Author Topic: SAVE THE MUSLIMS IN SYRIA!!!  (Read 24833 times)

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« on: February 10, 2014, 08:11:46 AM »

 Sorry brother Osama and other brothers, if it is too much. But i can't tolerate all these anymore. Tears come to my eyes when I see these images. We must include Syria in our prayers. If we all pray together, maybe Allah will send help soon. No matter what all these must be stopped at once. Those innocent children who are being killed don't have any idea who their enemy is and why they are being killed. If Muhammad (PBUH), Abu Bakr (RA), Umar (RA), Uthman (RA) or Ali (RA) were here they wouldn't have let these happen at any cost.

 The most sad thing is, even if we (me,brother Osama and other concerned brothers and sisters) want to help them, we can't. Unless the entire Muslim Ummah wakes up. I personally believe that these are some indications that Muslims have fallen and Qiyamah is very close.

 Again I apologize for bringing up this type of topic. I know we have discussed these earlier. But what do I do, I can't control my emotions and feelings for these for poor helpless people.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 08:13:17 AM by FARHAN_UDDIN »

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« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2014, 11:54:37 AM »
إنا لله و إنا إليه راجعون !
اللهم رد الظلم و العدوان عن المسلمين و انصرهم على عدوك و عدوهم و رد كيده في نحره .

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« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2014, 02:45:46 PM »
As'salamu Alaikum dear brother Farhan,

Jazaka Allah Khayr for the pictures and the increase in awareness of what's going on from atrocities in Syria, dear brother.  Please don't hesitate to post more dear brother.  Feel free to post and open new threads as you see best.  I will create a new section for Syria and add the links to it, insha'Allah.  I will also link it on the main page.  The shias are committing countless war crimes against the Sunnis.

May Allah Almighty greatly bless you, dear brother Farhan.  Ameen.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline mclinkin94

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« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2014, 04:05:18 PM »
As'salamu Alaikum dear brother Farhan,

Jazaka Allah Khayr for the pictures and the increase in awareness of what's going on from atrocities in Syria, dear brother.  Please don't hesitate to post more dear brother.  Feel free to post and open new threads as you see best.  I will create a new section for Syria and add the links to it, insha'Allah.  I will also link it on the main page.  The shias are committing countless war crimes against the Sunnis.

May Allah Almighty greatly bless you, dear brother Farhan.  Ameen.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah
Asalamu Aliakum!

Pardon my ignorance on this topic, but why are Shias attacking Sunnis?


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« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2014, 12:29:19 PM »
Here are some more images of the ongoing situation in Syria:

 ''Ya Allah save these innocent people from the hands of the tyrants." Ameen.

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« Last Edit: February 17, 2014, 12:32:26 PM by FARHAN_UDDIN »

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« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2014, 02:14:14 PM »
May Allah Almighty GREATLY bless you, dear brother Farhan.  Plesae keep these posts coming dear brother.  I'll create a new link/section for Syria tonight on the main page of the website, insha'Allah.  It's long overdue, but it must be done.  Been too burried and busy to do the necessary thorough research to get the pictures.  So I greatly appreciate your help, dear brother Farhan.

Take care akhi,
Osama Abdallah


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« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2014, 12:31:17 PM »
Thanks brother Osama.

More images:

Brothers and Sisters, please watch the following video:

« Last Edit: February 18, 2014, 12:34:58 PM by FARHAN_UDDIN »

Offline zulfiqarchucknorris

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« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2014, 06:07:18 PM »
I just want to add that its not just Shias attacking Sunnis, but also the other way around. The opposition and Assad's forces both committed atrocities, and both parties are composed of different sects, the opposition has prominent Alawi members, including some of the Assad family, and Government also has prominent Sunnis, such as the Tlass family. I think its also rude to only emphasis the Muslims that are suffering in Syria but also to acknowledge that Christians and Druze there are also suffering, Non Arabs, such as the Kurds, are also suffering.


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« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2014, 08:10:52 PM »
I just want to add that its not just Shias attacking Sunnis, but also the other way around. The opposition and Assad's forces both committed atrocities, and both parties are composed of different sects, the opposition has prominent Alawi members, including some of the Assad family, and Government also has prominent Sunnis, such as the Tlass family. I think its also rude to only emphasis the Muslims that are suffering in Syria but also to acknowledge that Christians and Druze there are also suffering, Non Arabs, such as the Kurds, are also suffering.


