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Satanic verses

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Al Masihi:
The verse you provided doesn't imply the physical corruption of the Torah or Bible it just warns those who attempt to make their own books, i said bring me a verse which says the physical books are corrupted and no longer in original form. Infact no verse in the Quran does, unless you can bring me one which says the Torah and Bible are muharaf the arabic word for corrupted but strangely this word never appears in the Quran. You calling it hogwash doesn't change the fact it records a verse Mohammed supposedly said, scholars of the 7th and 8th century didn't deny this verse and even believed it at one point. Attracting millions to something means nothing even communists could do that. Hindus and Zoroastrians say the same about their books again it means nothing, Islam uses the same arguments and claims as any other religion, nothing special about it. Either way many people once believed and some still believe the satanic verses to be a real revelation Mohammed recited at one point. Quran says produce a Surah like it it doesn't give regulations on how the Surah should be.


--- Quote ---The verse you provided doesn't imply the physical corruption of the Torah or Bible it just warns those who attempt to make their own books, i said bring me a verse which says the physical books are corrupted and no longer in original form. Infact no verse in the Quran does, unless you can bring me one which says the Torah and Bible are muharaf the arabic word for corrupted but strangely this word never appears in the Quran.
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What's ludicrous about your false trinity, and entire conjecture of christianity, is that you lie on both

1-  The Glorious Quran.
2-  Your ludicrous bible.

Let's get one thing straight from both the Glorious Quran and your bible.  There is no legitimate book called "Bible".  This is a christian lie that was invented in the 300s by Constantine's counsel of Nicaea in the city of Nicaea in modern day Turkey.

Now, as to what your corrupt bible, the Glorious Quran, and the Hadiths say about your bible's corruption, visit:  (Praised X-Rated pornography in the bible)  (What Islam says about your bible)

--- Quote ---You calling it hogwash doesn't change the fact it records a verse Mohammed supposedly said, scholars of the 7th and 8th century didn't deny this verse and even believed it at one point.
--- End quote ---

Again, there is only one original source to the entire story, and it's in Tabari, and the story was proven to be a fabrication.  The early scholars didn't believe in it, nor was it popular at all.  Also, if your use your brain a little bit, you'll see that it doesn't make any sense for Muhammad to come and SMASH ALL IDOLS, insult them, spit on them, fight their worship, while bowing to them during his Prophethood?

This false story is discussed and exposed at:

Read the second link about how satan turned Jesus into King Kong and made him climb the top of the temple to commit suicide.  Of course, as a Muslim I doubt your gospel of porn's fabricated stories and accounts about Jesus and everything else.  He also made him:

1-  Be between satan and GOD for 40 days and 40 nights.

2-  Get so spiritually weak that GOD had to send down Angels to "attend him".

3-  Jesus "Suffered" from satan's temptation.

4-  Jesus had "evil desires" during the temptation.

5-  And your King Kong as a result coveted the world, when he said if your eye sins pluck it out, if your hand sins, cut it off, if your butt sins, cut it off, if your penis sins, cut it off, if your brain sins, you have already sinned.  Yet, he was coveting the kingdoms that satan showed him, and all of its belly dancing harlots. 

Masturbating King Kong?

Was your King Kong masturbating during the temptation?  Visit:,3095.msg15145.html#msg15145

--- Quote ---Attracting millions to something means nothing even communists could do that. Hindus and Zoroastrians say the same about their books again it means nothing, Islam uses the same arguments and claims as any other religion, nothing special about it. Either way many people once believed and some still believe the satanic verses to be a real revelation Mohammed recited at one point.
--- End quote ---

Pull your head out of your butt and read what the Quran's Divine Challenge really is.  It's not just about attracting people.  I used that point to thoroughly prove that even the Arab's poetry and philosophy was soundly defeated when it challenged the Glorious Quran's Literature.  But this is only one aspect of the Challenge and the Miracle.  I talked about this in details above and at:

--- Quote ---Quran says produce a Surah like it it doesn't give regulations on how the Surah should be.
--- End quote ---

Again, visit

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Al Masihi:
Your insults are extremely childish and laughable. And Firstly I'm not talking about the bible but the Quran so stop trying to change to subject by attacking the bible, its pathetic. Mohammed as Al Tabari and other islamic scholars note. We also see that the story couldn’t have been invented by non-Muslims; for if non-Muslims had invented the story, Muslims would have exposed the story’s origin, instead of defending it in their earliest historical works.Bukhari too confirms that after Muhammad recited Surah 53 the Quraysh accepted Muhammad and prayed with him:

Muhammad recited Suraht-an-Najm (53) and prostrated while reciting it and all the people prostrated and a man amongst the people took a handful of stones or earth and raised it to his face and said, "This is sufficient for me." Later on I saw him killed as a non-believer. Bukhari 2.019. Number 176; see also Nr 173)

Narrated Ibn Abbas: The Prophet ... prostrated while reciting An-Najm (Surah 53) and with him prostrated the Muslims, the pagans (Quraysh), the jinns, and all human beings. (Bukhari, 2.019, Number 177).

