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Offline adnaanshaikh195

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Re: Why do Palestinians still pray towards Masjidul Aqsa?
« Reply #15 on: May 19, 2013, 05:38:07 PM »
I said it over and over I am not following any sects either just like yourself, just Qur'an and authentic ahadith.

I am not ARAB,and i am living among arabs and i do know how they are,must of them are hypocrites and monafegh

MY BLOOD IS 100% persian blood,when i say i am not a shia or sunni,i mean it.

i already answered your question regarding wahabis,they are the ones who are cutting off the heads of shias in Iraq

"If you call upon Ali and Hussein by saying "Ya Ali, Ya Hussein" etc, you are committing shirk, it's NOT hard to understand. This is NOT from Islam. "

honestly when i was a shia i used to say like that,that's what they teach people.and how poor people are supposed to know the truth unless they say someone who is nice and really wants to help people is a true muslim then he say that is wrong and you shouldn't say that;you should worship ALLAH(SW) not just kill them because they don't know the truth!!!!!
however they don't worship ali or hussain,they use them as a waseta,and i know that ALLAH(SWT) does not need a waseta.
this is what my sunni friend taught me:

And your Lord says, "Call upon Me; I will respond to you."

and that's how i have changed!!!!!!!!!
that's what i say to each and every shia i see.
and i ask every sunni to help them to find the truth not to kill them!!!!

if i have changed they can be changed too.

these things wallah i have never heard them in my life and i don't think any shia in Iran says that

Now for the shias which believe that Angel Gabriel made a mistake and so on.
This belief is called "gharabiah" They believe that soul of Mohammed PBUH was similar to soul fo Ali, as one crow looks similar to another one. So, they believe Jibraeel AS got confused and delivered the message to Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) instead of Ali. Once again, proves how ignorant you are.

Now the shia mahdi (Dajjal) and a comparison with the Dajjal. (This will prove how ignorant you are again).

There are even shias who believe that Allah cannot hear our prayers so we have to call upon Ali before him (May Allah forgive me for saying this).

ALLAH(SWT) is not deaf so that they call upon Ali,as i said they are using Ali as a Wasetah which is wrong.

Brother, I know that you claimed you are not shia/sunni, but are only muslim, that's good!

But the whole point of my replies were for the reason that you asked where through the hadith can you prove that Shia are not muslim? I was just answering you.

Anyway, discussion over, may Allah guide shia to the straight path, Ameen.

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Re: Why do Palestinians still pray towards Masjidul Aqsa?
« Reply #16 on: May 19, 2013, 05:40:45 PM »
Bro Texas what's your beef with Arabs?

Offline reza

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Re: Why do Palestinians still pray towards Masjidul Aqsa?
« Reply #17 on: May 19, 2013, 05:52:11 PM »
Brother adnaanshaikh195

good,i always pray the same for both sides

Tanveer,most of the Arabs that i have met,none of them makes a promise or says something and he does what he said or doesn't break his promise
although they were mostly from Iraq and my saudi friends also told me that Iraqis are like that mostly

i didn't mean to hurt you and i hope you are not like them but this is my experience
sorry if i hurt you

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Re: Why do Palestinians still pray towards Masjidul Aqsa?
« Reply #18 on: May 19, 2013, 06:02:32 PM »
Brother adnaanshaikh195

good,i always pray the same for both sides

Tanveer,most of the Arabs that i have met,none of them makes a promise or says something and he does what he said or doesn't break his promise
although they were mostly from Iraq and my saudi friends also told me that Iraqis are like that mostly

i didn't mean to hurt you and i hope you are not like them but this is my experience
sorry if i hurt you
Lol dont worry I'm not arab. :P You just seemed to have a very negative view of them.

Offline zulfiqarchucknorris

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Re: Why do Palestinians still pray towards Masjidul Aqsa?
« Reply #19 on: May 20, 2013, 05:33:31 PM »
Remeber there is no racism in islam.

Offline Black Muslim

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Re: Why do Palestinians still pray towards Masjidul Aqsa?
« Reply #20 on: May 21, 2013, 12:40:45 PM »
Now , just to get some things straight . At the beginning , there were only Muslims following the path of prophet Muhammad peace and blessings upon him , after a few centuries , new sects appeared and claimed to be from Islam while they are VERY far from it . Because of that , the word "Salafi" and "Sunni" appeared . These two words don't make sects , they just mean that you're following the companions (Salaf) and path (Sunnah) of prophet Muhammad peace upon him . So I don't know how come the word "Salafi" became an insult ! It's the same as the story of prophet Loot with his people who wanted to drive him and his family out because they're "Pure" . Does that make sense ?

