where in the Quran it is written that if you kill 5 shias you will go to Janna?
i have seen many people keep saying that,that Wahabis say if you kill 5 Shias you will go to Janna.
As'salamu Alaikum dear brother Reza,
I am sorry for offending you. I didn't mean it. I hope you accept my apology. Sunnis are always consistent, by the way, in not generalizing all Shias. There is a difference between the zionist shiism and the people who call themsleves Shias. May be in Iran it's different, for I know you guys have a beef with Arabs because of the fall of Persia by the Arabs (Muslims)

, and not for any member of Ahlul Bayt, peace and blessings and mercy be upon them all. But the Shias in Iraq, Pakistan, Syria and Lebanon, the Gulf are different, plus also some in Iran as well.
As to your comment that I quoted above, I have never heard of anything such as this. Perhaps this is a lie that was invented in Iran on the Sunnis. We don't have silly things like this (kill 5 Shias and you'll enter Heaven). But we do find Khomainie giving plastic keys to children to strap bombs around their waists and blow themsleves up on Iraqi soldiers and tanks.
Your quote above sounds like an Iranian-invented lie, and its language sounds like Iranian Shias type of statement (lie).So no my dear brother, we don't have that. And I agree with you that we are only Muslims. But like brother 'Black Muslim' pointed out, the Sunna of the Prophet is also a must, and therefore it's no problem to call yourself a Sunni Muslim. After all, we are commanded by Allah Almighty to also follow the Prophet's commands. Plus I want to add to that by saying that it is VITAL for every Muslim TODAY to distinguish himself or herself from the shias. So yes, among ourselves we are ONLY MUSLIMS. But outside, we are Sunni Muslims.
I refuse to be mixed in the same category with any shia.Plus also as the Prophet, peace be upon him, prophecied in the Hadiths, the Muslims will be divided into many heretical sects, but only one of them will be saved, and that group will be those who adhere to the Glorious Quran and the Sunnah,
and they will be the majority among all Muslims! So alhamdulillah (all thanks are due to Allah Almighty), I belong to the one group that is also the Mainstream Islam.
I hope this helps, insha'Allah.
Take care,
Osama Abdallah