ? And YES , the Matrix movie !

Offline abdullah

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Re: What if Aliens wrote the Quran?
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2013, 04:22:40 PM »
If you are looking to debate with athiests, I would recommend you watch the lectures and debates by hamza tzortiz

Offline The Canadian Atheist

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Re: What if Aliens wrote the Quran?
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2013, 10:41:53 PM »
assalamualykum akhi
This should be expected with some atheists, their problem is not a lack of proof of the existence of god, rather it is the fact that they are too arrogant to submit to god or something bad happened in their lives and they blame it on god, then they go on to say that god doesnt exist.

Look, just admit you're wrong alright?

to mclinkin, yea, there's a possibility that religious texts were written by a secret society that drives the world. It's becoming quite obvious, Republicans in America, Wahabis in Saudi Arabia, etc etc.

"Religion is the opium of the masses"
----Karl Marx

To those too young to know, Opium is a drug with morphine-like effects.

Offline mclinkin94

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Re: What if Aliens wrote the Quran?
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2013, 02:12:26 AM »
assalamualykum akhi
This should be expected with some atheists, their problem is not a lack of proof of the existence of god, rather it is the fact that they are too arrogant to submit to god or something bad happened in their lives and they blame it on god, then they go on to say that god doesnt exist.

Look, just admit you're wrong alright?

to mclinkin, yea, there's a possibility that religious texts were written by a secret society that drives the world. It's becoming quite obvious, Republicans in America, Wahabis in Saudi Arabia, etc etc.

"Religion is the opium of the masses"
----Karl Marx

To those too young to know, Opium is a drug with morphine-like effects.

But, your political feelings on religion does not disqualify them as being from God.

Offline abdullah

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Re: What if Aliens wrote the Quran?
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2013, 02:40:08 AM »
Alright you claim god doesn't exist prove it
Also the fact that religion is an "opium to the masses" doesn't negate gods existence rather it supports gods existence

Offline Black Muslim

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Re: What if Aliens wrote the Quran?
« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2013, 03:02:26 PM »
Look, just admit you're wrong alright?
My , and I thought I had weak debate skills ! And yes , one of the many types of Atheists is the type that got bitten by an ant and so they whined "Why all this evil in life ?! There is no God !" That's one type , and there are unending answers to the other types .
to mclinkin, yea, there's a possibility that religious texts were written by a secret society that drives the world.
Now children , see what opium does to you ? Keep away from drugs ! I'll give you one day to discover the madness in these words of yours . If you can't , I'll just spill it out .
Wahabis in Saudi Arabia,
I live in Saudi Arabia and I tell you that THERE ISN'T A FREAKING THING CALLED WAHABIS ! I don't care about Saudi Arabia and I don't defend it but I don't like hypocrisy and farces . That's just a name they put on anyone following the teachings of Islam in order to make others hate them and view them as terrorists .
And spare me with Marx and his madness . I don't know the guy that well and I don't care who is . And if you bother look through world war 2 you'll discover that Atheism killed numbers more than what all religions killed through history . What , they didn't work with the right teachings of Atheism ?
What a farce !

Offline The Canadian Atheist

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Re: What if Aliens wrote the Quran?
« Reply #9 on: October 03, 2013, 06:25:20 PM »
Alright you claim god doesn't exist prove it
Also the fact that religion is an "opium to the masses" doesn't negate gods existence rather it supports gods existence

You claim that Zeus doesn't exist prove it.

Atheism killed numbers more than what all religions killed through history

Hitler was a Roman Catholic.

Offline abdullah

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Re: What if Aliens wrote the Quran?
« Reply #10 on: October 04, 2013, 12:31:20 AM »
Quote from: abdullah on July 22, 2013, 02:40:08 am
Alright you claim god doesn't exist prove it
Also the fact that religion is an "opium to the masses" doesn't negate gods existence rather it supports gods existence

You claim that Zeus doesn't exist prove it.

Atheism killed numbers more than what all religions killed through history

Hitler was a Roman Catholic.

1.When did I ever claim Zeus doesn't exist?