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Re: Why do Palestinians still pray towards Masjidul Aqsa?
« Reply #21 on: May 23, 2013, 04:14:52 PM »
Because the word has become associated to extremist who oppose things like modernization and new technology, it is seen as backwards, but those people justify there action actions by saying the salaf didn't use them therefore we should not.
Shia also became an insult as it connotates worshiping Ali, but in reality Shia come from "Shia't ali", people who suported Ali against Muawiyah and Aisha, personally if i HAD to choose between being on the side of Ali or the side of Muawiyah and Aisha during the first Fitna, i mean if i had no choice in the matter, i would choose Ali. And even if not, people still would have loved ali.
Shia, Salafi, Sufi, Sunni... are all meanings of something good
Shia: supporter of Ali
Salafi: Followers of the sahaba
Sufi: Pure, Wool (Asceticsm)
Sunni: a follower of the sunnh of the prophet

but there meanings have all been corrupted by people who claim to be them, or who represent a small minority of them.
The terms have come to mean:
Shia: Ali worshipper
Salafi: Backwards, Anti-Modern, struck in the middle ages
Sufi: Innovator, Anti-realist, only things about God,
Sunni: Ali hater,

This was a comment i found from youtube:
Instead of killing each other on whether to fold our hands during prayers or not, we should fight against those who want to chop them of.

To Osama Abdallah and other commentors: I agree that some Shia do worship ali, however, the majority sects, or at least the doctrince of those sects, such as the twelvers, zaydis, and some ismailis, are agaisnt that worship.

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Re: Why do Palestinians still pray towards Masjidul Aqsa?
« Reply #22 on: May 23, 2013, 06:28:05 PM »
To Osama Abdallah and other commentors: I agree that some Shia do worship ali, however, the majority sects, or at least the doctrince of those sects, such as the twelvers, zaydis, and some ismailis, are agaisnt that worship.

As'salamu Alaikum dear respected brother Zulfiqar,

Thank you for pointing out few points.  I would like to respond to them in the following:

1-  Regarding "Shiat Ali" (Group of Ali), why is this even a valid name then today?  Do you find any Sunni on the face of this earth, today, dare say that Muawiyah is better than Ali, or even is even with Ali, peace be upon him?  No.  Now this doesn't mean Muawiyah is an infidel.  He made his horrible mistakes and he and everyone in that Age and Era is in the Hands of the Judge of all Judges.  You see, what bothers me from the Shias is that just about EVERYTHING about them violates the Holy Quran.

-  Did you know that according to the Holy Quran you are forbidden from calling yourself Shia?

-  Did you know that according to the Holy Quran, you are forbidden from DWELLING in the past and dramas of the people before you?

Visit: to read the Noble Verses for yourself, akhi.  I am not making this up, people!

-  Why the Shiat Ali title?  Is Ali, peace be upon him, still alive today?  Is he relevant to anything or anyone today?  Now, here the thing that exposes Shiism's polytheism, idol-worship and blasphemies:

Shia Answer:  Yes, Ali is alive and is living among us today, in spirit.  We seek him in person.  We call unto him by the name and in person.  And we seek his guidance, inspirations and protection.

Sunni's Response to this:  This is a lie from Hell against Islam, for no such ideology is supported in Holy Quran or any where in Islam.  Ali is DEAD and has no connection with any one here on earth, today.  I didn't say this.  Allah Almighty Said it in the Glorious Quran.  THE BELIEVERS ARE ALIVE IN HEAVEN "WITH ALLAH ALMIGHTY", and enjoying the Bliss of Allah Almighty.

If Ali were here on earth, then Allah Almighty would have to "SEND HIM DOWN" to us as He the Almighty Spoke about sending down the Holy Spirit and Angels to the Believers.  No mention of any humans being sent down here again, except for CHRIST, peace be upon him.  This is a reincarnation hindu theology that has no place in Islam.  Please visit:

And what makes shiism more ridiculous is that they don't consider CHRIST ALIVE WITH US TODAY, which is true.  He is not with us here on earth.  He is up there in Heaven until Allah Almighty Sends him down again to fight the anti-Christ.  But when it comes to Ali and Ahlul Bayt, they're all over the map!  A very empty religion with empty claims that 100% clash with everything about the Holy Quran and Islam.
-  Did you know that the poison that is called Shiism IS A MAJOR BLASPHEMY in just about everything about it?

