You should make a post on analyzing this hadith, and only this hadith
Bukhari Volume 3, Book 43, Number 648
since the islamophobes always use it to back up their claims that:
1. Arabian Women before islam had more rights than those after Islam
2. The Prophet (PBUH) has a love affair with Maria the Copt
3. The prophet changed the Sunnah to make Umar happe (I dont know where they got that from).
4. Others I cannot say.
Those who use this claim are (These are just the ones I Know):
1. Jihad Watch
2. Answering Islam
3. Religion of Peace
4. The prophet of Doom
5. Wikiislam
6. Ali ZINA (btw love the name

7. Islam-watch
8. Ibn Warraq
9. Sex-in-Islam
If you do a rebuttal and refute the argument in this hadith particularly (Since they tend to concentrate mostly in this Hadith when backing up there claim), then you will refuting more than 1 person and they will have to find a different claim, which will show there incompetence.
I think it will be a great idea