i want you to explain what you think dahaha means because you haven't explained it in your DAHAHA HOAX section, no it is a miracle because people at the time in mecca thought the earth was flat, btw your explanation of flatness is extremely unhelpful and doesn't make any sense...."when the Quran says things like "do they not see how the Earth was flattened" it means flattened to the eye" that makes absolutely no sense. the arabic word is SUTIHAT meaning pressed and expanded not flattened. Brother Osama explained this already http://www.answering-christianity.com/sutihat_miracle.htm
Your attempt to save the lie of the "scientific miracles" which many scholars have forbid because of its harmfulness to Islam and Muslims (Ramihs and I are an example of that) is horrible. You make a similar claim that I have refuted already:
"So for example if the Quran says that the sea is blue. Is that a "miracle"? Because I could argue that the prophet (peace be upon him) never saw any sea and that no information about the color of the sea reached him. BTW I know that the color of the sea is reflected so no need to tell me. Your claim is similar to a claim that Brother Hamza Tzortis has dealt with. Read his second point over here:
http://www.hamzatzortzis.com/essays-articles/exploring-the-quran/does-the-quran-contain-scientific-miracles-a-new-approach/ "
This paragraph from the essay simply DESTROYS your point:
"It is important to note that 7th Century Arabian economic life was based around trade and commerce. Travelling as far as the Far East was a common occurrence. Therefore, it is not impossible that there was an exchange of popular scientific practices and ideas. The historian Ira M. Lapidus in his book, A History of Islamic Societies, clearly states that the Arabs in Mecca were established traders travelling far and wide:
“By the mid-sixth century, as heir to Petra and Palmyra, Mecca became one of the important caravan cities of the Middle East. The Meccans carried spices, leather, drugs, cloth and slaves which had come from Africa or the Far East to Syria, and returned money, weapons, cereals, and wine to Arabia.”[31]
Therefore, in the view of a skeptic or seeker of truth, the assertion that the Prophet Muhammad (upon whom be peace) could not have accessed knowledge that was implied by the Qur’ānic verses is false. This is due to the fact that the probability of Prophet (upon whom be peace) exchanging ideas and practices with other cultures is higher than the probability of the Prophet (upon whom be peace) not accessing such knowledge. Therefore a new approach is needed to overcome to this intellectual obstacle, something which I will address later."
I suggest that you stop trying to defend this corruption and sin. It brought almost no good and a lot of bad to Muslims sadly. And as I have said above, Ramihs and I are an example of that.
refuted by brother Osama in the article about scientific miracles itself 
Are you by any chance a troll? I will not show the stupidity and fallacy of this phrase anymore. Instead, I would like to ask you where did Osama refute my claims in his "scientific miracles" section? Quote me a passage from his section that refutes my arguments. You are becoming like Osama, you think that your website is perfect and whenever someone refutes your material you give them the refuted material again claiming that the rebuttal was refuted inside the link!
explain to me what DAHAHA means according to you then i'll show you the refutation
Dahaha according to ALL translators (people professional in Arabic!) means the following:
And the earth, moreover, hath He extended (to a wide expanse);
And the earth, He expanded it after that.
And after that He spread the earth.
And after that He spread the earth;
And the earth, after that He flattened it (for life).
And after that He spread the earth,
If you want more translators then I will be pleased to give you them. Even if Dahaha means round or egg-shaped, I had already dealt with that both, scientifically and grammatically. And NONE of the tafsirs say that Dahaha means made it round! Even though all of them agree on the roundness of the Earth. They even used other verses from the Quran. But why didn't they use the Dahaha verse? However, their is an exception! A person whom Osama has great respect for his
work! Rashad Khalifah! A person who claimed that he was a prophet from Allah and he translated Dahaha to mean "made it round". But then Osama mocks and insults the Salafis who fight against these false prophets and lies! Weird, isn't it? And then he calls them the "horn of Satan" even though they fight against innovation and false prophets. Don't worry about that, I will talk about ALL of that later on. What you are doing by changing the meaning of Dahaha is changing the word of Allah.
