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« on: February 06, 2014, 12:44:02 AM »

 IS UAE REALLY A MUSLIM COUNTRY? I have got some images which proves it's not a Muslim country rather a Munafiq. Well I don't no if I should post such images or not.

 Muslims are suffering all across the world including Syria, Iraq, Afghan, Mali etc and those fools are busy with parties, gambling, prostitution etc. We all should be aware of such hypocrites. This isn't the case only with UAE rather with most other rich Muslim countries.

these aren't the pictures I was talking about. These are just some examples of their hypocrisy.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2014, 12:46:21 AM by FARHAN_UDDIN »

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« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2014, 11:36:16 AM »
Wa Alaikum As'salam dear brother,

Syria aside, even the very buildings that many of the Gulf countries have built are built on modern-day slavery.  Ill treatment of workers, and abuse and not paying them for long months, and confining them, and forcing them to work unbearable hours and work, beating them sometimes to death, treating them like dirt.  Very shameful

These monkies don't represent Islam.  They never did and never will, with the exception of the genuiune Muslims among them, who are powerless themselves.

But also Truth must be told.  The poorer Arabs aren't much better either!  The same also with the rest of the Muslim world, in general.  We too also have the same rotten problems as they have.  We also have similar abuses of our own citizens in the poorer Muslim countries on a large scale exactly, if not worse, as they have it in the Arab Gulf countries.  So the monkies are everywhere.  Not just among the rich ones.  This reminds me of the other post that I replied to about the Whites being evil.  The non-Whites also have the same evil and ill treatment of their very own citizens and kind.

I responded to my older sister the other day about something similar to this.  We had a similar talk about certain Muslim nations, and she made a comment about a certain nation (won't specify it here) that she finds them to be the friendliest towards others.  I responded to her by saying that the best way to judge a community or a nation is by how well or bad they treat each others.  Not by how many smily faces they display towards others, perhaps due to weakness or need.  This is why I say that the poorer Muslims aren't better than the rich ones.  They're all equally evil and as bad with each others and with others.  We need to get back to Genuine Islam and change ourselves for good.  Otherwise, a citizen will always be equal to dirt in our Muslim countries.  Allah Almighty Said:

[013:011]  For his sake there are angels following one another, before him and behind him, who guard him by Allah's commandment; surely Allah does not change the condition of a people until they change their own condition; and when Allah intends evil to a people, there is no averting it, and besides Him they have no protector.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah


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« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2014, 12:05:39 PM »
Yes brother, many poor muslims are also the same.

 I would like to give another example of some hypocrites.

 Many people in a country called Bangladesh claim to be Muslims. But I don't think so that they are Muslims. Because they claim that, first they are ''BENGALI'' then they are "MUSLIMS". I had a hard time arguing with those stupid freaks. At one point of argument they started to address me as "Taliban''.

 Their so called bengali culture is one kind of paganism. Want proofs??? Well here are some:




These images are taken from google.  These undoubtedly proves, that country can't be a Muslim country. It's another example of hypocrisy. But there are many good muslims in that country too. They aren't like those Bengali fools. Those muslims never claim to be ''bengali''. Many muslim scholars and a few high class Muslims in that country are the descendants of Afghan, Turk and Iraqis.

 And as far as i have studied ''Bengali'' is not a race rather a culture. So if they are really true Muslims they should get rid of their foolish pagan culture. but i don't it will happen. they are very stubborn. I realized this when I had a first argument with them.

 Lastly I want to say, Muslim society really needs a filtration. >:( >:(

« Last Edit: February 06, 2014, 12:24:36 PM by FARHAN_UDDIN »

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« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2014, 04:25:03 PM »
Peace Brother
I disagree with you on the Bengali Part, just because certain aspects in the culture used to be practiced in Pagan times and are still practiced after islam does not mean that it is pagan worship, its just part of there culture. Are they Worshiping Another God? Or are the pictures you showed us are just a form of art? If the former is true, then this is against Islam, if the latter, then they are Muslims.
Begalis are an ethnic group, they belong to the Bengal Region, this area is split between Modern India and Bengaladish, they have there own language, Bengali. There are some people who say that Bengalis are basiclly just Indians. Bengalis are Indian as French are European.



