Author Topic: Why do Palestinians still pray towards Masjidul Aqsa?  (Read 33300 times)

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Offline reza

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Why do Palestinians still pray towards Masjidul Aqsa?
« on: May 18, 2013, 02:52:44 AM »
sometimes i see on TV that Palestinian Muslims are still praying towards Masjidul Aqsa

didn't Allah(SWT) ordered all the Muslims to pray towards Mecca?

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Re: Why do Palestinians still pray towards Masjidul Aqsa?
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2013, 01:56:56 PM »
sometimes i see on TV that Palestinian Muslims are still praying towards Masjidul Aqsa

didn't Allah(SWT) ordered all the Muslims to pray towards Mecca?

They don't.  They never did and never do, dear brother.  I also happen to be a Palestinian myself.  All Muslims (polytheist shias excluded; they're not Muslims) Pray to Allah Almighty in the direction of (not to) the Kaaba, which is in Mecca (Makkah).  The polytheist shias have their own Kaaba in Karbala.  Here is a video of it:  This is another proof and reason why the filthy Shias are poison to Islam.  They're not just enemies to Islam.  But they're also poison.  They insist on corrupting everything about Islam.  All Sunni Muslims, who are the real and Mainstream Islam, MUST WAKE UP and flush the zionist shiism down the toilet where it belongs!

Muslims are the Original Believers of GOD Almighty.  Islam is the Original Faith of GOD Almighty.  All of the Bible's Prophets, including Jesus, also Prayed to GOD Almighty the Muslims' way.  Please visit:

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline reza

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Re: Why do Palestinians still pray towards Masjidul Aqsa?
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2013, 04:36:55 PM »
Dear Brother Osama

I said it over and over i am not a shia nor a sunni,my question was about Masjidul Aqsa not shia or sunni.

i can see that you hate shias more than the non-believers.

from my point of view they are muslims and they are lost and have been lied to,just as the way salafis and wahabis are lost and have been lied to.

I am not have problems with shias,go do whatever you like,i am thinking of you and other muslims as my brothers and sisters and it doesn't matter to me whether they are shias or sunnis.

if shias were made by the zionist or the jews,it is you duty to put the back on the right track not to kill them.whatever they are they are humans too.

by calling the kufar and killing them nothing can be solved and this way you are creating more hatred among muslims.

just as my sunni friend have talked to me and i have changed,you can talk to them and they will change too.
if not,there is a creator and he will judge between you and them and his judgement is completely true.

wa salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah

Offline Tanveer

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Re: Why do Palestinians still pray towards Masjidul Aqsa?
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2013, 05:48:44 PM »
Dear Brother Osama

I said it over and over i am not a shia nor a sunni,my question was about Masjidul Aqsa not shia or sunni.

i can see that you hate shias more than the non-believers.

from my point of view they are muslims and they are lost and have been lied to,just as the way salafis and wahabis are lost and have been lied to.

I am not have problems with shias,go do whatever you like,i am thinking of you and other muslims as my brothers and sisters and it doesn't matter to me whether they are shias or sunnis.

if shias were made by the zionist or the jews,it is you duty to put the back on the right track not to kill them.whatever they are they are humans too.

by calling the kufar and killing them nothing can be solved and this way you are creating more hatred among muslims.

just as my sunni friend have talked to me and i have changed,you can talk to them and they will change too.
if not,there is a creator and he will judge between you and them and his judgement is completely true.

wa salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
Bro Reza if you dont mind me asking. Do you just follow the Quran or do you also follow hadiths (yes yes i mean authentic ones)?

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Re: Why do Palestinians still pray towards Masjidul Aqsa?
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2013, 07:24:16 PM »
Brother Tanveer

I follow the Quran and the Authentic Hadith as well.

there is no Hadith that says Shias are Kufar,and there is no Hadith that says Salafis and Wahabis will go to Jannat if they Kill Shias.

if you understand simple English,i don't know if you are Wahabi or a Salafi or whatsoever,i said it over and over,i am Just a MUSLIM and that's it.not a sunni nor a shia.