Why would i lie to you? if something is refuted then i'd tell you it's refuted, if something isn't refuted then i wouldn't say it's refuted, brother Osama just refuted Hamza again...Hamza isn't an arab and he's trying to interpret the Qur'an using translations so there's all the proof to make me stay away from such a person
Is this Osama's GREAT rebuttal to Hamza Tzortis? How do we know that Hamza doesn't know Arabic in the first place? Just because he is Greek that doesn't make him not able to speak Arabic. Second, Hamza's rebuttals to this scientific miracles aren't even language related! He uses the same translations that Osama uses. Third, the Arabic which we speak nowadays is NOT the original Arabic of the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)! It is quite different. Although it is the same in many cases it still has changed so much! And Osama is Palestinian and I am a Saudi. And clearly the Saudi accent (Najdi accent) is closer to original Arabic than Osama's Palestinian accent! So I speak Arabic better than Osama does! So as an Arab, Hamza's material is perfect and there is nothing wrong with it. DONE! What kind of stupid excuse is this? He refuted the "miracles" historically not with language LOL! It doesn't matter where he comes from. Are you an Arab in the first place Omar Ahmed?
Also in other threads or topics you keep telling people who ask questions to shut up, who are you to say that? they can ask as many questions as they like and if you don't like it DON'T ANSWER. simple as that, are you trying to terrify them and stop them from asking questions? they have doubts or waswas about something and you want them to stay like that? your attitude towards people is atrocious.
Can you PLEASE STOP LYING! You first lie and insult Hamza Tzortis and now me? You do know that lying is a sin, right? Why lie? What is the point of lying? Seriously! I NEVER told anyone to shut up! I only told Ramihs to stop asking many questions because of 2 things:
1- Asking too many questions was a trait hated by the prophet (peace be upon him)
2- It causes him many doubts which might weaken his faith
Rami asks to many questions to the point of it being worrying. Everyone has the right to ask questions, however Rami is an other case. Ibn Taymiyah once said that one shouldn't let his heart be a sponge for questions because that is harmful. YOUR attitude towards people is DECEPTIVE and ATROCIOUS! I have had enough of your lies brother, seriously! STOP IT!
You seem to be following Osama blindly. If it is forbidden to follow the best of scholars blindly then how about Osama Abdallah?
As'salamu Alaikum Everyone,
Another STUNNING Miracle discovered!
Quite amazingly, the youtube video that Abdullah Almadi gave me that supposedly refutes my points on DAHAHA (earth spread out spherically), has further proven my points and has given me a new Scientific point that I overlooked. Here are the details:
1- The youtube video is located here: https://youtu.be/5D4ChAnqkxU.
2- My detailed proofs about the earth spread out spherically are listed here:

3- Now, in the youtube video, we find the following:

The Noble Verses are listed exactly after each and they say in Noble Verses 79:30-32
And the earth after that He has spherically expanded
Brought forth from it its water and pasture
Indeed, scientists have proven that:
1- The earth has spherically expanded.
2- The earth produced its water and pasture on a large scale as a result. I have posted a Scientific Video from History Channel proving this:

3- The mountains due to this expansion were formed; due to the plate tectonics movements, which caused for land to be pushed on top of each other, which formed mountains and hills. You can learn about this at:
Read all of the details at my article:

So Abdullah Almadi, like the infidels' stubborness, the more you fight the Glorious Quran, the more you prove it.
More to come on your other nonsense, insha'Allah.....
Take care,
Osama Abdallah
By Allah I knew that this was gonna happen! Instead of dealing with the material that I wrote Osama will advertise his "scientific miracles" again. Osama, refute the material that I wrote THEN you can show us your
GLORIOUS, AMAZING, and STUNNING scientific miracles. Now please get on topic. You were accusing me of "running away" before, but what happened to that tough talk now Osama? By Allah there is no one attacking the Holy and Noble Quran besides you and your "scientific miracles" friends. It is harmful to Muslims and Islam. And I am not going to repeat that again!