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« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2014, 04:41:23 AM »

 thanks for your opinion brother. But brother i want to say one thing, speaking in bengali doesn't make a person bengali. There are many Asians in Uk whose mother tongue is English but they aren't English. In the same way according to the history of the country named Bangladesh many Afghans, Turks, Iraqis and Persians settled down there permanently during 12th to 19th century just like what happened in Pakistan. And during that period the original Bengalis migrated to India except some. Maybe they again came back during the british period and got mixed with them. That's why we see these stupids among them with their dirty culture. I personally know some bangladeshis who are the descendants of Iran, Turk and Pakistan. They are well natured and are against these stupid pagan bengalis. The pictures above are an example of their dirty culture. I won't call them Muslims at any cost. And another thing, I have no problem with Bangladeshi real Muslims, they are as nice as other Mu'min Muslims. but yes i have a major problem with Bengalis. The people in the pictures above are nothing but some stupid pagans. A bangladeshi real Muslim can't be a Bengali . Bengali is just a dirty culture.It's not a ethnic community. I have proofs in favor of my arguments. Recently I read a pdf article where it says, many of the high class Muslims and Muslim landlords in Bangladesh were originally Afghan, Turks, Persians and Iraqis. the number of converts was very less. But unfortunately I lost the link.

Lastly I want to say, the real Muslims in Bangladesh are extremely nice and gentle. Not stubborn and racist like those stupid Bengali pagans. Our Muslim society really needs filtration.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2014, 07:09:01 AM by FARHAN_UDDIN »

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« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2014, 11:31:58 AM »
Peace Brother
I disagree with you on the Bengali Part, just because certain aspects in the culture used to be practiced in Pagan times and are still practiced after islam does not mean that it is pagan worship, its just part of there culture. Are they Worshiping Another God? Or are the pictures you showed us are just a form of art? If the former is true, then this is against Islam, if the latter, then they are Muslims.
Begalis are an ethnic group, they belong to the Bengal Region, this area is split between Modern India and Bengaladish, they have there own language, Bengali. There are some people who say that Bengalis are basiclly just Indians. Bengalis are Indian as French are European.


As'salamu Alaikum akhi Zulfiqar,

While pictures in general aren't haram (sinful, forbidden), but those particular pictures are.  For example, isn't the woman in the picture supposed to be the hindu goddess Lakshmi?  If this was the arabian pagan god hubal, then everyone would've said that yes it's haram.  But aren't the hindu gods the same?  They're all worshiped idols.  So why praise them by raising pictures of them??  It doesn't matter whether you worship them or not, they're still praised.

This reminds me of the Sufis circumambulation (tawaaf) around the graves practice.  Why do it??  They say that it's not a practice of worshiping the graves.  But it is.  sufis and shias also do bow to the graves, especially to the graves of their holy figures.

To the reader, please visit the following link to see how Islam's Rituals are all also supported in the Bible:

Allah Almighty's Warning to all Muslims:

If you are a Muslim who calls himself a Sufi or Shia but doesn't do any of these practices (see the many evil and heretical and blasphemous practices), and are ignorant about them, then my advise to you my dear brother or sister is to educate yourself VERY WELL about these heretic sects before you decide to stamp them on your name and title.  Your ignorance only adds to their strength and blasphemies.  If you call yourself as one of them, then you have increased them by one with your ignorance.  And perhaps you're one of those very reasonable and very nice and very pious Muslims that you're only making those heretic sects look like what they're not.  Don't let their soft talk and smiles fool you!

