« on: March 07, 2013, 09:45:59 AM »
The rulers of the wealthy Islamic nations are not true Muslims. They do not care about the ummah. Those whom rule over the Arabic nations are mostly crypto-Jews, known as Dönmeh. They are Baghdadi Jews who maintain their bloodline (i.e. the House of Saud and the rest of them). These are the same people responsible for the destruction of the Ottoman Empire (i.e. Atatürk and his fraternal order of Freemasons, who enthusiastically played their role in the creation of the Zionist entity).
Now all one has to do is look to America; in that they (the U.S.) overthrow non-cooperative governments by either openly waging war or funding terrorists to do their dirty work for them. Then they set up their own marionette governments and proceed to drain the region of it's resources like a parasite.
America frequently murders innocent Yemenis, but the Yemeni government cooperates with America and does whatever America tells them to do. As for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the most theocratic nation on Earth, of which one would assume the U.S. would be an enemy of, but no, it's all love between the two. This is because they are willing to play the oil game. Saddam wasn't willing to play the game, Gaddafi wasn't willing to play the game. Any time a nation with natural resources (outside of Europe and North America) takes the initiative to control their own destiny and improve the lives and well-being of their own people, America will either attack or use subversive infiltrators to do the dirty work for them. This is the reason for the 'Arab Spring', and this is what they did to Iran back in the day. It's what they are currently doing in Syria.
America dominates the globe militarily, and Israel controls America's foreign policies. This is the Masonic-Zionist terror network. This is the New World Order.
Now all one has to do is look to America; in that they (the U.S.) overthrow non-cooperative governments by either openly waging war or funding terrorists to do their dirty work for them. Then they set up their own marionette governments and proceed to drain the region of it's resources like a parasite.
America frequently murders innocent Yemenis, but the Yemeni government cooperates with America and does whatever America tells them to do. As for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the most theocratic nation on Earth, of which one would assume the U.S. would be an enemy of, but no, it's all love between the two. This is because they are willing to play the oil game. Saddam wasn't willing to play the game, Gaddafi wasn't willing to play the game. Any time a nation with natural resources (outside of Europe and North America) takes the initiative to control their own destiny and improve the lives and well-being of their own people, America will either attack or use subversive infiltrators to do the dirty work for them. This is the reason for the 'Arab Spring', and this is what they did to Iran back in the day. It's what they are currently doing in Syria.
America dominates the globe militarily, and Israel controls America's foreign policies. This is the Masonic-Zionist terror network. This is the New World Order.