Author Topic: What does it mean God is Spirit ?  (Read 8276 times)

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Offline Isa27James

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What does it mean God is Spirit ?
« on: August 23, 2015, 12:38:50 AM »
Assalam debates with Christians  they keep Quoting  God is spirit and should be worshiped in spirit .

i think.this is in John 4

can someone with deep knowledge tell me what this means did Jesus say it? or is it just another pagan idea

i looked it up.and some say God is Spirit as he is ever living and is the breath of life

spirit and breath are same usage in bible.   can someone like Osama Abdullah more information.  p.s my reply to these christians is  I worship.God in my body mind and spirit.

can i please have a stronger reply and teach them what Jesus really meant

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Re: What does it mean God is Spirit ?
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2015, 09:06:47 AM »
If we look during the time of prophet Moses (a.s) receiving commands from God for 40 days, the Israelite without the monitoring of prophet Moses being people of covenant made themselves golden calf. Such idolatry act was due to them mixing with foreign cultures.

Now what happen if an Israelite with Hellenistic cultural upbringing heard about story of a man being born without a father and his mother impregnated by a being called Holy Spirit/God's Spirit . Without the monitoring of prophet Jesus (a.s) due to him no longer being on earth, and decades later falsehood certainly occurs.

An Israelite from Tarsus being a Hellenistic region can also easily believe in gods in heaven that looks like humans, with the supreme god being an old man with white beard who came to earth to impregnate women so that the women can bear sons of god to become savior for mankind. As such were the case before during the time of prophet Moses, the Israelites easily believe in idol worshiping.

With such Hellenistic upbringing, when Romans or even Hellenistic Jews read the the book of Genesis1. They will interpret the Israelite scripture with their Hellenistic concepts. They notices word Elohim and interpret it as gods that are knwon as Yhwh and Spirit of God. Two gods there.
Later they encounter Genesis 1:27 where man were made in Gods' image which fits their Hellenistic believe about human looking gods in heaven.

And so they were convinced that the man born without a father was indeed son of god. As Hellenistic god were known to impregnate woman on earth to produce son of God. However as Genesis1 only speaks about two Gods due to how they interpret word Elohim meaning few gods. But then they noticed that the son of God is also known as Word of God.
Since they have interpreted Spirit of God/Holy Spirit being a god; "Word of God" too must have been a god and as such we can see the Greek story of John 1 talking about (Yhwh+Word) to complete the story inside Genesis1 (Yhwh+Spirit).

And so the Hellenistics believed that the Elohim inside the Israelite scripture were actually Yhwh+Word+Spirit being 3 distinct gods or in some sect as 1 god that manifested into 3 forms of gods.

As for John4:24 God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”

spirit small letters and the Spirit capital letter.
They interpret the story about coming times, where Holy Spirit known to be one of the god will fill their body with truth. They interpret it as after Jesus no longer being on earth, Holy Spirit of Truth will resume duty by filling the body of Christians and Churches to give them guidance.

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Re: What does it mean God is Spirit ?
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2015, 10:47:59 AM »
Submit are you a Muslim?

Offline Isa27James

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Re: What does it mean God is Spirit ?
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2015, 10:48:53 AM »
Submit   are you muslim

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Re: What does it mean God is Spirit ?
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2015, 01:42:44 PM »
Assalam debates with Christians  they keep Quoting  God is spirit and should be worshiped in spirit .

i think.this is in John 4

can someone with deep knowledge tell me what this means did Jesus say it? or is it just another pagan idea

i looked it up.and some say God is Spirit as he is ever living and is the breath of life

spirit and breath are same usage in bible.   can someone like Osama Abdullah more information.  p.s my reply to these christians is  I worship.God in my body mind and spirit.

can i please have a stronger reply and teach them what Jesus really meant

As'salamu Alaikum dear brother James,

This is another demonstration of how Christianity is a bankrupt false and man-made religion.  Like the pagans, they must limit GOD Almighty and confine Him into something that He is infinitely Greater than.  GOD Almighty is not a Spirit.  There is none like Unto Him.  Allah Almighty Said in the Glorious Quran:

"They ask thee concerning the Spirit (of inspiration). Say: "The Spirit (cometh) by command of my Lord: of knowledge it is only a little that is communicated to you, (O men!)"  (The Noble Quran, 17:85)"

"Say: He is God, the One and Only; God, the Eternal, Absolute; He begetteth not, nor is He begotten; And there is none like unto Him(The Noble Quran, 112:1-4)"

For more Noble Verses and proofs, visit:

The Spirit comes from the World of Command.  In Islam there are three Realms:

1-  Allah Almighty.

2-  The World of Command.  This is where the invisible Mighty Beings come from, such as the Angels, the Word, the Spirit, and everything that is created from the Word and Spirit and any other Beings that may exist.  Remember "....of knowledge it is only a little that is communicated to you...." (The Noble Quran, 17:85).