And last and not least, let me remind you of Allah Almighty's Warning to those who inject poisons of this type (ex: polytheist practices, heretical practices, etc...) into Islam:

[006:023]  Then their excuse would be nothing but that they would say: By Allah, our Lord, we were not polytheists.

[006:024]  See how they lie against their own souls, and that which they forged has passed away from them.

Many will stand before Allah Almighty and sware by Allah Almighty's Holy Name that they were True Muslims.  But they will be rejected, and they will be called liars, and they will be thrown to Hell.  Do not play games with Islam.  Do not get colorful with your unorthodox ways.  Like domino, the poisons keep falling in once you let them in.  It starts with an "innocent" picture or idol or practice of some pagan ritual, and then it becomes a norm to many, and then it becomes a tradition.  Enough with this nonsense, Muslims.  Why do do some Muslims insist on being pagans?

You see, this is what bothers me from shias and suffies.  They take what Islam practices and they twist them and turn them into idol worship:

1-  We bow to Allah Almighty in prostration.  They bow to mere creations' graves in prostration.

2-  We do tawaaf around the Kaaba, because it is Allah Almighty's appointed House of Worship.  They do tawaaf round mere creations' graves.

3-  We call unto Allah Almighty in Prayers and Supplications.  They call unto mere creations, both dead and alive, for prayers and supplications and for:

1-  Aid
2-  Support
3-  Mercy
4-  Forgiveness
5-  Guidance

And as you've all seen in my previous posts, the shias even go as far as saying that the Ahlul Bayt people are on the Throne with Allah Almighty, and that Allah Almighty's Throne is under their feet.

We should rise with ONE VOICE and as ONE MAN against these types of heretical groups and thoroughly expose them!  I will be posting articles on the sufies very soon, insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing).  By doing this, dear brothers and sisters in Islam, we'll not only expose the blasphemous and heretical groups, but we'll also educate many of their ignorant followers who may be True Muslims, but are very ignorant and know little to nothing about these blasphemous cults, whom they associate themselves with anyway. 

This garbage is not True Islam:



Please visit:

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline zulfiqarchucknorris

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« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2014, 06:44:56 PM »
Bengalis ARE an ethnic group. Bengladeshi is a citizenship. Its like how "Saudi" is a citizenship and "Arab" in the ethnic group.
To clear up some presumptions, i need to clarify a few things:
Bengal: a historical, geographical and ethno-linguistic region in South Asia, politically divided between India and  Bangladesh
Bengalis: the principal ethnic group native to the region of Bengal, which is politically divided between Bangladesh and India.
Bangladesh: A country that makes up PART of Bengal.
Bengaladeshi: A citizen of Bengladesh
There are Muslim Bengalis (which are the majority in Bengaladish) and Hindu Bengalis (which are the majority in India). They are called Bengalis because they come from the region of Bengal (this is divided between modern india and Bangladesh), Begalis can be pagan like the majority of Benglis in India or
You say that Bengalis are pagan, not necessarily, Hindu Bengalis, which are the majority in the Indian part of Bengal, are Pagan, (Thus your picture shows Hindu Gods, this is why it says bengal and not bengladesh), these people never claim to be Muslims, they are Bengali Hindus. Muslim Bengalis make up the mjority
It is true that many people have settled in Bengal over the centuries, but that doesn't mean its not Bengali, those people integrated into Bengal Society Adopted the local Culture, and Mixed with the native population, the latter reason makes the decendants Bengals. I have a friend whos grandfather is Uzbek, however, he migrated to mecca, married an Arab Girl, and there daughter married an Arab boy, does this make him NOT ARAB? No it doesnt, he is an arab, with some Uzbek decent, but arab nonetheless. You can belong to any race/ethic group (Bengalis, Arabs, etc.) and be a muslim.



