Author Topic: Osama can you please Answer Sam Shaytan  (Read 3312 times)

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Offline Isa27James

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Osama can you please Answer Sam Shaytan
« on: October 09, 2015, 05:17:40 AM »
Asssalam.alykam.  an anti Islamic spastic posted this

Where did the New get this information from

And if it is true is there any deeper meaning to it


In what can only be described as tasteless and vulgar street language, the early Islamic commentators record a statement made by Muhammad in regard to John the Baptist’s body parts. This tradition is recorded in Mahmoud Ayoub’s The Quran and its Interpreters, vol. II: The House of Imran:

“... ‘Everyone of the sons of Adam shall come on the day of resurrection with a sin [of sexual impropriety], except Yahya (John the Baptist) b. Zechariah.’ Then, picking up a tiny straw, he continued, ‘This is because HIS GENERATIVE ORGAN WAS NO BIGGER THAN THIS STRAW.’” (Ibid, State University of New York Press (SUNY), Albany, 1992, p. 109; bold and capital emphasis ours)

For a prophet to speak of one’s private part being the size of a tiny straw, even to illustrate a point, is shocking and incredulous. Such language is unbefitting a man whom Muslims say was the greatest prophet and moral example who ever lived. Besides, what other prophet ever spoke of another’s body part in such a fashion?

More importantly, how did Muhammad know how small or large the Baptist’s genitalia were? Are we to assume that Muhammad received a special revelation for this otherwise unknown fact?

Offline Sama

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Re: Osama can you please Answer Sam Shaytan
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2015, 01:14:43 PM »
كلُّ بني آدَمَ يلقى اللَّهَ بذنبٍ قد أذنبَهُ يعذِّبُهُ عليهِ إن شاءَ أو يرحَمُهُ إلا يحيى بنَ زكريَّا فإنَّهُ كان سيِّدًا وحصورا ونبيًّا من الصَّالِحينَ ، فأهوى النَّبِيُّ صلَّى اللَّهُ عليهِ وسلَّمَ إلى قَذاةٍ من الأرضِ فأخذَها وقال : كان ذكرُهُ مثلَ هذِه القَذاةِ

الراوي : أبو هريرة | المحدث : ابن عدي | المصدر : الكامل في الضعفاء

الصفحة أو الرقم: 2/537 | خلاصة حكم المحدث : منكر

It's a denounced/munkar hadeeth.

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Re: Osama can you please Answer Sam Shaytan
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2015, 02:09:49 PM »
As'salamu Alaikum dear brothers,

The above hadith further demonstrates that there was indeed a conspiracy against Islam, by injecting fabricated nonsense into our Islamic traditions.  This is further demonstrated here:

As to Sam Shamoun and his points on vulgar language, while I agree that the false hadith is vile and pointless, - no need to mention the size of someone's private, -  but I would like him to use his standards on the Bible's praised pornography where:

1-  She wished her boyfriend was her brother so that it wouldn't be a scandal bringing him home to her "mother's bed".

2-  Her privates taste like wine.

For many passages of praised pornography in the Bible, visit:

On a side note regarding mankind, Adam, - peace be upon him, - earth and how tall mankind was, and how big earth was, I think the following article might be of an interest to you:  (Was Adam 90 feet (60 cubits) tall?)

And to see the Glorious Quran's STUNNING and Overwhelming Scientific Miracles, please visit:

Take care,
Osama Abdallah


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