Author Topic: I love these ahadith  (Read 3995 times)

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Offline adnaanshaikh195

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I love these ahadith
« on: February 12, 2013, 08:55:01 PM »
Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him)said "Matters will run their course until you become three armies:an army in AshSham (Syria) an army in Iraq and an army in the Yemen" The narrator Abdullah ibn Hawalah asked:which one I should join? He said"You should go to AshSham for it is the best of Allah's lands and the best of His servants will be drawn to there. If you do not, go to the Yemen and drink from its wells.For Allah has guaranteed me that He will look after AshSham and its people"(Abu Dawud)

Mu'adh ibn Jabal narrated that the Prophet Muhammad(Peace be upon him) said:
"There will always remain a group from my Ummah(Nation), fighting at the gates of Damascus and its surrounds, and at the gates of Bayt al-Maqdis(Jerusalem) and its surrounds, who will not be harmed by those who let them down. They will be victorious upon the Truth until the coming of the Hour." (Bukhari ,Muslim)

Mu'adh ibn Jabal narrated that the Prophet Muhammad(Peace be upon him) said
"There will always remain a group from my Ummah(Nation) fighting upon the way of Truth, victorious over all who oppose them, until the last of them fights al-Masih ad-Dajjal (The Antichrist)"
Mu'adh ibn Jabal said: "And they will be in Sham (Syria)."
(Bukhari ,Muslim)

Mu'adh ibn Jabal narrated that the Prophet Muhammad(Peace be upon him) said:
"There will always remain a group from my Ummah, fighting upon the way of Truth, victorious until the Day of Resurrection. 'Isa ibn Maryam(Jesus) will descend and their amir(Leader) will say: "Come and lead us in the prayer." So he will say: "No, for you have been made leaders of each other, Allah's honour to this Ummah."
(Bukhari ,Muslim)

« Last Edit: February 12, 2013, 08:58:31 PM by adnaanshaikh195 »


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