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« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2014, 12:38:35 AM »
Let me just clear one thing here. My grandpa, grandma all are Pakistanis. And I think you know that once Bangladesh was a part of us. After the partition, we decided to stay here instead of going back to Pakistan due to violence and unrest. I thought I'll be treated well here. But what I see now here is that, these foolish bengali pagans are not giving the real Muslims or pakistanis any value. They are extremely stubborn and always like to argue on small things. I had a hard time dealing with these pagans. They claim that ''Bengalism'' is everything to them. And another thing, i know english, urdu and bangla. My family also speak bengal. this doesn't make us bengali. besisdes i don't follow a single aspect of their dirty culture. This is because my grandfather, grandma all are pakistanis. We don't mix with those stupid dirty pagans.

 The pics above is their so called bengali new year celebration. Those stupids believe all these will bring them good luck. But just look at the condition of the country. The country is engulfed by unrest and violence.

 Their stupid pagan culture only belongs to the garbage.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2014, 01:18:24 AM by FARHAN_UDDIN »


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« Reply #8 on: February 12, 2014, 12:59:56 AM »
I have changed the topic of the thread. Because UAE is not the only hypocrite country here. There are some others which must be exposed.

 Following are some proofs of hypocrisy in bangladesh:



 Will you call these stupid Munafiqs ,Muslims? They are enjoying as if they have won the world and those innocent poor people are suffering out of hunger, thirst and cold. Allah will never forgive these Munafiqs. These are just some examples of their hypocrisy.

 Following are some pics of sufferings of Muslims in bangladesh:

 The above pics proves undoubtedly that Muslims in Bangladesh are in great suffering like most other Muslim countries. While those Bengali pagans are busy with their stupid culture.

 May Allah bless the Muslims. Ameen.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2014, 01:15:06 AM by FARHAN_UDDIN »

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« Reply #9 on: February 12, 2014, 03:44:09 PM »
As I mentioned before, its true that speaking Bengali does not make you Bengali, Bengalis are an Ethnicity, Native to the Geographical region of Bengal, this region is split between Hindu Majority West Bengal (currently a state in Modern India), and Muslim Majority Bangladesh (Which is currently an interdependent Country). Bengalis are a people, many of them are Hindus (pagan as you say), and many of them are Muslims. Your confusing the region, country, and state and culture. Your also bashing a culture of the people. Its one think thing to bash a religion (I still dont approve of it but you can the case), but its entirely different to hate on a culture. Dont fall into that trap. Just because Bengalis did something Hindu in West Bengal (Naturally because the Majority is Hindu), does not mean Bengalis in West Bengal

Also, Why are those "Bengali Musims" dressed like Arabs? I hate when Muslims take on Arab Names and Culture just because they think its more Muslim. I have more respect of a French Muslim who names there children French Names than Arabs who name there children French Names. I mean whats wring with an Arab Name like Hassan, Saad, Maryam. At the same time, why name your son Khalid although your not Arab? Why not Pierre or Charles?

My Point is, you coming of as a Bigot, Farhan, IM SURE YOUR NOT, but you are bashing Bengal Culture and Saying things like "I dont follow a single aspect of there dirty culture is not cool?

Those picture you showed me shows suffering is a less economically developed country, like many others, also whats wrong with enjoying yourself? Yes, there is suffering in Syria. Yes, We should help the refugees (Which are not just muslims) and take care of them. Yes, we should help end the violence. But dont blame nations just because they are better off than others.



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« Reply #10 on: February 13, 2014, 04:53:13 AM »

