Seems like many people like Thor, Loki and Asgard... and Odin too! Thanks to the movie 'Thor' !!!
Well, let me share something with you. I have read in a Satanist group (Teens4Satan- real Spiritual Satanists, not hoax) people saying this.....
"Hail Satan, Hail ODIN..."
Very strange it looked to me at first..... until, Hadith gave me light!
Why don't we take a look at these pictures of Odin?

And match the picture of Masih ad-Dajjal (The False Messiah)!

The two horns on his head... (the horns of Satan) and... a right eye... not just blind..... like a berry/grape in the painting (as prophesied in Hadith)! His pose is indeed like a furious monster, an evil one... the ultimate new ruler of a "New World Order"!
Remember, Indeed Dajjal is one eyed but your LORD is not one eyed!
May Allah save us from the Grand Fitna of Masih ad-Dajjal!