Shias love to deceive the Muslims by simplifying the problem to Muawiyah VS Ali.  They shrink Islam and all of their blasphemies into this silly point.  This is the trap that Sunnis often fall into.  The Shia pits the Muslim in the position of being against Ali.  The Muslim then feels wrong about it, and the Shia declares his silly and pathetic victory.

The Truth is that neither Ali nor anyone from that Era matters today when it comes to defining what is Islam, and what makes a Muslim.  We are TOO DIFFERENT.  We are TWO RELIGIONS.  We are not One Religion.  Shiism is a lie.  The sects that you mentioned all of them seek Ali and Ahlul Bayt for:

1-  Mercy.
2-  Guidance.
3-  Inspiration.
4-  Forgiveness.
5-  Protection.

This nonsense about calling yourself "Shiat Ali" doesn't fly my dear brother.  I AM 10000000000000% FRICKEN PERCENT Pro-Ali!  And so is every Sunni on this planet.  And I say it again and again, just as Jesus and Mary are innocent from the polytheist trinitarian pagans, so is also the Prophet and Ahlul Bayt are innocent from the shia liars and the idol-worshipers.

I hope this helps, insha'Allah.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline zulfiqarchucknorris

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Re: Why do Palestinians still pray towards Masjidul Aqsa?
« Reply #23 on: May 24, 2013, 09:59:42 AM »
im sure no (true) sunni would say that, however, i am merely stating that some terms that were originally good things have been corrupted.
PS Not all shia say ali is alive, most say he died n 661 and muhammad al mahdi is alive

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Re: Why do Palestinians still pray towards Masjidul Aqsa?
« Reply #24 on: May 24, 2013, 11:42:38 AM »
im sure no (true) sunni would say that, however, i am merely stating that some terms that were originally good things have been corrupted.
PS Not all shia say ali is alive, most say he died n 661 and muhammad al mahdi is alive

As'salamu Alaikum dear brother Zulfiqar,

Yes, Shias not only say Ali is alive, but he is also AMIR AL-KAWN (The Prince of entire Universe).  And Fatimah is a godess.  Allah Almighty even consults her before HE MAKES ANY DECISION!

This garbage is on Youtube and by Najaf's and Qum's TOP SCHOLARS!  Watch the many videos that were uploaded.  No Sheikh in Makkah (Mecca) would dare say anything like this and remain accepted and not get expelled from the Scholars' Community.  Yet, all kinds of blasphemies get spewed left and right and on TV and in public by the Shias.

Shiism is a poison.  I gather from what you say that even many Shias don't know what the hell this poison shiism is.  They're just Shias by name, which is ridiculous for grown adults to be like.  I can understand youngsters wanting to stick with their parents' ways, but adults should be different.

If Shiism is not a filthy and corrupt version of Islam, then we wouldn't have Najaf's and Qum's top scholars come on TV and spew blasphemies.  These are the Shias' two holiest cities along with Karbala and maybe a few others.  But the RELIGIOUS CAPITAL CITIES (THE MECCAS) OF THE RELIGION OF SHIISM are Najaf in Iraq and Qum in Iran.  No two would argue about this.

As to Mahdi being alive, again another empty Shia claim that has no bases in Islam.  Shias claim that Mahdi is alive and is here on earth in flesh and blood, but hasn't come out of his hiding yet.  And how do they "prove" or justify this empty claim?  Here this:

Shia Justification:  You Sunnis claim that Jesus Christ was lifted up to Heaven in his Physical Body.  It's been more than 2000 years and he is still in that body.  Also Noah lived for 950 years in his body here on earth.  So how can the Mahdi not be in a physical body here and hiding?

Sunni Response:  These are Prophets of Allah Almighty that Allah Almighty Chose to have them live for as long as He, the Almighty, Willed for them to live.  But no where in our Islamic texts does it say the Mahdi is alive today in a physical body and is hiding.  We believe that he will come someday.  He will be born from a father and mother.

The Shias' claims are based on empty sources.  They are sources that were written 500 to 600 years after Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon all of the Prophets and Messengers of GOD Almighty.