Where is your proof that the best poets couldn't beat the Quran, the Quran...?

ow the apostle was anxious for the welfare of his people, wishing to attract them as far as he could. It has been mentioned that he longed for a way to attract them ... (and) Satan, when he (Muhammad) was meditating upon it, and desiring to bring it (sc. reconciliation) to his people, put upon his tongue "these are the exalted Gharaniq[6] whose intercession is approved". (Ibn Ishaq, pp. 165-166)

This is what is meant by the phrase, the Satanic Verses; they were words that Muhammad spoke from Satan and his own desire. The Islamic accounts then say that the angel Gabriel rebuked Muhammad for what he had said:

Then Gabriel came to the apostle and said , "What have you done, Muhammad? You have read to these people something I did not bring you from God and you have said what He did not say to you." (Ibn Ishaq, p. 166)

Then Muhammad confessed: I ascribed to Allah, what He had not said. (Ibn Sa'd, vol. 1, p. 237)
I have fabricated things against God and have imputed to Him words which He has not spoken. (Al-Tabari, vol. 6, p. 111)

Now the verse became:

Have you considered El-Lat and El-'Uzza and Manat the third, the other? What, have you males, and He females? That were indeed an unjust division. They are naught but names yourselves have named, and your fathers; God has sent down no authority touching them. (Qur'an 53:19-23, Arberry). Please read as well (Tafsir al-Jalalayn)

al-Bukhari, Islam’s most trusted authority, confirms certain details of the story that only make sense if Muhammad really did deliver the Satanic Verses. According to Bukhari,

The Prophet performed a prostration when he finished reciting Suraht an-Najm [Surah 53], and all the Muslims and Al-Mushrikun (polytheists, pagans, idolaters, and disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah and in His Messenger Muhammad) and jinn and human beings prostrated along with him. (4862)

Though Bukhari understandably omits the embarrassing reason for the prostration of the pagans, he inadvertently confirms the account given by Ibn Ishaq and the others, who faithfully reported that the pagans bowed down because Muhammad spoke favourably of their gods. Muslims must account for Surah 22:52, which, again, declares that all God’s prophets received revelations from Satan—a verse so preposterous that it could only have been offered to the Muslim community as an absurd explanation for something like the Satanic Verses.

The only conceivable reason the pagans would bow down in honour of Surah 53 is that the Surah originally supported paganism, and this is exactly what our earliest historical records claim. Thus, Muhammad, in a moment of weakness, gave into temptation and actively promoted polytheism by delivering a revelation from Satan.

This event is documented by the four early biographical writers of Muhammad's life: Ibn Ishaq, Wakidi, Ibn Sa'd, and Tabari. The Hadith and Qur’an also contain direct references. Additionally several other Islamic scholars on Hadith (traditions) support the event's occurrence.

Mohammed later turning on the idols just means when he realised he couldn't win them over by accepting their gods he'd win them over by beating them in a war. Mohammed at the time was also yearning to be reaccepted by his people. The council of Nicaea wasn't even about the bible it was about the nature of Jesus Christ, and trying to solve a dispute between two parties ( Athanasius and Arius). If the Arabs were so impressed then why did they always laugh at Mohammed and reject his message and in regards to Arabs don't hold on to a false prophets words for long your right, they don't, ever heard of the Apostasy wars when most of Arabia left Islam before being forced back into it or paying Jizyah. The miracle of the Quran being language means nothing its just an excuse to explain why Mohammed had no miracles. Your trying tom explain the word. What arab christians are embracing Islam more and more Arabs leave Islam when actually understanding the Quran, ever heard of Christian Prince either, I saw your debate with him on Paltalk and I gotta say it didn't go well for you Osama. Your article on the challenge of the Quran explains nothing, it's just you trying to overcomplicate a simple verse which says produce a Surah like it unless the Quran which you claim to be perfect makes no sense.


