I apologize to mclinkin if he was offended by what I wrote.
I'm not offended by what you wrote, so no reason to worry.

But, even though I am not offended by the insults, I think it doesn't make a discussion valuable. The more insults, the less constructive criticism, the more-likely the discussion will go nowhere.
I think you know that it is not as simple as 2+2. I don't want to repeat myself because I think I have proved that using only logic to interpret the Quran is wrong.
No I didn't say it was as simple as 2+2=4, I was saying that there is a right and wrong. It is not subjective as you said.
Secondly, you have not proved that only using logic to interpret the Quran is wrong. This is a self defeating statement! Didn't you just use logic to say that using logic to interpret the Quran is wrong?
Denying logic is using logic to deny logic. Denying logic would be devastating to philosophy, science, and even the Quran.
Secondly, the Quran as you know, in many places has said to use your intellect to interpret the Quran
If anyone interprets the Quran using his logic, there won't be consensus in any matter of belief. And without consensus, Islam will be destroyed.
No, there would be a consensus. As I said before logic is either right or wrong.
If someone goes by a 2+2=5 translation of the Quran, it is wrong. There is an objectively right translation and an objectively wrong translation. To figure this out you adhere to reasoned logic.
For example: Quran 1:5 It is You we worship and You we ask for help.
If someone says "you" in this verse refers to Muhammad they are wrong. Their logic is wrong. The ones who say "You" refers to Allah are right.
Brother, it is not circular. I'm not using hadiths, I'm using history. You are being so unsfientific now by rejecting the history. Then, let's exclude early scholars. We know for sure that, for example, four or five centuries all the scholars accepted the hadiths. Are you going to deny that?
History based on hadiths!
I know that scholars accepted hadiths, they do so now! Allah will judge them as they are. Many Muslims sin and many Muslim commit crimes. Having a
majority of Muslims committing crimes does not mean that the crime is legal!
I didn't misunderstand you. I know that you want to say that what Quran explains, that's all the details and that's all we need. What I want to say is that using only the Quran creates a lot of problems for Muslims. Just stop and think for some minutes what huge problems would have existed today if Muslims followed only the Quran. There woulnd't have been consensus on anything and I said that consensus is what keeps the Islamic law alive.
My argument was, hadiths are false irrespective of the problems it creates.
2+2=5 is wrong irrespective of the problems it creates if you believe it is 4. Let's assume someone would shoot you if you believe 2+2=4 and you must testify that it equals 5. Irrespective of the problems it creates, 2+2 will always equal 4.
Premise 2 is what you think, it is not true and you haven't defended it. My points remain.
Premise 2 is my entire argument, it reads "Our 'sahih' hadiths are baseless stories/amusements in speech that do divert others from the path of God".
Are hadiths generally baseless stories: Yes, they don't have much historical credibility once you observe the blasphemous ones, the fact that the Quran does not at all even hint that the prophet had a second set of laws to give us, the fact they contradict the Quran and established science.
Do they divert others from the path of God: You betcha, watch the video at the beginning of this thread as an example.
Figure out? If anyone prays how he thinks, how can we pray in congregation?
As I said before, the Quran allows you to adhere to common sense. If you don't have hands to watch, how will you wash your hands? Its common sense.
So what to do in a congregation. The leader would inform everyone and tell them how they are going to pray. It must abide by the Quranic Law. Currently, the way we pray now isn't bad at all, why not just keep it? I don't see a problem with it. Even if the Quran mentioned only 3 prayers, whats the harm in praying the other two? or praying a few more times? Can prayer really be that much of a difficult thing?
The main message was the Quran, because when it comes to nonbelievers, they wouldn't be bothered about details in faith, practical issues etc. that are found in hadiths. If we assume that it does not mention hadiths, that doesn't mean that hadiths do not exist. It also separates following the Prophet from following the Quran, and I have used this verse many times, and if you accept that the Quran is for all the times, this is enough to accept hadiths: O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. And if you disagree over anything, refer it to Allah and the Messenger, if you should believe in Allah and the Last Day. That is the best [way] and best in result. (4:59)
If we go by your standard, it says o you who have believed, not o you companions of the Prophet. Also, "those in authority among you" shows clearly that Allah calls upon all Muslims, because if it was only for the Muslims who lived during the time of the Prophet, the highest authority was the Prophet himself.
If the Quran did not mention the prophet's hadiths and told us that the Quran is the only hadith to follow and that the sunnah of Allah (not Muhammad) is the only sunnah and that the Quran says the Quran is fully clarified in your laws!--Does that sound like Allah wanted you to follow Hadiths?
Quran 4:59 explained in detail:
This glorious ayat has been subject to deliberate manipulation by the Muslim Imams and scholars in many Muslim countries. They have used the words "those in charge among you" in order to claim that the religious guru's have a right according to the Quran to have authority over the people and that they should be obeyed without question.
In order to analyse this claim we must research the Quranic content with regards to this issue.
The first part of this ayat is straightforward, as in numerous other ayat we read the command to obey God and obey the messenger. It has been shown that obeying God and obeying the messenger are one and the same thing since the messenger's
sole duty is to deliver God's message (5:92), hence we do not need to elaborate on this issue here. If we are to obey the messenger and the messenger's duty is to deliver the message, and the Quran makes it clear that message is only in the Quran, then by obeying the Quran, we are obeying the messenger and we are obeying God.