Your comment is extremely offensive and ridiculous.  The Sunnis didn't commit war crimes against the shias in Syria.  And they've actually come and addressed this very point on Paltalk, and they said that we could easily target their children and all vulnerable areas, but we're keeping our fight True to GOD Almighty.  It is the criminal regime of Syria along with his Islam-hating shia infidels that are viciously fighting the Muslims and using every dirty method.

When you equate the victim with the criminal with such stupid remarks, then you lose all credibility.  I know you're a shia Zulfiqar.  It's a no brainer.  Dhulfiqar was Caliph Ali's sword name.  But I respect you.  The Syrian people have EVERY RIGHT to rise against their corrupt government.  It's the evil infidels from your people who are denying them such God-given right to live in a corrupt-free land, and under an Islamic democracy.  The evil and hateful shias are only good in knifing themselves, and blaspheming against GOD Almighty.  Like rabid dogs turned loose, they thought that their holy war against us has come.  But they badly miscalculated, because every one now can't stand even seeing a rotten shia in front of him.  And the Sunnis make up more than 90% of the nation over there.  So they're the majority also.  It won't be long till the shias there see the overwhelming wrath of the Muslims come crashing upon them.

I hope this helps.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah


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« Reply #9 on: February 21, 2014, 03:53:07 AM »

 Brother Zulfiqar, it's Assad who is using barrel bombs, cluster bombs and other destructive weapons against those innocent people who have nothing but some Ak-47s, LMGS, SMGS, Mortar Shells and Cannons. These weapons are nothing compared to those.


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« Reply #10 on: February 21, 2014, 05:20:01 AM »
Brutally oppressing your people for decades, arbitrary arrests, imprisonments and executions, opening fire on people in peaceful protests Bashar is a dictator & he's waging a war his people (doing what his father did)! Not only that, using chemical weapons on more than one occasion, using inhumane torture and terror in prison and killing thousands through starvation.
Rebels have every right to rebel, they're protecting their families and fighting for their rights and freedom!

Offline zulfiqarchucknorris

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« Reply #11 on: February 21, 2014, 05:28:53 AM »
Both side HAVE committed war crimes. Personally, I want the moderate portion of the opposition to win, but you cannot deny there are extremist portions of the opposition. I DO NOT support the the corrupt dictatorial Assad government, Bashar is just as bad as Hafiz, maybe worse. I believe the civilians had the right to rebel, there protests were crushed, and that turned into a rebellion, which turned into a civil war. A portion of the army defected to becoming the Free Syrian army, but since then many other groups have formed (Including some that have extremist members/Tendencies). At the same time its too simple to view the conflict as a Sunni vs. Shia. As I mentioned before, Assad's forces have Sunnis in there ranks, and some portions of the opposition have Shia members. Remember, the Opposition is very diverse, some people portray only the extremist or moderate side as representatives of the entire group, that is simply not true. Also don't forget the racial part pf the conflict, Kurds also are fighting for there rights.

By the way, Zulfiqar is my a pseudonym, I use it online but is not my real name, since when have you heard of a Saudi with the name Zulfiqar, I even wrote it with a Z. I am NOT a shia, I have the deepest respect for the 5 rightly guided caliph (Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali, Hassan), I don't identify with either side, but my beliefs are closer to Sunni Muslim beliefs. The only difference between me and other sunnis is that I recognize the so-called "Shia Imams", not as divine beings, but as religious leaders in which the prophet (PBUH) said would be respected leaders, but thats it, I disagree with a lot of shi3a practices, beating themselves, etc. The closest thing to a shia that I am is that my SUNNI grandmother came from Iran, and my other came from Iraq, Shia-Majority Countries but they were Sunni. But I am against propagating hatred against Shias, dialogue and understanding are the answers, not hate.

Also, get your statistics right, Sunni Arabs are around 60% of the population, Sunni kurds 9%, and Sunni Turks (Turkoman) 3%, overall ~72% of the population, not 90%. You cannot deny that a significant portion is Alawi and christian, what of there rights, they are also suffering because of this conflict, its affecting the population as a whole. I think its wrong to only focus on the Muslims and not the Syrian people as a whole.


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« Reply #12 on: February 21, 2014, 05:06:30 PM »
It is well known that shias always try to magnify their little numbers in the Muslim population.  The Truth is that if it wasn't for Iran, your people would be so insignificant that hardly anyone in the world would ever hear about them.  And even in Iran, the shias aren't the majority either.  The Iranians are hard to figure out.  They're still holding on to their old Persian dreams that the Arabs have crushed.  Many Persians are religionless.  Not atheists.  But just don't belong to any religion at all.  This is QUITE NOTICABLE here in their communities in the USA.

