Author Topic: Executing Muslims For Kiling A non Muslim  (Read 5537 times)

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Offline zulfiqarchucknorris

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Executing Muslims For Kiling A non Muslim
« on: October 25, 2014, 04:55:34 PM »
Peace  :)
I recently stumbled upon a few hadiths which all state that the Caliph Ali had with him a peace of paper and he said that, basically, that in addition to the quran, God also had something written down whats on a piece of paper.
There are multiple Hadiths on this issue, you can find most of them here: (to find the complete arabic version and to find out whether the hadith in question is Weak or Authentic, click on the hadith)
I have a few questions on these hadiths:
1. Each Hadith mentions something different that is written in these papers, which one is true?
2. Some Hadiths state the a muslim is not killed if he kills a non muslim, What is the rationale behind this?
3. I am an Arabic speaker and the hadith is more properly translated as "A Muslim is not killed for a disbeliever", does this really mean that a muslim is not killed for murdering an innocent dsbeliever?
4. If "a muslim is not killed for murdering a disbeliever" is false since there are many sayings on what was written on that paper, could you please provide a story or hadith (source stated), in which the prophet executed a muslim for murdering a non muslim?

Thanks in advance,
Keep up the good work Mr. Osama Abdallah

« Last Edit: October 25, 2014, 04:58:50 PM by zulfiqarchucknorris »

Offline Hassan Abdulghani

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Re: Executing Muslims For Kiling A non Muslim
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2014, 05:42:17 PM »
Peace .

Each Hadith mentions something different that is written in these papers, which one is true?

- In my opinion , that is not the only Hadith . Hadiths are Hadiths and hadiths can have multiple narrations since they are not as authentic as the Quran is . I have seen similar things appearing like the one of what you posted . The Hadiths may differ in words but that does not change the point that particular narration is trying to reach .

And since you are an Arabic Speaker , as well as I am . I want you to refer to these articles and hope that they will be beneficial for you :

Offline zulfiqarchucknorris

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Re: Executing Muslims For Kiling A non Muslim
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2014, 06:34:21 PM »
Thanks, although i usually access fath al bukhari though this sight.
in fath al bari, as you posted, it says that the muslim is killed for murdering an innocent dhimmi, but how about if a muslim goes to foreign country and kills him/her, does that count as a mu'ahid?
In addition, could you answer the other questions.

Thanks :)
PS: Ant 3arabi? wa idha kunt 3arabi, min ay dawla, ana min aso3odiyya


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