This leaves us with the task of understanding the words "those in charge among you". Do these words rightly give the religious guru's their claimed right to control the people and be entitled to receive the total obedience of the believers?
The term "those in charge among you" covers a wide variety of people. In order to determine who is actually entitled to have rightful authority over us, it would be quite logical to assert that this authority must be in accordance to God's law, in other words it must be a God given authority, and not an authority that is self claimed.
The following are some examples of rightful and righteous authority that is in harmony with the Quranic teachings:
1- For a young boy/girl they should obey their parents who have authority over them during their younge dependent years.
2- For a wife, she must obey her husband (in righteousness) as God decreed in the Quran.
3- For an employee, he/she must obey their boss who has authority over them, but only within the framework of the profession.
4- For citizens, they must obey the established authorities (e.g. the courts, the police, etc). They must obey the law of the land as long as it does not violate God's law.
Other cases may also be made that relate to authority in righteousness and in harmony with God's law.
Now we ask, do the clergy and the religious guru's have authority over the believers in accordance to 4:59?
It can be easily demonstrated with the aid of the Quran that the authority God speaks of in 4:59 does NOT cover the men of religion (e.g. Imam's, guru's .. etc). The religious figures (e.g. Imams, gurus, ... etc) have NO AUTHORITY over the believers.
First, the Quran stresses the fact that it is forbidden to follow any law other than the law of God, that being the Law of the Quran:
"Shall I seek other than God as a source of law, when He has revealed to you this book (the Quran) fully detailed ?" 6:114
Again, this does not mean that the Quran is the only revelation that the Prophet received.
Again, think about it this way, if Allah wanted us to follow Hadiths as a scriptural authority, why would he make the Quran clear that it is the only authority and not at all even hint that the prophet received another set of laws.
Let's assume he hided it, it does not mean anything. A better question would be: would God let Muslims for 1400 years (or for some centuries, or for a century if you reject history, even if it is stupid to believe that Muslims followed only the Quran for some centuries, then suddenly all those only-Quran Muslims disappeared and Muslims started to follow the hadiths. You can see small sects surviving for centuries.) follow something for which He will punish them?
I said what I had to say and I think my points remain, the main of them being: Muslims following hadiths for centuries, and I showed that it is not a circular argument and that believing that Muslims once followed only the Quran is historically absurd, which means that your true Islam was never among the Muslims. I don't want to run away, but I think that if we continue to debate, this will escalate to an ineffective polemic. However, please reply and answer the points I brought if you want. I'm going to read them but I won't reply. If you disagree with me, then we have to agree to disagree. All I can do is pray to Allah so you will become a true Muslim, a true follower of Prophet Muhammed, peace be upon him. Brother, I call you to be sincere and just think about the main point I brought, and may Allah guide you and all of us!
Well again, you are assuming that the earliest Muslims were following Hadiths in spite of the Quran. But even assuming they did, they are still accountable for their deeds.
Why would Allah allow it? Allah has allowed a lot of things. He has allowed Christianity and Judiasm to get corrupted. He has allowed earlier prophets to die.
Life is a test as the Quran states. If you don't have a choice to follow the wrong answer to the test, then it defeats the purpose of the test. If you are writing a multiple choice test, you have to make sure to give people a choice between the wrong and right answers. Asking this question would be like asking why the professor lets his students fail the exam.
The reality is, if people met the 3 conditions in Quran 31:6-7, they will be punished.
Now for your claim that the true-Islam has never been among Muslims, how do you know this? By adhering and believing in Hadiths. So my argument of circular reasoning remains.
I have replied to the points you made, I hope you find them reasonable and I hope Allah guides you to the true path of the Quran.
I believe that by adhering the Quran, that you are adhering to the prophet's commands given by Allah and you are a true follower of the Quran as the prophet's only duty is to give the message of the Quran.
Please do not assume that I am insincere, this is what the Quran wants as I believe I have proved.
Given that the Quran:
- Makes no reference to another source of law given to the prophet besides it (no where in the Quran is there any indication that Muhammad received anything from God other than the Quran.)
- Specifically tells you that it is the only source of law
- Tells us to obey the messenger and his duty is only to give the Quran thereby making the Quran the only source of law
- says that the Sunnah of Allah is the only sunnah (why would Allah say this if we are to follow Muhammad's Sunnah all Allah would have had to do is say "And Muhammad's Sunnah")
- makes it clear that there is no other hadith than the one of Allah in the Quran (recited revelations) that we are to follow (45:6)
- The Quran confirms that for every prophet there will be enemies of human and jinn devils who will fabricate fancy sayings (hadith) and attribute them to the Prophet to deceive the people: 6:112[/b]
- Or do you have some book in which you are studying?" 68:37 In 68:37 God is mocking those who have other books than the Quran which they follow.
- "So in which Hadith, other than this, do they believe" 77:50, In 77:50 is yet another clear mockery at all who follow other than the Quran. Does that sound like Allah wanted us to follow anything besides the Quran?
You have every right to deny our Hadith collection. The Quran could not be any more clear.
I hope you think this through