3-  The World of Creations.  This is the dust and water, and flesh and blood.  This is us and our finite Universe and all of the other Universes that exist out there.

For more information, please visit:

And to all Muslims and non-Muslims reading, I suggest when we confront those who like to limit GOD Almighty to not accept any term or phrase that limits GOD Almighty.  So in this case, instead of saying "GOD is like a Spirit", just say GOD Almighty is Allah.  He is infinitely Greater than the Spirit.  So instead of saying "Spirit", "Man" or anything like that about GOD Almighty, just say He is Allah Almighty.  And what is or who is "Allah" if you were asked?  Say He is the Infinite Sovereign Creator and LORD of everything.  We can't define Him nor confine Him.  He is Allah Almighty.

I hope this helps, Insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing).

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

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Re: What does it mean God is Spirit ?
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2015, 12:08:46 PM »
Yes I am.

Also important note, when Jesus said God is spirit in John 4:24 he was referring to Father from the previous verse not himself. That means Jesus whom was supposed to be a human god from the Helenistic interpretation of Roman Christians was indirectly telling to the readers that human god is not worthy to be worshipped.

As in the verse before it 23 Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.

Nothing to do about worshiping human god, its just about worshiping the Creator the Father.
The New Testament did not exist as  a single compiled revelation. There were scattered among many other Greek books consist of stories about Jesus. 300 years later, they took and began selecting which shall be declared as canon & heresy.

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Re: What does it mean God is Spirit ?
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2015, 05:09:08 PM »
May Allah bless you submit what is your name do you have a facebook?  we really need you on debate page that is run  by christians  post me your fb link and i can add you Insha'Allah


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Re: What does it mean God is Spirit ?
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2015, 05:10:39 PM »
what is it meant god is spirit from.christian view

Offline Tahmeed

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Re: What does it mean God is Spirit ?
« Reply #8 on: August 25, 2015, 05:26:49 AM »
Assalamu alaikm dear brothers,

I would like to add something to brother Osama’s point.

Christians are not going to listen to the word of the Quran. So we need something from the bible, something solid!

Who are called ‘spirits’?

“Who makes the angels ‘spirits’, and His minister a flame of fire…”

Angels are called ‘Spirits’, and the main angel Gabriel is called ‘Holy Spirit’.

Also, in the gospels, demons are referred as ‘Evil spirits’…. So yet, spirits.

So what difference does that make? Yep. It does!

“Remember the former things of old; for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like Me,” (Isaiah 46:9)

This is one of my favorite verses from the OT. As it sounds much like Sura Ikhlas, and also says ‘There is none like God’! So how can God be ‘Spirit’ if there is none like Him? He created the angels, the demons and us, our ‘spirits’. So how can He be like us?

So according the bible itself, ‘God can’t be a spirit’.

Now for your question- Is it a pagan idea?

Yeah, it is.

The Hindus believe in a ‘Param-atma’. ‘Param’ means ‘Most, Super, Grand’ etc and ‘Atma’ means spirit. This Param-atma or Super Spirit is believed to be god, who is everywhere, and everything in him. That’s why they believe in everything is god, so worship anything. They also believe that our spirits are part of God’s spirit and you can become one with the param-atma through deep meditation, and this is called ‘Nirban’.

Actually. From ancient times pagans believe that God is a spirit.  For example, in the movie ‘The Message’, a pagan Arab says in front Najjashi in Abyssinia’ “We don’t worship the form, but the spirit that dwells within the form’. (I don’t know if he really said that, but it’s just one example how pagans believed that God is a spirit)

Later, the Sufis adopted this idea. As Gazzali says in his book ‘Qimia-e-Sa’adat’- “As a spirit is all over the body, Allah is all over the world”. Almost all Sufis believe that Allah is a ‘Super-spirit’ and the goal in their life is to be lost in the essence of God, or to be one with Allah, which is known as ‘Fanafillah’.

Like Christians believe, Sufis also believe that when someone becomes one with Allah, Allah speaks through him, like being filled with the ‘Holy spirit’. A sufi named Al-Hallaz thought he became one with the ‘The spirit of God’ and started to say ‘Anal Haqq’ or ‘I am the Truth’.

Only Islam teaches pure monotheism while other religions teach anthropomorphism or teachings like ‘God is spirit’. Nothing is like Allah (Sura Shura:11) and so He is not a spirit.

Indeed Allah has power over all things.


Offline Tahmeed

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Re: What does it mean God is Spirit ?
« Reply #9 on: August 25, 2015, 05:29:26 AM »
Sorry I didn't provide the scripture for a verse. Can't edit my post  :'(

“Who makes the angels ‘spirits’, and His minister a flame of fire…”

It's Psalm 104:4


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