The shias are far from being the majority in Iraq, and are far from being more than %5 of the Syrian popular.  The problem is that they're heavily funded and armed by Iran and also Israel and the West.  The old divide and conquer philosophy.  So by supporting you and helping to make you endure, they ensure that they have a lasting grip on the oil and the money over there.  Hardly anyone is arming the Syrian rebels today.  And the weapons that they receive are too light and weak.  The rebels today are known to build their own weapons.  Necessity is the mother invention.  Otherwise, if they were heavily armed, then they would've swallowed Asad and his regime in a matter of days or few months.  But they purposefully want to extend the fight for as long as possible.

The blasphemous shia religion:

The problem with the shias is that they are an infestation among the Muslims.  Before the age of the internet and youtube and facebook, where facts are WIDELY AND RAPIDLY SPREAD and falsehood is widely and rapidly exposed, only a small percentage of the Sunnis really understood the blasphemies of the shias religion.  It is not something that we can compromise with.  It is an infestation and a plague that needs to be removed.  Aside from your stupid rituals of knifing and beating yourselves and your children, which certainly repels any reasonable person away from you, but the more serious problems with your obnoxious and false religion, that is built entirely on hate, is your insults to GOD Almighty:

1-  You say that the Ahlul Bayt people are with GOD Almighty on this Throne.  This is in your books and is recorded by your imams.  So it's not from thin air.

2-  Allah Almighty's Throne is under the feet of the people of Ahlul Bayt.

3-  You call unto the people of Ahlul Bayt for:

(a)-  Guidance
(b)-  Protection
(c)-  Forgiveness
(d)-  Mercy

Your false religion is more than just disagreeing on who should've been the first Caliph.  Your false religion goes aganist the very Fundamentals of Islam that the real Muslims follow.  I couldn't compromise with such blasphemies.  No real Muslim could compromise with such blasphemies.  In the past, we didn't know much about your religion, because you weren't that known.  But now that you've gained power for the last decade, a lot of light had been shed upon you.  And like all infestations, once they're known they won't be accepted.  You couldn't live in a house that is infested with rats, nor with a hair that is infested with lice.  Shiism is nothing but an infestation.  It has to be fought to the absolute finish.  It is nothing to compromise with, because you directly blaspheme Allah Almighty, and you directly destroy Islam from within.

To the reader, to see ample videos about the shias blasphemies against Allah Almighty and the Holy Quran and Islam's Fundamentals, please visit:

This obnoxious garbage of hate is not True Islam:



Again, please visit:

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline zulfiqarchucknorris

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« Reply #13 on: February 22, 2014, 06:49:10 AM »
I will repeat again Mr. Abdallah, I am NOT a shia, although I don't put myself in ANY category my beliefs are closer to that of Sunni Muslims, my entire family is Sunni. I told you that I have the highest respects for Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali, and Hassan. And I believe they were all true caliphs and should have succeeded the prophet
Also the Shia are the majority in Iraq (60-65%) and Iran (90-95%), in Syria they are a minority (13%), but in Iraq they are the majority, not as much as in Iran or Azerbaijan, but still a majority. Again, get your statistics right.
Assad is being supported by Iran, that Part is 100% true, I don't deny that, but the Syrians are being supplied by Turkey and Saudi Arabia. I'm not sure how Israel is involved, but the US also supplied the rebels, not with arms though, and only recently in September they have supplied only some arms, to SOME rebel groups.

Don't Portray me as a supporter of the dictator Assad, I WANT the moderate portion of the rebels, such as the FSA, to win the war, I just want some of the more extremist elements of the opposition, to take over. I DO NOT want the Assad regime to win, but I remember that the opposition is very diverse, and it has moderate and extremist groups.

And BTW, stop with the hate language, I am not a shia, and sometimes I directly debate with my Shia friends, sometimes I even use the arguements from your website, bit I never show them the website because it contains hateful language. I men seriously, read over what you said:
It is well known that shias always try to magnify their little numbers in the Muslim population.  The Truth is that if it wasn't for Iran, your people would be so insignificant that hardly anyone in the world would ever hear about them.  And even in Iran, the shias aren't the majority either.  The Iranians are hard to figure out.  They're still holding on to their old Persian dreams that the Arabs have crushed.  Many Persians are religionless.  Not atheists.  But just don't belong to any religion at all.  This is QUITE NOTICABLE here in their communities in the USA.

