Christian asked me.
Why would Gabriel ask Muhammad to read when he was illiterate? Angel Knows everything. This proves that it was not an angel but it was a demon.
How should I answer this?
Assalamu alaikum dear brothers,
I find this thing very interesting!
Gabriel said, 'read'.
The prophet said, 'I can't read.'
So why then Gabriel again said, 'Read'?

If it was a demon, then a demon should be cleverer than an angel !!
I think he wasn't actually telling the prophet to read, but was repeating the first word of the verse 96:1, 'Iqra', from which the name 'Quran' comes.
Sometimes the infidels' logics stinks.
And another important thing. Saying that angels know everything is evident shirk. Even humans have higher status than angels, that's why the angels were told to bow down to Adam. But u will see in the bible how they worship angels, for example see gen 19:1-2.
May Allah bless the muslim ummah,