« on: February 12, 2013, 01:51:00 PM »
dear adnaanshaikh195
i have shown you no disrespect, so please dont disrespect me by calling me "a joke".
Another thing, I never claimed that you claimed that jews were fire worshippers, i just said that the claim that they decend from a jew and a fire worshiper is false, as for ibn saba', the shia actually have a negative view of him and view him as an extriemist.
As for the Mahdi, i said the shia claim that he is the son of hassan al askari, i know sunnis differ from the belief (I am neither shia or sunni, but i agree with thesunnis on this)also he would "restore islam", isn't that like the sunni interpretation, yet i agree with you that there are fundemental differences, however the basic idea is the same.
As for syria, you should know that people there are trying to establish a democracy and get rid of the dictator, and some of the more Islamist ones are terrorist groups, like al nusra. Also bashar is not just killing unnni smuslims he is also murdering christians, druze, shia, and even some of the alawites that are opposed to him, I fear for those alawites because bashar wants to kill them and so do the rebels.
Also the Caliphate from 632-1924 had SOME good rulers, Abu Bakr, Ali, etc. but it was not united, or peaceful, Almost (which means some were not) all the caliphs after the first 5 (Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali, Hassan) had there flaws and were either brutal, weak, oppresive, Spoiled, or lived like kings, and after those 5 the caliphate was a monarchy, not a democracy. and dont blame The unestablishment of the caliphate for division, the muslims were divided even when there was a caliph. BTW, if a syrian kurdish muslim died, then my fellow muslim brother has died, if a syrian arab druze dies, then my arab brother has died, if my syria arab muslim friend dies, then my arab-muslim brother dies, its not just muslims who are dying, its all syrians, and they want a democracy and removal of the dictator, not the establishment of the caliphate.