Hold fast on to the Rope of Allah all of you together and do not differ.
[surah Aal ‘Imraan:103]

This is My straight Path, so follow it and do not follow the other paths, otherwise you will differ from His Path. That is a counsel from Him, in order that you may be successful.
[surah Al-An’aam:153]

Rasulallah(SAWS) was a muslim,he wasn't sunni or shia.i am a Muslim,not a shia nor a sunni.

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Re: Why do Palestinians still pray towards Masjidul Aqsa?
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2013, 06:16:07 AM »
Brother Tanveer

I follow the Quran and the Authentic Hadith as well.

there is no Hadith that says Shias are Kufar,and there is no Hadith that says Salafis and Wahabis will go to Jannat if they Kill Shias.

if you understand simple English,i don't know if you are Wahabi or a Salafi or whatsoever,i said it over and over,i am Just a MUSLIM and that's it.not a sunni nor a shia.

Hold fast on to the Rope of Allah all of you together and do not differ.
[surah Aal ‘Imraan:103]

This is My straight Path, so follow it and do not follow the other paths, otherwise you will differ from His Path. That is a counsel from Him, in order that you may be successful.
[surah Al-An’aam:153]

Rasulallah(SAWS) was a muslim,he wasn't sunni or shia.i am a Muslim,not a shia nor a sunni.
I think most of us, if a random person came up to us and said "What is your religion?" we'd all reply "Muslim".

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Re: Why do Palestinians still pray towards Masjidul Aqsa?
« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2013, 08:10:56 AM »
I think most of us, if a random person came up to us and said "What is your religion?" we'd all reply "Muslim".

And Allah Almighty responded to this in the Glorious Quran, dear brothers Tanveer and Reza:

[006:021]  And who is more unjust than he who forges a lie against ALLAH or treat HIS Signs as lies ? Surely the unjust shall not prosper.

[006:022]  And think of the day when WE shall gather them all together; then shall WE say to those who associated partners with ALLAH, `Where are the partners you spoke of - those whom you asserted ?'

[006:023]  Then they will have no excuse save that they shall say, `By ALLAH, our Lord, we were not idolaters.'

[006:024]  See how they shall lie against themselves. And that which they fabricated shall fail them.

[006:025]  And among them are some who give ear to thee; but WE have put veils on their hearts, that they should not understand, and deafness in their ears. And even if they see every Sign, they would not believe therein, so much so that when they come to thee, disputing with thee, those who disbelieve say, `This is nothing but fables of the ancients.'

[006:026]  And they forbid others to believe in it and themselves too they keep away from it. And they ruin none but their ownselves; only they perceive not.


Noble Verse 6:25 makes it clear that these Noble Verses are speaking about pagans AND MUSLIMS (fake Muslims that is who make partners with Allah Almighty).  Just about 90% of shias today don't directly call unto Allah Almighty directly.  Their false cult and religion would crumble into its own self, and self refute itself, if it's not different from the real Islam, which is our Islam.  And yes, the Prophet was a Sunni Muslim.  As a Muslim, it is compulsory upon you to not just following the Holy Quran, but also the Sunnah of the Prophet.

You've all seen above how this satanic and zionist shia religion has even its own Kaaba.  Karbala is Mecca (Makkah) to them.  And like I said, they don't call unto Allah Almighty directly.  Their top scholars ON THEIR TV CHANNELS clearly say that by the wholesale!  Visit the links below and watch the videos.

All Muslims have to wake up and reject shiism.  It's a zionist religion, and its latest and greatest UPCOMING MAHDI book is now being prepared in Tel Aviv.  And their false mahdi will soon appear from Iran.  These people ARE FAKE!!  They're not Muslims.  Stop this garbage about that if a person says he's Muslim then who are we to judge.  The Holy Quran is clear that actions speak louder than words.  He can bark "I am Muslim" all day long.  But if his actions are polytheistic, then he is not Muslim!  Most Shias are not Muslims to me, and shiism as a whole is a zionist conspiracy.  All objective Shias must leave and reject AND FIGHT this false religion.

