Deep Concern With Wikiislam

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TF Connection:
Assalamu Alaikum Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuhu

I am a new member here and I must say that I joined after reading this thread on Google. It has bothered me for a long time that has been operational since 2006 (!!!). I am glad that this initiative has been taken by AC. Is there any traction on this lately? Any update on the status of this project?

I can help. I am an experienced programmer and know how to create a Wikipedia-like wiki page. I can be your technical guy and I'll do it for free.

TF Connection:
Just an example of how Wikis are created:

Although I have never created a wiki before, I was part of a team that created an internal wiki for my company. So I have a fair idea of the technologies involved in creating and hosting a wiki.

TF Connection:
Development of the website, testing, data collection and validation will require 3-6 months depending on the initial content to be hosted. Here are my estimates for the initial phase (accuracy: plus or minus 15 days):

I concur with Student of Ilm to have separate teams for this project. I would recommend having teams for technical and database sides. Ideally, database should have 8-12 members who will further be divided into primary and secondary teams. Both teams will take part in the initial R&D. Once this is done, the primary team will concentrate on content management and the secondary team will take up documentation and data validation.

The technical team should have no more than 5 members and should have people who have knowledge of development as well as testing. I will try to rope in a few of my mates who would be willing to work in this.

Also, I don't think we should limit our focus to just rebutting an Islamophobic site. We should create a site that will give the truth about Islam, show what Islam IS, not show what Islam IS NOT. My two cents  :)

Assalamu aleykum for all.I do not speak English,but few understand.I have 2 questions-
1Why so many articles on wikiislam(2700,and on this site only 1014 rebuttals?).whether another rebuttals?
2at what stage of the opening
of "anti-wikiislam"?


It would be good if we could get this site created. The reward would be immense!


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