How retarded ! the funny thing is I was reading someone's comment on this in "Blasting the foundations of atheism" - Good book , I advice you to read it - and his simple answer was "
Non of your bloody business !" . God tells you in the chapter of prophets , sign 23 :
"He is not questioned about what He does, but they will be questioned."
So stop asking things you have nothing do with ! But then , just to answer this and end another farce - And I always say I hate farces - you don't expect God to make us perfect , do you ? Then it would be the same as the irrational question of "Can God create a God like him ?" . And if you don't mean this perfectness but rather a "More accurate creation" - Exalted is God - then you're still looking for the first meaning because you'll keep asking why haven't we been created more perfectly until you ask at one time "Why do we die ?" . We are creatures in this life before judgment and we MUST die or there is no point at all !
Then , what really shocks one and make them facepalm is how ignorant and arrogant such people can act . Ignoring ALL these wonderful creations and how well made they are in order to grab the straw of "Imperfect creation" . But still , we'll prove their irrationality despite that . First of all , the appendix - o ones who have no shame or dignity - was discovered to have a use five years ago ! So it's funny how Atheists act as if leaving religion make you a intelligent and know everything . As for the giraffe , if I ever saw Dawkins , I'd shout "JUST BECAUSE YOU DON'T KNOW DOESN'T MEAN IT'S USELESS !"

I don't know if I should laugh or cry ! He ignores the fact that the heart of the giraffe can pulse blood all the way to its head and sticks to this sick argument ! But just to shut you up , take a look here : apparently , this shape of the nerve is NECESSARY and if it comes in another shape it becomes an odd case and an illness .
And then I'd like to point out to contradictions in Atheists thinking . One time , they claim that the so called "Natural selection" makes miracles and by "Pure chance" it created us - probably the deity of Atheists - in these wonderful variations . But when it comes to creation , they'd claim that this so miraculous natural selection failed to notice such minor errors - And we already said they are not - while it did greater than that ! All just because they hate religion ! If arrogance was a man then it would be an Atheist .