Please visit:

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline reza

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Re: Why do Palestinians still pray towards Masjidul Aqsa?
« Reply #7 on: May 19, 2013, 08:46:01 AM »
Those verses are talking about the people of the scripture,meaning the jews and the christians
how can we find out?you read one verse before it.
Sahih International
Those to whom We have given the Scripture recognize it as they recognize their [own] sons. Those who will lose themselves [in the Hereafter] do not believe.

it didn't say shias or sunnis,brother osama may Allah(SWT) himself guide you and put you on the right path.
do as you like,kill shias,call them kufar,cut their throats just as the way you cut the head of a sheep or a cow, wipe them off the map,each and every single one that you see,even the infants,etc.ok?as you like.

but don't interpret the Quran in a way that suits you.

remember he will judge you oneday for what you are doing too.

i am living among arabs and in know how they are and i know their mentality.

لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك له له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شيء قدير
لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله

قال رسول الله صلّی الله علیه و آله و سلّم:
«لا تحقّرنّ أحداً من المسلمین فإنّ صغیرهم عند الله کبیر
« Last Edit: May 19, 2013, 08:58:26 AM by reza »

Offline adnaanshaikh195

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Re: Why do Palestinians still pray towards Masjidul Aqsa?
« Reply #8 on: May 19, 2013, 11:22:20 AM »
Brother Tanveer

I follow the Quran and the Authentic Hadith as well.

there is no Hadith that says Shias are Kufar,and there is no Hadith that says Salafis and Wahabis will go to Jannat if they Kill Shias.

if you understand simple English,i don't know if you are Wahabi or a Salafi or whatsoever,i said it over and over,i am Just a MUSLIM and that's it.not a sunni nor a shia.

Hold fast on to the Rope of Allah all of you together and do not differ.
[surah Aal ‘Imraan:103]

This is My straight Path, so follow it and do not follow the other paths, otherwise you will differ from His Path. That is a counsel from Him, in order that you may be successful.
[surah Al-An’aam:153]

Rasulallah(SAWS) was a muslim,he wasn't sunni or shia.i am a Muslim,not a shia nor a sunni.

You wrote:

 " there is no Hadith that says Shias are Kufar,and there is no Hadith that says Salafis and Wahabis will go to Jannat if they Kill Shias. "

Firstly, if you claim to be a muslim, you will have to believe in your heart, that there is NONE worthy of worship except Allah alone.
If you worship and call upon the creation, like shias do (Calling upon Ali etc) then you are NOT a muslim.

It's simple, and what's your problem? Stop using the terms "Wahabi" and "Salafi". I like you, follow no sect in Islam, I am a muslim, I follow only the authentic ahadith and Qur'an.

As far as I know, Muhammad Ibn Al Wahab was a guy who was against grave worship etc, so what's your problem? Also stop using the term Wahabi because you are ascribing Allah's attributes to the creation.

You're acting as if Shia are innocent.

Anyone can claim to be a muslim, but if you believe in a trinity like the baathists do in Syria, then no, you are NOT a muslim.

If you claim Ali is a prophet after the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and give the "imams" Allah's attributes then no, you are NOT a muslim.

If you claim that the Qur'an is incomplete, you are NOT a muslim.

If you claim that Angel Gabriel made a mistake and was supposed to reveal his revelation to Ali instead of Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him), then no, you are not a muslim.

Infact, Shias today are more closer to Jews then muslims, there Mahdi reminds me of none but the Dajjal. They claim that their "Mahdi" will destroy the kaaba, will have jewish/christian followers, will speak hebrew, rule by the rule of David etc, will kill "sunnis" etc, I think when the Dajjal comes, they will be foolish enough to follow him thinking he is their "12th Imam" and will be fooled by how he acts and will fight against the muslims as the Dajjal will fight against the muslims.

and no, if someone came up to us and asked what religion we followed, we would reply "Islam", not muslim. lol.