2.Hitler was also a darwinist

Offline The Canadian Atheist

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Re: What if Aliens wrote the Quran?
« Reply #11 on: October 04, 2013, 05:36:46 AM »
Quote from: abdullah on July 22, 2013, 02:40:08 am
Alright you claim god doesn't exist prove it
Also the fact that religion is an "opium to the masses" doesn't negate gods existence rather it supports gods existence

You claim that Zeus doesn't exist prove it.

Atheism killed numbers more than what all religions killed through history

Hitler was a Roman Catholic.

1.When did I ever claim Zeus doesn't exist?

2.Hitler was also a darwinist

So you're claiming Zeus exists? Isn't that shirk?

Darwinist is not a term. Is Newtonist a word? Is Galilist a word? Is Einsteinist a word?

You either believe in science and logic, or you deny it and follow a 1400 year old book. But don't try to deny science to make religion look useful.

Quote from: abdullah on July 22, 2013, 02:40:08 am
Alright you claim god doesn't exist prove it
Also the fact that religion is an "opium to the masses" doesn't negate gods existence rather it supports gods existence

You claim that Zeus doesn't exist prove it.

Atheism killed numbers more than what all religions killed through history

Hitler was a Roman Catholic.

1.When did I ever claim Zeus doesn't exist?

2.Hitler was also a darwinist

So you're claiming Zeus exists? Isn't that shirk?

Darwinist is not a term. Is Newtonist a word? Is Galilist a word? Is Einsteinist a word?

You either believe in science and logic, or you deny it and follow a 1400 year old book. But don't try to deny science to make religion look useful.

« Last Edit: October 04, 2013, 05:38:33 AM by The Canadian Atheist »

Offline abdullah

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Re: What if Aliens wrote the Quran?
« Reply #12 on: October 05, 2013, 12:38:34 PM »
1.No I am not claiming Zeus exists. The problem is you think I have to answer your objections. No you're not that important. I could not care less about your beliefs and I could not care less about your silly objections.
2.I ask you to search up the word "darwinist" in your google web browser and see if it comes up as a word or not.
3a.The only reason I believe in Islam is because of logic and science, by the way the Qur'an commands us to think and use logic
  b.The fact that it is a 1400 year old book actually increases my faith.
  c.I am not denying science, the only ones that are denying science are atheists. When I tell you about irreducible complexity and the second law of thermodynamics and how they are irreconcilable with evolution you just ignore the arguments as if they don't exist.
  d. Science tells you that the chances of the universe being able to support life are too small for it to have happened by chance much smaller than 1/10^135.

Offline Black Muslim

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Re: What if Aliens wrote the Quran?
« Reply #13 on: October 05, 2013, 03:05:50 PM »
d. Science tells you that the chances of the universe being able to support life are too small for it to have happened by chance much smaller than 1/10^135.
For information , I put this in a calculator and got a "Math Error" . If you know what I mean .

Offline Koray

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Re: What if Aliens wrote the Quran?
« Reply #14 on: October 05, 2013, 03:28:56 PM »
Doesnt alien mean that something not originated on earth ? So if you think in that perspective Allah is an alien, as he is not originated on earth. He has always existed, he created the earth so yeah. And not originated on earth means that Allah is not a man made god, as he is not originated in earth. In that sense telling that Quran is written by aliens is proof that it is not a man made book. They are refutating themselves(Noobs). -.-

Offline mclinkin94

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Re: What if Aliens wrote the Quran?
« Reply #15 on: October 05, 2013, 04:58:15 PM »
Doesnt alien mean that something not originated on earth ? So if you think in that perspective Allah is an alien, as he is not originated on earth. He has always existed, he created the earth so yeah. And not originated on earth means that Allah is not a man made god, as he is not originated in earth. In that sense telling that Quran is written by aliens is proof that it is not a man made book. They are refutating themselves(Noobs). -.-

We are talking about extra-terrestrial aliens that exist in this word. Allah is not an Alien because he doesn't exist in this universe. He exists outside of the universe and he is the maker of the universe.

But yes, I've heard the fact that the Quran being written by aliens so many times and they are refuting themselves.

Offline abdullah

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Re: What if Aliens wrote the Quran?
« Reply #16 on: October 08, 2013, 01:06:38 AM »
Haha bro blackmuslim I lmao at that


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