 Thanks brother for your advice. But brother the Muslims in the above pics aren't dressed like Arabs. That's our traditional Muslim dress. Muslims in Pakistan, India, Iran, Iraq, Malaysia, Indonesia etc wear the same type of dress. Brother as I have explained before that, not long ago from now many Arab (generally Iraqis, Yemenis, Syrians and Egyptians), Persians and Turks settled down in these countries permanently. That's why you see this type of dresses and also names there. For example, my name is a Persian name. Farhan means glorious in Farsi. And as I have told you earlier my ancestors were probably Persians, Turks or Iraqis. They used to travel here in the Indian sub-continent mainly for trade along the river banks. If you had seen my grandfather's and grandma's father you would have been surprised. Because they were as tall as 6.5 to 7 feet. And had extremely white skins. Same with my grandpa and most of my uncles. But yes it's true our physical structure has changed a lot due to difference of climate. The original locals were mainly 5 to 5.5 feet. And their physical structure is much more different then ours. Listen I'm not boasting on your physical structure. I'm just telling you the reality. The thing i want to tell is that, these dresses and names haven't come here suddenly. Yes some of the converts have adopted such names. We can't deny that. But I must admit one thing and that is, During the Muslim conquest here in Pakistan and also in Bangladesh many hindus fled to India as it's a big country. While some remained. And as far as I know, 50% Bangladeshis are mixed race, 30% converts and 20% pure. I read this in a pdf article. The bengalis might have returned after the fall of the Muslims in the hands of the british during the 18th century.

And brother, I'm not bashing their culture but upholding their paganism. Their culture is almost like Hinduism . For example, the clothes which those women are wearing in the above pics are hindu clothes without any doubt. You may also see partially naked clothes. Sorry to use the word ''naked''. But it's the reality. And such clothes are obviously haram in Islam. Those so called Muslims should know that Islam is first and then their culture.

 Lastly. We really need to filtrate our Muslim society.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2014, 07:01:15 AM by FARHAN_UDDIN »

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« Reply #11 on: February 15, 2014, 07:36:46 AM »
There's no such thing as traditional Islamic Dress. All different Cultures. Where different Dresses. For Example, you will almost never see a Saudi Sheikh Dressed like an Iranian or Afghan Mullah. Same thing with Malaysian, its different. Yes there are some similarities between Cultures because of cultural diffusion, but at the same time its different. Arabs have a lot in common with some Europeans and South American also, but of course the culture is different.
It annoys me when people adopt Arab Culture just because they think it will make them more Muslim, remember, the prophet said: "There is no different between an Arab and a non Arab, or between a Non Arab and an Arab, or between a white (Some say red) person and a black person, or a black person and a white person, except in Piety."
I personally know an Arab Christian named Hasan, another one named Sa'd, another called Amina. At the same time, I know Muslims called John, Lindsay, George, James, and Mir. They are just as Muslim as me.
I met a Muslim Indian who dressed like a Hindu India, the only difference was that her dress was longer (Sleave wise) but that's about it.
Also what are you taking about when you said "There Culture is almost like Hinduism". Hinduism is a religion, not a culture. Religion =/= Culture, both are intertwined but not the same, one could follow Arab Culture but not be A muslim (or Even Christian). and what do you mean "30% converts and 20% pure", if you convert does that make you anything less Bengali? No, it just means you believe in something different.
I not denying that you have mixed blood, you probably do. Im just saying that Culture is different from religion, you look like you are mistaking Begali Culture for Paganism, that is simply not true.  Begalis can be muslim (As the majority are in Bangladesh) or Hindu (As majority are in West Bengal,India) or whatever, but that makes them Bengali and they cannot change that.


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« Reply #12 on: February 15, 2014, 09:20:21 AM »
 There should be some corrections. Listen, the pics I posted above is their so called stupid ''Bengali New Year". So it's obvious that there are those so called Muslim Bengalis in there. And it also proves that those hypocrites are following that pagan culture. I'm not saying their culture a pagan culture unnecessarily. It's the reality. the above pics are the proofs. Those so called Bengali Muslims and Hindus are sharing the same culture. I don't understand, how can Muslims and a Hindus share same culture?????

