What do u think of following?
In islam we believes that Allah created seven heavens and same number of earths.In most articles and here too i have read that seven earths are created in space (also there is seven layers on earth).
In quran chapter 21 verse 30, when allah speaks about big bang ,it says seven heavens and earth were once joined together. Here allah uses Seven heavens which is plural and earth in singular and never mentioned as it is seven.Also we have ayas to prove that after bigbang and after setting earth allah divided heaven to seven which means that seven heavens are in this same universe.Or even if we translate the seven heavens into seven universes it means that these mentioned seven heavens are all formed from a single bigbang in which allah used only a single earth( singular in 21:30).
I am in a doubt that why allah didnt use seven earths while the almighty used seven heavens.And he mentioned seven earths in a different manner instead of saying directly. "It is Allah Who has created seven heavens and of the earth the like thereof " .Is this simply means that allah created seven layers of earth rather than seven earths in space.