Author Topic: Atheism/Theistic evolutionists  (Read 4612 times)

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Offline Hayalilaydaa

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Atheism/Theistic evolutionists
« on: March 09, 2018, 10:15:19 PM »
As salamu aleykum guys what i wanted to ask is those who are theistic evolutionist do you believe in that life started from those organisms? Is believing in it kufr? I mean maybe ALLAH made all of it happen like that? With the organisms etc? Im really confused about that topic and i really need to clear my head. Other than that could you give me some arguements for ALLAHs existence which i can remember when i have waswas? I would like this to be a topic where we discuss the atheists arguements, i would really appreciate this to be a on going one :)

Offline Sama

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Re: Atheism/Theistic evolutionists
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2018, 01:21:08 AM »
wa alaikum assalam

Islamic belief:
1- Allah is the creator of everything.

2- Prophet Adam if the first human that was created from dust.
" He began the creation of man with clay, And made his progeny from a quintessence of the nature of a fluid despised: But He fashioned him in due proportion, and breathed into him something of His Spirit. And He gave you (the faculties of) hearing and sight and feeling (and understanding): little thanks do ye give!  (The Noble Quran, 32:5-9)"
If we take dust and add water to it, it will be mud. If it is left for some time, it will turn into clay. These are simply the stages of the creation of man.

3- Allah didn't tell us more details about the process of creation.

Scientific view

1- The scientific evolution:
'change over time',  'descent with modification', or 'the change of allele frequencies of a population over time'.

This is well established, testable, falsifiable and provable.

2-"Evolution" according to neo-darwinian scenario ( commonly called 'Evolution theory'):

 'the idea that all life has descended from a single common ancestor over millions of years via a net gain in new genetic information'.

This is laughable Speculation; completely half baked, not testable, not falsifiable and not provable.

3- scientific Evidence ?
Fallacy of equivocation:
Atheists & Darwinists use undeniable examples of 'change over time' (variation) to prove 'the idea that all life has descended from a single common ancestor over millions of years via a net gain in new genetic information' (microbe-like-to-man evolution).

This inexcusable logic is called equivocation or the bait-and-switch fallacy, and occurs when someone changes the definition of a word halfway through an argument.
The supposed Evidence for Evolution is full of examples of 'change over time' as evidence for microbes-to-man evolution.

"The belief"

As you mentioned, the evolution theory is not provable: Can not be scientifically proved by observation. So, yes, it's just a belief/faith adopted by some atheists and some deluded folks.

could you give me some arguements for ALLAHs existence
You asked in another topic and many links were given.

Offline Sama

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Re: Atheism/Theistic evolutionists
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2018, 01:23:40 AM »
I would like this to be a topic where we discuss the atheists arguements,
You didn't give any argument !

Offline Hayalilaydaa

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Re: Atheism/Theistic evolutionists
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2018, 09:24:37 AM »
wa alaikum assalam

Islamic belief:
1- Allah is the creator of everything.

2- Prophet Adam if the first human that was created from dust.
" He began the creation of man with clay, And made his progeny from a quintessence of the nature of a fluid despised: But He fashioned him in due proportion, and breathed into him something of His Spirit. And He gave you (the faculties of) hearing and sight and feeling (and understanding): little thanks do ye give!  (The Noble Quran, 32:5-9)"
If we take dust and add water to it, it will be mud. If it is left for some time, it will turn into clay. These are simply the stages of the creation of man.

3- Allah didn't tell us more details about the process of creation.

Scientific view

1- The scientific evolution:
'change over time',  'descent with modification', or 'the change of allele frequencies of a population over time'.

This is well established, testable, falsifiable and provable.

2-"Evolution" according to neo-darwinian scenario ( commonly called 'Evolution theory'):

 'the idea that all life has descended from a single common ancestor over millions of years via a net gain in new genetic information'.

This is laughable Speculation; completely half baked, not testable, not falsifiable and not provable.

3- scientific Evidence ?
Fallacy of equivocation:
Atheists & Darwinists use undeniable examples of 'change over time' (variation) to prove 'the idea that all life has descended from a single common ancestor over millions of years via a net gain in new genetic information' (microbe-like-to-man evolution).

This inexcusable logic is called equivocation or the bait-and-switch fallacy, and occurs when someone changes the definition of a word halfway through an argument.
The supposed Evidence for Evolution is full of examples of 'change over time' as evidence for microbes-to-man evolution.

"The belief"

As you mentioned, the evolution theory is not provable: Can not be scientifically proved by observation. So, yes, it's just a belief/faith adopted by some atheists and some deluded folks.

could you give me some arguements for ALLAHs existence
You asked in another topic and many links were given.

Brother the link doesnt work ypu cannot download the book if i could i wouldnt ask anyway

Offline Hayalilaydaa

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Re: Atheism/Theistic evolutionists
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2018, 09:27:12 AM »
I would like this to be a topic where we discuss the atheists arguements,
You didn't give any argument !

No akhi i meant that people who are knowledgable on that subject comment those not me

Offline Sama

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Offline Albarra

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Re: Atheism/Theistic evolutionists
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2018, 02:24:52 PM »
As salamu aleykum guys what i wanted to ask is those who are theistic evolutionist do you believe in that life started from those organisms? Is believing in it kufr? I mean maybe ALLAH made all of it happen like that? With the organisms etc? Im really confused about that topic and i really need to clear my head. Other than that could you give me some arguements for ALLAHs existence which i can remember when i have waswas? I would like this to be a topic where we discuss the atheists arguements, i would really appreciate this to be a on going one :)

There is a YouTube channel called Sandalusian Project that has several videos regarding Atheism and scientism. I think these are the right topic for you.

His name is Asadullah Ali, who converted Islam from Christianity, and he studied the academic philosophy.

Also, he has been criticizing with Atheists for several years about Islam, scientism, Atheism, etc.

I'm not interested this topic, but you should check it out.

Hope this helps.

Offline Hayalilaydaa

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Re: Atheism/Theistic evolutionists
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2018, 10:01:21 PM »
Yeah i know that brother already, i really like him didnt watch the videos fully tho. I saw a debate of his with a mathematician and many aheist were saying he was bad etc this king of got me tbh i really hate it but since i have waswas that stuff affects me so bad its crazy! Im not kidding i envy you guys for keeping up so good and not letting anything steal your iman, i used to be like that now whenever i read one freaking negative comment it get me bad  >:(  :(

Offline Hayalilaydaa

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Re: Atheism/Theistic evolutionists
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2018, 10:05:49 PM »
Google it:

 Thanks brother i really didnt think about that lol i swear it didnt even cross my mind😂 thank youuu

Offline Al Masihi

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Re: Atheism/Theistic evolutionists
« Reply #9 on: March 11, 2018, 11:59:50 AM »
I don't think there's actually an example in history when an organism actuslly changed into a different type of organism.

Offline Hayalilaydaa

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Re: Atheism/Theistic evolutionists
« Reply #10 on: March 11, 2018, 05:31:43 PM »
I don't think there's actually an example in history when an organism actuslly changed into a different type of organism.

Idk either but zakir sais something which confused me


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