The shias are far from being the majority in Iraq, and are far from being more than %5 of the Syrian popular.  The problem is that they're heavily funded and armed by Iran and also Israel and the West.  The old divide and conquer philosophy.  So by supporting you and helping to make you endure, they ensure that they have a lasting grip on the oil and the money over there.  Hardly anyone is arming the Syrian rebels today.  And the weapons that they receive are too light and weak.  The rebels today are known to build their own weapons.  Necessity is the mother invention.  Otherwise, if they were heavily armed, then they would've swallowed Asad and his regime in a matter of days or few months.  But they purposefully want to extend the fight for as long as possible.

The blasphemous shia religion:

The problem with the shias is that they are an infestation among the Muslims.  Before the age of the internet and youtube and facebook, where facts are WIDELY AND RAPIDLY SPREAD and falsehood is widely and rapidly exposed, only a small percentage of the Sunnis really understood the blasphemies of the shias religion.  It is not something that we can compromise with.  It is an infestation and a plague that needs to be removed.  Aside from your stupid rituals of knifing and beating yourselves and your children, which certainly repels any reasonable person away from you, but the more serious problems with your obnoxious and false religion, that is built entirely on hate, is your insults to GOD Almighty:

1-  You say that the Ahlul Bayt people are with GOD Almighty on this Throne.  This is in your books and is recorded by your imams.  So it's not from thin air.

2-  Allah Almighty's Throne is under the feet of the people of Ahlul Bayt.

3-  You call unto the people of Ahlul Bayt for:

(a)-  Guidance
(b)-  Protection
(c)-  Forgiveness
(d)-  Mercy

Your false religion is more than just disagreeing on who should've been the first Caliph.  Your false religion goes aganist the very Fundamentals of Islam that the real Muslims follow.  I couldn't compromise with such blasphemies.  No real Muslim could compromise with such blasphemies.  In the past, we didn't know much about your religion, because you weren't that known.  But now that you've gained power for the last decade, a lot of light had been shed upon you.  And like all infestations, once they're known they won't be accepted.  You couldn't live in a house that is infested with rats, nor with a hair that is infested with lice.  Shiism is nothing but an infestation.  It has to be fought to the absolute finish.  It is nothing to compromise with, because you directly blaspheme Allah Almighty, and you directly destroy Islam from within.

To the reader, to see ample videos about the shias blasphemies against Allah Almighty and the Holy Quran and Islam's Fundamentals, please visit:

This obnoxious garbage of hate is not True Islam:



Again, please visit:

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Even some christian missionary websites don't contain this hate, aren't we supposed to act better than them?
I hope I cleared up any misunderstanding.  :)

Offline zulfiqarchucknorris

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« Reply #14 on: February 22, 2014, 07:32:42 AM »
I am not saying you should not challenge the Shia on their beliefs, I believe that you should and show them facts, Just clear up your language and get your facts strait, dont just have a black white view of the world. Against non-Muslims, Mr. Abdallah, your site is one of the best, dont change that with hate, even if you believe the Shias are heretics, show them there heresy but not with hate, with sympathy and understanding and invitation, if you show them only hate your only pushing them away. Also show them fact and not some conspiracy theory or false facts, if you do this, I believe you WILL succeed, if not they will only see you as a dillusional idiot, which you are not.

Again, Im not a shia, I am an Arab Muslim that does not identify with either sect, my beliefs are closer to Sunni Muslims though.

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« Reply #15 on: February 22, 2014, 08:31:14 AM »
Asalamualykum everyone.


I think Osama is doing a very good job. His information and the way he is presenting and expressing himself is correct and straight. Keep up the work brother Osama.

And as a side note, FSA are not real defenders of the Truth. They are puppets of the western nations.

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« Reply #16 on: February 25, 2014, 03:20:06 PM »
And as a side note, FSA are not real defenders of the Truth. They are puppets of the western nations.

Wa Alaikum As'salam,

The Free Syrian Army (FSA) isn't a puppet to any nation.  They are freedom fighters from the Syrian nation.  Your comment is an insult to the Syrian revolution.  FSA is like Hamas in Palestine.  Hamas too came from the people of Palestine.  At one point, Hamas was overwhelmingly dominant in popularity among Palestinians.  The FSA today is the most popular Freedom Fighter organization from the Syrian Muslims.  Just because the bathies and the shias and the christians and the durzies don't like them, it doesn't make them "puppets of the western nations" as you put it.  The overwhelming majority of the Syrian nation are Muslim Sunnies, or real Muslims.  The others are either polytheist trinitarian pagans who worship Mary and Jesus (peace be upon them), or are minority cults (durzies or druze and others), or infidels and polytheists who call themselves "Muslims" (the shias).