 And brother you said that the Muslims in Bangladesh are bengalis. Okay i don't agree. The Muslims who are Muslims by heart can't be Bengalis. ''Bengali'' is just a culture not a tribe. The Indians in Mumbai, Punjab, Delhi look as same as the Bengalis. Moreover the Muslims in bangladesh are totally mixed except those stupid pagans in the pics. Yes you may argue that as they speak bengali they are bengalis. but that can't be. Instead of being a Pakistani i know a little bit of bengla. And listen we can all the Hindus in India, Bengladesh and also those pagan culture followers, Bengali. But not those Muslims in Bangladesh who don't follow that rubbish culture. You might say as they have been there in that region for ages, that's why they are bengalis. Well then, i must call the Pakistanis, Indians, Syrians, Palestinians, Bangladeshis living in UK, USA English. Which can't be true. Even if they adopt the local culture. Because their physical structure will be totally different.

 We should simply call the real Muslims in Bangladesh, Bangladeshis and should call those pagans Bengalis. Another example which I would like to cite is that if i speak Farsi and follow the Farsi culture or Arabic and if you don't know me, will you call me a Pakistan? No. So culture doesn't matter. It's obviously changeable. And Bengali is just a culture. Not a tribe. So if those pagans want, they can leave this culture.

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« Reply #13 on: February 15, 2014, 11:32:12 AM »
Also, Why are those "Bengali Musims" dressed like Arabs? I hate when Muslims take on Arab Names and Culture just because they think its more Muslim. I have more respect of a French Muslim who names there children French Names than Arabs who name there children French Names. I mean whats wring with an Arab Name like Hassan, Saad, Maryam. At the same time, why name your son Khalid although your not Arab? Why not Pierre or Charles?
I just want to point that naming your child a bad name is not something Islam approves of . For example , you are not to name him "Caleb" which means "Dog" . Aside from that , I believe that the reason why they name Arabian names is not because they are Arabian , but rather because they are names of heroes of Islam . Abu Bakr , Umar , Uthman , Ali , Khalid , Bilal , and many others may Allah be pleased of them all . So I don't think it's about Arabians but rather about heroes . Not to mention that the most favorite names to Allah are the names of "Hamd" like Muhammad , Mahmood , Ahmad , and the "Abd=servant" .

There's no such thing as traditional Islamic Dress. All different Cultures. Where different Dresses. For Example, you will almost never see a Saudi Sheikh Dressed like an Iranian or Afghan Mullah. Same thing with Malaysian, its different. Yes there are some similarities between Cultures because of cultural diffusion, but at the same time its different. Arabs have a lot in common with some Europeans and South American also, but of course the culture is different.
As for clothes , wear what you like as long as it follows the teachings of Islam . Men are not to wear silk or gold . Silk is excluded in case of necessity or if it isn't natural . The clothes must cover the private parts for men and women . Men's are from knee to belly , women's are ordered to cover all and there is a difference if covering the face is mandatory or optional . Clothes must not describe the appearance of the private parts wither if it's because they are tight or transparent . Clothes must not be religious clothes of non Muslims in anyway . Clothes must not be of the opposite sex as the prophet peace upon him cursed men imitating women and women imitating men . Clothes must not go below the heels . After fulfilling all that and other things , one must not wear something odd to the place where he lives . For example , you shouldn't go down the street in Pajamas .


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« Reply #14 on: February 15, 2014, 12:17:05 PM »
I 100% agree with you dear brother Black Muslim. May Allah bless you. Ameen.

 Those stupid so called Muslim women in the above pics are wearing partially naked clothes. And those stupid, shameless men are dancing around them. This reminds me of the anti-Islamic Western culture. This bengali culture also proves how obscene these hindus are.

 I must say one thing. I hate the pagans and the atheists more than i hate the Jews and Christians.

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« Reply #15 on: February 15, 2014, 12:51:08 PM »
As'salamu Alaikum beloved brothers (Farhan, "Black Muslim" and Zulfiqar and all other brothers) and sisters,

I just want to say that Arabs are not superior to anyone.  The Message and burden of Islam and spreading Islam came upon them.  But this in no way means that they are superior or better than anyone.  It just means that we'll get punished more if we fail, in the Day of Judgment.

