Author Topic: Can anyone explain this to me please , regarding Jizya  (Read 2708 times)

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Can anyone explain this to me please , regarding Jizya
« on: February 11, 2021, 04:12:12 PM »
Assalamualikum brothers and sisters ,

According to islam, if a city has been overcome by the islamic state, And they are people of the book , what options do they have ? i understand they can either A convert or B pay the jizya, but can they refuse either of those and just move city? or would they be forced to pay jizya? please clarify brother if and when you get the chance, JazakaAllah kair,

(I have read the work on this site about jizya , however what i would like to know is , can the people of the book have a third option to just leave the city ? or are they then forced to pay jizya ? Jazakallah )

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Re: Can anyone explain this to me please , regarding Jizya
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2021, 05:38:02 AM »
Wa Alaikum As'salam brother,

Both a Muslim and non-Muslim can always migrate to another land.  So to answer your point, yes they can leave the land and migrate.  However, there is no need for that because Islam offers them protection when they become Dhimmis (derived from Dhimma: Trust, Integrity).  They are under the trust of the state.  The state protects them.  Now, they're not Muslims and they do come from hostile people.  So as long as they live peacefully under the Islamic State, then they'll have nothing to worry about.  They can go about their daily businesses.  Otherwise, they can also migrate and leave.

To the reader, please visit:  (Jizyah in Bible)

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

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Re: Can anyone explain this to me please , regarding Jizya
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2021, 03:49:16 PM »
JazakAllah for the explanation brother ,
is there any examples where people had decided to migrate ?

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Re: Can anyone explain this to me please , regarding Jizya
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2021, 06:25:25 PM »
None.  They never had a real reason to.  No threat, no persecution.


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