As to Ali and seeking him.  If you seek Ali in Supplications or Prayers to help you, or aid you, or protect you, or have mercy on you, or guide you, then you are an idol worshiper.  You are supposed to go directly to Allah Almighty and Speak with Him.  This speaking with dead people is an Shia invention.

Shias bring a Noble Verse about one of the Prophets asked his father to ask Allah Almighty to help him.  Having a pious person make a Supplication for you is different from seeking the dead, or constantly relying on someone and constantly seeking someone to be between you and GOD Almighty. 

I hope this helps, insha'Allah.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline reza

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Re: Why do Palestinians still pray towards Masjidul Aqsa?
« Reply #25 on: May 24, 2013, 03:57:02 PM »
Asalamu Alaykum brother Osama

i have been living in a shia country most of my life and i have never seen any shia says Ali(AS) is alive or Fatimah(SA) is a godess.

please Brother for the last time i am asking you don't lie against the shias or anyone else,if you are a good muslim,some shia scholars may lie about sunnis but they never say such nonsense at all.

go to Iran and if you see a single shia says that come and slap me on face and say reza you are a liar.

i am not a shia nor sunni,but i hate liars
i don't know where you get these information or who told you that.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2013, 04:40:50 PM by QuranSearchCom »

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Re: Why do Palestinians still pray towards Masjidul Aqsa?
« Reply #26 on: May 24, 2013, 04:44:21 PM »

I have removed the F words that you wrote in Arabic.  Don't do it again please, or else I will be forced to ban you.

As to what you wrote, you're either IGNORANT, or you're a LIAR!  Countless Youtube videos are given to you of countless top shia scums from the shias' two holliest cities, Qum and Najaf.  You have video and audio that demonstrates what the filthy shia religion is.  And you come here very boldly claim that none of this exists. 

If it doesn't exist in your circle of people, then why are you getting so personal about it.  This is not about IRANIANS.  This is about SHIAS.  I haven't attacked Iranians.  And I know that half of Iran are anti-Islam anyway.  You're Islam-hating Persians, and Iran is using the Arab Shias as toilet papers for its own agenda, almost exactly as the zionist Jews use the neo-con Christians as toilet papers to serve their agendas.  With their blood and their wealth they serve the zionists' evil agendas.  The same is happening to the non-Iranian Shias.  So cool your jets and don't spew F words garbage here.


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Re: Why do Palestinians still pray towards Masjidul Aqsa?
« Reply #27 on: May 24, 2013, 05:53:08 PM »
Brother Osama

you see ,you have always misunderstood me.Brother, i swear to our brotherhood i have never seen a shia from any countries says that.
i am not getting so personal about it at all and i didn't say you are attacking Islam.all i am saying is this,there should be difference between a true muslim and liar.i know shias lie about sunni and i know that sunni lie about shias.

when you say Iran is using arabs as toilet paper,you mean the whole nation,but i am telling this regime is not our representatives and nobody likes this regime here
there is a big difference between Iranian people and Iranian regime. whether you want to believe me or not,but i am telling you the truth.

your duty as a muslim is to correct them not insult them or lie to them.i  am not supporting anyone but i just want all the muslims to be united and have wahdah always.
it is you brother who needs to cool his Jet not me.i don't like shia or sunni scholars and i am saying it clearly
i am just a MUSLIM and i follow authentic hadiths and the Quran
to hell with any liars and anyone who wants to break the wahdah of Muslims

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Re: Why do Palestinians still pray towards Masjidul Aqsa?
« Reply #28 on: May 25, 2013, 05:58:53 PM »
As'salamu Alaikum dear brothers and sisters in Islam,

Checkout this Youtube Video:  In Minute 17:00, the German convert to Islam is taught that Ali is the CONTROLLER of Paradise.

This video is one of the MANY videos on youtube, which I've linked their channels at:

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

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Re: Why do Palestinians still pray towards Masjidul Aqsa?
« Reply #29 on: May 27, 2013, 10:40:34 PM »
As'salamu Alaikum dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam,

Check out this short 9-minute debate between a shia "scholar" and a Sunni Scholar.  Watch how the rabid shia who called Abu Bakr and Omar as kuffar (infidels) got silenced with Truth:

And what how the shias call Ahlul Bayt GOD:

All of this in video for all to see.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah


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