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King David and chain mail.

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According to Quran 21: 80 chain mail was a gift from Allah to David PBUH and according to wikipedia David PBUH lived in the 10th Century BC ( yet the first appearance of chain mail is in the 3rd Century BC according to Wikipedia ( Can anyone help me out here?

In the quran, it says "labus lakum litahsinukum min busikum"
this is coming from a native arabic speaker
Labus is plural of libs, which means clothing
thee translation for this would be "clothes for you to defend against the enemy"
clothes tod fend yourselves with is not neccasarily mail, it could be any armour. wikipedia says european mail is dated in the 3rd century bc, david was not european nor does the verse say specifically mail
i hope i helped, peace.


--- Quote from: zulfiqarchucknorris on May 16, 2013, 03:18:53 PM ---peace
In the quran, it says "labus lakum litahsinukum min busikum"
this is coming from a native arabic speaker
Labus is plural of libs, which means clothing
thee translation for this would be "clothes for you to defend against the enemy"
clothes tod fend yourselves with is not neccasarily mail, it could be any armour. wikipedia says european mail is dated in the 3rd century bc, david was not european nor does the verse say specifically mail
i hope i helped, peace.

--- End quote ---
Oh i see. Thanks Bro Zulfiqar, you just put this bro of yours mind at rest yet again :D

your ost welcome

It is very important to learn arabic to avoid translation errors  like this(I personally don't know arabic  :-\). This is not the first fake error based in a bad translation.


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