The FSA will ultimately win, insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing).  It will also crush the radicals from the Sunnis who are, as always, the stupidist of all Muslims such as Da'esh and the other fanatic rubbish.  This of course after they put Bashar and his shias under their feet, insha'Allah.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

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« Reply #17 on: February 25, 2014, 06:04:37 PM »
Sorry bro, what i meant to say is that the FSA wants secularism in Syria in general. But there are many brigades in FSA that dont want secularism but want the khalifat. Those i support. And why and who are the fanatics of Sunnis?

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« Reply #18 on: February 25, 2014, 06:25:08 PM »
Sorry bro, what i meant to say is that the FSA wants secularism in Syria in general. But there are many brigades in FSA that dont want secularism but want the khalifat. Those i support. And why and who are the fanatics of Sunnis?

As'salamu Alaikum dear brother Ali,

Sorry for misunderstanding you, akhi.  I am not sure if an Islamic Califate State is actually doable.  It will probably work once all of the Muslim world, or at least the strongest countries from the Muslim countries, become:

1-  Fully democratic.
2-  Fully Islamic, to where Islam is the driving poltical and social force for any and all political parties.

The conservative Muslim nations would all naturally become this.  Having a variety of political parties is healthy.  It's the society that determines how Islamic the country should be.  The fanatical groups in Syria are a Taliban-like.  They are repulsive and obnoxious.  They will never win anything.  This is because:

1-  They're so irrational and off.
2-  They misuse Islam, and don't understand Islam.
3-  They want the Muslims to LITERALLY live in a 7th century life-style.
4-  They declared that Democracy is forbidden, and all who call for it are infidels.

The Muslims will always reject such groups.  What we need instead is a 100% Islamic Democracy, where we are fully democratic but yet not secular and liberal and sexually open like the West.  The Syrians are heading for this type of democracy, insha'Allah.  This is not because the FSA or any group wants them to be.  No.  It's because the people themselves want this.  I know the Syrians.  They are very conservative people.  Islam is a way of life for them.  They'll never give it up.  In fact, the baath party of Bashar that ruled the country for DECADES was very very secular and very anti-Islamic.  But the people weren't.  And look at them now.  They're calling for Islamic democracy and conservative societies.  They're not calling for secular ones.

Now if the FSA is compromising with the international community, then that's because they have to give in to the pressure from the international community.  But in the end, it's the people who will decide through votes.  You can setup the most secural party in the world.  If it fails on votes, then it'll cease to exist quickly.  In democracy, you ALWAYS follow what the people want.  Not what you want.

Now, once all of this is established among the Muslims throughout the world, then coming together as a ONE FEDERAL STATE like the USA would be a natural thing.  So instead of having one big country, you'd instead have States under one Federal Islamic Government.  But this is far far beyond us today.  We may not live to see it.  But if the Muslims continue to change their corrupt governments and countries, then this natural change will eventually come, insha'Allah, because all Muslims know that this is part of Islam.

What the Taliban-like fanatics are doing today in Syria is they're hijacking the revolution and dividing the ranks.  And they've declared many of the leaders as infidels.  This is both repulsive and obnoxious!  And again, and as always, they're completely disconnected with the reality that they live in, which is why they'll always be rejected among the majority of the Muslims.

I hope this helps, insha'Allah.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

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« Reply #19 on: February 27, 2014, 07:15:02 PM »
This is exactly what I meant, I support the moderate parts of the opposition, the FSA are part of it. I, however, am against the extremist parts of the opposition who murder civilians, acting no different (if not worse) from Assad's army.
Also, Brother Osama, I think your mistaken, the Non Muslims in the opposition actually support the FSA, they just some group in the opposition, such as Al Nusra, because they have Islamist ties and are extremist and have committed some terrorist acts. They think its better to be ruled by Assad then those, but the FSA is supported by the majority of Syria, God Willing, they will win and establish a democratic country. But dont portray the conflict as Black and white, its not.
I believe Hamas needs to change its tactics. It great that there attacking Israeli Soldiers and fighting for Palestine, but they need to stop targeting civilians. Hamas has so much potential, but its letting it go to waste by attacks against civilians, including Suicide Bombings. Hamas does so much good, it spends 90% of its budget trying to make the lives of Palestinians in it control better, but they also do a lot of bad. If they reform they will be more popular than Fatah


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« Reply #20 on: June 04, 2014, 02:40:46 PM »
Asalamu Aliakum!
Pardon my ignorance on this topic, but why are Shias attacking Sunnis?
Because both Shia and Sunnis are mad of power.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2014, 02:53:03 PM by MuslimBoy »


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