
I recently stumbled upon a few hadiths which all state that the Caliph Ali had with him a peace of paper and he said that, basically, that in addition to the quran, God also had something written down whats on a piece of paper.
There are multiple Hadiths on this issue, you can find most of them here: (to find the complete arabic version and to find out whether the hadith in question is Weak or Authentic, click on the hadith)
I have a few questions on these hadiths:
1. Each Hadith mentions something different that is written in these papers, which one is true?
2. Some Hadiths state the a muslim is not killed if he kills a non muslim, What is the rationale behind this?
3. I am an Arabic speaker and the hadith is more properly translated as "A Muslim is not killed for a disbeliever", does this really mean that a muslim is not killed for murdering an innocent dsbeliever?
4. If "a muslim is not killed for murdering a disbeliever" is false since there are many sayings on what was written on that paper, could you please provide a story or hadith (source stated), in which the prophet executed a muslim for murdering a non muslim?
Thanks in advance,
Keep up the good work Mr. Osama Abdallah