--- Quote ---Narrated Ibn Abbas: The Prophet ... prostrated while reciting An-Najm (Surah 53) and with him prostrated the Muslims, the pagans (Quraysh), the jinns, and all human beings. (Bukhari, 2.019, Number 177).
--- End quote ---

The jinns and all of the human beings?  Do you need any more proof than this to prove to your dead brain that this hadith is false just like your man-made false trinity?  And did they all live happily ever after??

Also, the Glorious Quran speaks about Muslim Jinns (Believers from the Jinns).  Why would those bow to the very idols that Islam came to destroy?

Also in the link, I showed you how some of the Prophets in your bible became idol worshipers.  LOL, so you see?  The very things you try to attack Islam on, we don't find them in Islam, but we find them in the bible.

--- Quote ---Where is your proof that the best poets couldn't beat the Quran, the Quran...?
--- End quote ---

There is not a single non-Muslim from among the nations of central Arabia (Saudi Arabia and all little countries next to it).  All of them are Muslims.  Is that enough proof to your brain?  The Arabs were drawn by the wholesale to Islam.  They had false prophets emerge during the battles of apostasy.  All of them failed.  So this proves that Arabs don't just blindly follow anyone.

And the reason why the war of apostasy happened is because the Eastern Arabs at the time didn't fully receive Islam.  And many of them were still pagans.  Islam started from Western Arabia.  Again, visit:

--- Quote ---This event is documented by the four early biographical writers of Muhammad's life: Ibn Ishaq, Wakidi, Ibn Sa'd, and Tabari. The Hadith and Qur’an also contain direct references. Additionally several other Islamic scholars on Hadith (traditions) support the event's occurrence.
--- End quote ---

Bukhari and others came 100s of years after the Prophet.  Al-Tabari, who also came 80 years after the Prophet, was the first and only one who vaguely recorded it.  Others just copied.  And we know that these texts were not examined.  That period was just a mass collection of texts to build the Hadiths library.  This where you get many fabrications.  But the Glorious Quran made it clear and easy for us to how to filter out any and all texts:

What agrees with the Quran is closest to the Truth.  Otherwise, it is false.

For ample details and proofs, visit:

--- Quote ---Mohammed later turning on the idols just means when he realised he couldn't win them over by accepting their gods he'd win them over by beating them in a war. Mohammed at the time was also yearning to be reaccepted by his people.
--- End quote ---

Is this the load of BS they teach you in your pedophilic churches, where children get molested?  And we're not talking isolated incidents here.  We're talking world-wide scandals.

As to the nonsense that you just wrote, the very first Noble Verses of the Glorious Quran that were revealed to the Prophet, and the very Message that Prophet Muhammad started with was this:

1-  There is no GOD except Allah Almighty.

2-  You must not bow to any idol.

3-  The Prophet rejected an offer to be made chief of Quraysh by saying this:

"By Allah, if they place the weight of the sun on my right shoulder, and the weight of the moon on my left shoulder to force me leave the Divine Message that I was sent to deliver, I will never do so until Allah makes Islam spread to mankind or I die trying."

Sounds like an idol-worshiping prophet to you?

--- Quote ---The miracle of the Quran being language means nothing its just an excuse to explain why Mohammed had no miracles. Your trying tom explain the word. What arab christians are embracing Islam more and more Arabs leave Islam when actually understanding the Quran, ever heard of Christian Prince either, I saw your debate with him on Paltalk and I gotta say it didn't go well for you Osama. Your article on the challenge of the Quran explains nothing, it's just you trying to overcomplicate a simple verse which says produce a Surah like it unless the Quran which you claim to be perfect makes no sense.
--- End quote ---

I showed you the Glorious Quran's overwhelming Scientific and Numerical Miracles, and also STUNNING Prophecies:

You are nothing but a doomed-to-Hell polytheist trinitarian pagan.  You have nothing but noise.  Your false religion of man-made conjectures is empty, and Jesus, peace be upon him, is innocent from all of the garbage that you believe in:

Embrace Islam and receive the Peace of GOD Almighty.  Otherwise, get lost to Hell where you belong.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

And did your King Kong masturbate? 

Answer my question above, or else I will ban you.  This question flushes down the toilet your religion's biggest lie about Jesus was perfect and sinless (to make the Creator of the Universe out of him), when your gospel of porn says:

1-  He was a drunkard.
2-  He was a glutinous person.
3-  He coveted the sinful things satan was tempting him on (and masturbated).

This is all despite the fact that your bible in many verses says: "Do not covet!".

Go read the verses from your NT at:

If your next post does not address this, you're out.  I already deleted your long spams on this blog.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah


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