A True Believer with all of the Muslim Believers is this:

[005:054]  O ye who believe! if any from among you turn back from his Faith, soon will God produce a people whom He will love as they will love Him,- lowly with the believers, mighty against the rejecters, fighting in the way of God, and never afraid of the reproaches of such as find fault. That is the grace of God, which He will bestow on whom He pleaseth. And God encompasseth all, and He knoweth all things.

Any Arab who speaks arrogantly to others or mistreats them, ESPECIALY MUSLIMS, because the Holy Quran is in Arabic, and because Islam came to the Arabs, or because he has money and power, is to be disregarded as a dumb clown and hypocrite who doesn't know Islam.  As a believer, I am to speak lowely and humbly to all Believers.  I am the LEAST OF THEM!  This is our beautiful Islam.

And dear brother Farhan, we as Muslims do not hate anyone, akhi.  Allah Almighty throughout the entire Glorious Quran never used the word hate.  He always said "Allah does not love..."  the evil doers, the disbelievers, those who spread mischief in the land, those who are wicked, who lie, who backbite, who steal, who murder, etc...  This is why dear brother, even when we capture the prisoners of war, we are to treat them with the Love of Allah Almighty:

"They perform (their) vows, and they fear a Day Whose evil flies far and wide.  And they feed, for the love of Allah, the indigent, the orphan, and the captive -- (Saying), 'We feed you For the sake of Allah alone:  No reward do we desire from you, nor thanks.'  (The Noble Quran, 76:7-9)"

For ample more Noble Verses and details, please visit:

Take care beloveds,
Osama Abdallah

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« Reply #16 on: February 15, 2014, 02:48:42 PM »
Dear Brother Farhan, you are implying that you hate Pagans, Christians, Jews, and, Atheists. I have friends from all those faiths, you should to, and get to know them, is this hate really necessary?
As for the clothes, yes, I believe you should be able to wear what you want, provided it is modest, respectable (does not imitate the opposite sex, etc.) . But I don't get why Non Arab Muslims adopt Arabian Clothing, I almost have never seen an imam with a suit, only some sort of middle eastern clothing. Also, I get naming your children after the prophet's, but why are they the arabized version of the name i.e. Ibrahim instead of Abraham, Yusuf instead of Joseph?
When a person converts, he also switches his name, this is not required nor a recommendation, since the vast majority of the companions did not changed there name upon conversion. It is only required if the name is blasphemous (e.g. Abdulkaaba, servant/slave of the Kaaba), and recommended (not required) if there name means something bad (e.g Caleb, dog), since some Muslims refused to change there names upon the prophets request, and the prophet accepted there decision.
I just hate it when some people are muslims or convert (revert) to Islam, they act as they are from a different race. Once I met this Irish guy, who converted to Islam, he was called James before, but then he switched his name to Ahmed, started wearing Arabic clothing, and denies being Irish.
Arab Christians dont act less Arab because of there faith, but how come many Non Arab muslims attempt to discard there own origins.



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« Reply #17 on: February 16, 2014, 04:18:05 AM »

 Thanks brother zulfiqar and brother osama for your opinions.

 Brother Zulfiqar, we Pakistanis in general wear trousers and shirts at our home. And as I have told you earlier that as maximum Muslims in the Indian Subcontinent are the descendants of Persia, Turk, Yemenis and Egyptians, you see some sort of Arab clothes over here. Arab merchants have been conducting along the river banks of Indian subcontinent from the pre-Islamic period.Persians and Turks probably came later. Well I'm not sure about this. And personally I don't like to copy others. If I had then I would have changed my name to some Arab name. But most of our family members have Persian and Turk names.

 And thanks brother osama for your advice. But brother, i have tried but still I couldn't get rid of hatred for those pagans, atheists and hypocrites. Please pray for me so that I can get rid of this.




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