ALSO. Please explain how "Salafis" and "Wahabis" are lost and have been lied to. Enough of your propaganda and rubbish. Please explain how being strict towards the sunnah and avoiding shirk (Grave worshiping, calling upon dead saints etc) is being lied to?
« Last Edit: May 19, 2013, 11:29:35 AM by adnaanshaikh195 »

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Re: Why do Palestinians still pray towards Masjidul Aqsa?
« Reply #9 on: May 19, 2013, 12:39:16 PM »
*Slaps forehead*
I was meant to write Islam, my mistake xD

Offline reza

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Re: Why do Palestinians still pray towards Masjidul Aqsa?
« Reply #10 on: May 19, 2013, 01:10:03 PM »
Asalamu Alaykum Brother adnaanshaikh195

First of all,if you know arabic language i already posted what i believe

لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك له له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شيء قدير
لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله

Second of all,who said Ali is a prophet?(ASTAGHFORALLAH)
when i was a kid in our school they told us ALI(AS)was a Imam not a prophet.
the last prophet of Allah is Prophet MUHAMMAD(SAWS) and he is the khatamul Anbia.
anyone claims to be a prophet after Rasulallah is a liar.

Why am i suing the term Wahabis?because you go to Iraq for Ziarat they come to you and cut your throat when they find out you are shia.
there are many videos on the net that they are cutting off the heads of shias.

you said i am acting like shias are innocent,i didn't say shias are innocent,i said shias are lost because they have been lied to and have been programmed by their scholars,go blame their scholars not the poor people that don't know about sunnis.

would it kill you if you talk to them and tell them what you are doing is wrong instead of simply cutting off their heads?

i have never heard anyone says that Quran is incomplete,except by brother Osama.
you see this a lie that your scholars says shias says Quran is corrupted and Ali is a prophet and shia scholars lie about other stuff like sunnis do not like the ahl-albeit(AS)
"If you claim that Angel Gabriel made a mistake and was supposed to reveal his revelation to Ali instead of Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him), then no, you are not a muslim."

in my whole life i have never heard such a thing,this a new lie i have heard.

"Anyone can claim to be a muslim, but if you believe in a trinity like the baathists do in Syria, then no, you are NOT a muslim."

what is that trinity?
this is again something new

"Infact, Shias today are more closer to Jews then muslims, there Mahdi reminds me of none but the Dajjal. They claim that their "Mahdi" will destroy the kaaba, will have jewish/christian followers, will speak hebrew, rule by the rule of David etc, will kill "sunnis" etc, I think when the Dajjal comes, they will be foolish enough to follow him thinking he is their "12th Imam" and will be fooled by how he acts and will fight against the muslims as the Dajjal will fight against the muslims."

where do you get all these lies from?

i have never heard these in my life before

if you people understand simple ENGLISH i said it over and over and i will say it again:

I am Just a MUSLIM and that's it.not a sunni nor a shia.
لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك له له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شيء قدير
لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله

قال رسول الله صلّی الله علیه و آله و سلّم:
«لا تحقّرنّ أحداً من المسلمین فإنّ صغیرهم عند الله کبیر

then again someone else is gonna post something and say you are a shia and shias are kufar.

i am saying simple to all:


sorry for my bad language but i just wanted to make it clear for all.

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Re: Why do Palestinians still pray towards Masjidul Aqsa?
« Reply #11 on: May 19, 2013, 02:29:34 PM »
I for one do not think of you as a kaafir Bro Reza. :)

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Re: Why do Palestinians still pray towards Masjidul Aqsa?
« Reply #12 on: May 19, 2013, 02:34:48 PM »
thank you brother Tanveer

i hope others were just like you

Offline adnaanshaikh195

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Re: Why do Palestinians still pray towards Masjidul Aqsa?
« Reply #13 on: May 19, 2013, 03:23:27 PM »
thank you brother Tanveer

i hope others were just like you
I never claimed you were a non muslim.

UNLESS you are a shia acting as if you are not, which I doubt it even though you are so defensive.

Who are my lying scholars? Like I said, I claimed before to follow NO SECTS, just Qur'an and authentic ahadith etc.

You are being ignorant by using the term "Wahabbi", the term "Wahabbi" and "Salafi" is used nowadays against muslims (Mostly scholars) who are strictly against innovations and pagan practices (Calling upon the dead) etc.

It's funny how people like you, when they don't come up against absurd beliefs in their life or are just refusing to be honest, claim that whoever brings them forward automatically means that the beliefs are "lies".

Firstly, let's begin with the trinity. Awalites in Syria, who slaughter sunnis, believe in a trinity. They consider themselves Shia, once again, I will say it, anyone who believes in a trinity is NOT muslim. They consider themselves true Shias whilst Shias think they are Kafir. So just because you've never heard of this before does NOT mean it is a lie, it just means you are either denying this because you already know it or are being ignorant without researching and throws the term "Wahabi" against anyone who is against your own beliefs.

Now for the shias which believe that Angel Gabriel made a mistake and so on.
This belief is called "gharabiah" They believe that soul of Mohammed PBUH was similar to soul fo Ali, as one crow looks similar to another one. So, they believe Jibraeel AS got confused and delivered the message to Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) instead of Ali. Once again, proves how ignorant you are.

Now the shia mahdi (Dajjal) and a comparison with the Dajjal. (This will prove how ignorant you are again).

Watch this comparison:

There are two parts. (Or three, i can't remember).

You still haven't answered my question. Why do you use the term "Wahhabi", once again, you remind me of shia and sufi scholars who throw that term around to people who don't believe in their disgusting pagan ideologies.

There are even shias who believe that Allah cannot hear our prayers so we have to call upon Ali before him (May Allah forgive me for saying this).

I can go on and on and on.

Shias are closer to Jews then muslims. FACT.
They will most likely follow the dajjal, believing he is their "12th Imam".

Shias don't follow the Ahlul-Bayt, they follow a Jew.
The Ahlul-Bayt were free from this pagan ideology of worshiping Ali.

If you call upon Ali and Hussein by saying "Ya Ali, Ya Hussein" etc, you are committing shirk, it's NOT hard to understand. This is NOT from Islam.


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Re: Why do Palestinians still pray towards Masjidul Aqsa?
« Reply #14 on: May 19, 2013, 04:22:52 PM »
I said it over and over I am not following any sects either just like yourself, just Qur'an and authentic ahadith.

I am not ARAB,and i am living among arabs and i do know how they are,must of them are hypocrites and monafegh

MY BLOOD IS 100% persian blood,when i say i am not a shia or sunni,i mean it.

i already answered your question regarding wahabis,they are the ones who are cutting off the heads of shias in Iraq

"If you call upon Ali and Hussein by saying "Ya Ali, Ya Hussein" etc, you are committing shirk, it's NOT hard to understand. This is NOT from Islam. "

honestly when i was a shia i used to say like that,that's what they teach people.and how poor people are supposed to know the truth unless they say someone who is nice and really wants to help people is a true muslim then he say that is wrong and you shouldn't say that;you should worship ALLAH(SW) not just kill them because they don't know the truth!!!!!
however they don't worship ali or hussain,they use them as a waseta,and i know that ALLAH(SWT) does not need a waseta.
this is what my sunni friend taught me:

And your Lord says, "Call upon Me; I will respond to you."

and that's how i have changed!!!!!!!!!
that's what i say to each and every shia i see.
and i ask every sunni to help them to find the truth not to kill them!!!!

if i have changed they can be changed too.

these things wallah i have never heard them in my life and i don't think any shia in Iran says that

Now for the shias which believe that Angel Gabriel made a mistake and so on.
This belief is called "gharabiah" They believe that soul of Mohammed PBUH was similar to soul fo Ali, as one crow looks similar to another one. So, they believe Jibraeel AS got confused and delivered the message to Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) instead of Ali. Once again, proves how ignorant you are.

Now the shia mahdi (Dajjal) and a comparison with the Dajjal. (This will prove how ignorant you are again).

There are even shias who believe that Allah cannot hear our prayers so we have to call upon Ali before him (May Allah forgive me for saying this).

ALLAH(SWT) is not deaf so that they call upon Ali,as i said they are using Ali as a Wasetah which is wrong.


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