There's nothing wrong in loving the Prophet of Allah (may Almighty Allah bless him and his family and grant them peace). On the contrary, he (SAW) said that your faith will be complete when you love him (SAW) more than all other people. The innovation is to make these occasions, even if thry were religious gatherings. Prophet Muhammad's (may Almighty Allah bless him and his family and grant them peace) family and friends loved him more than any of us and all of us do, but they did such absurd things to prove their love to him. Of course, nobody's saying it's wrong to send your prayers on him in abundance that day, but the thing is many people make occasions like gatherings to read the Glorious Qur'an and what not. Yes, it might be a good thing to do, but it is a Bid`a (innovation) and we must keep away from them as much as possible.
You see brother, when people switch the perfect teachings of Islam that were ordained by Almighty Allah and His Noble Messengers (may Almighty Allah bless them and grant them peace) by their own ideas, you cannot legitimately call them Muslims. Islam (nowadays regarded as Sunni Islam) is the perfect, unchanged form of Islam.
Correction: True Islam is the Qur'an and cherry-picked hadith. I know it sounds rude but it's true.
What are you talking about?
Learn about the history of birthdays, they have roots from paganism. Innovating such crap into Islam, especially when it's about the Prophet Salallahu Aleyhi Wasalaam is so bad.
Here's why mawlid should not be celebrated:
None of the sahabas, the people who knew Islam much better then we do today, did not celebrate it, neither did the Prophet Salallahu Aleyhi Wasalaam, neither did the 4 Madhabs, neither did the upcoming generation(s).
Our Prophet Salallu Aleyhi Wasalaam once came to Medina and saw people celebrating, so he Salallahu Aleyhi Wasalaam questioned them what they were doing, and they said we are celebrating what our forefathers did (Or something along those lines), and he Salallahu Aleyhi Wasalaam said, you have both eids to celebrate, and ONLY both eids, nothing else, this is clear that we should ONLY celebrate both eids, no Christmas, no birthdays, no chinese new year, Infact he Salallahu Aleyhi Wasalaam said anyone our ummah will begin to celebrate things of people who came before i.e Christians and they will be raised amongst them on the day of qiyamah!
"The best word is the Book of Allâh and the best way is that of Muhammad ( !). The worst deed is innovation and each innovation is a deviation from Islaam." [Sahih Muslim: (vol. 2, p. 410, no. 1885).] "Every deviation from Islaam leads to Hell-fire". [Sunan Nasa'i: English Translation: (vol. 2, pp. 343-4, no. 1581.)]
So from here we can come to the conclusion, that if anyone innovates crap into islam like that, they better be ready to speak up on the day of Qiyamah.
This is all emphasised by Prophet (Salalahu Aleyhi Wasalaams) well known statement "I didn't leave anything which would bring you closer to Allah without instructing you to do it".
The Prophet (PBUH) stated repeatdly that: "Every newly-invented thing is a bid'ah (innovation), every bid'ah is a going astray, and every going astray will be in the Fire."
Research about the history of Mawlid and how it began then you can speak for yourself, it began with the Shiites and then was slowly abandoned but picked up in the 7th century (on the islamic calender) by a King and re-established with Suufis, The ignorant, on the top of the list, the sufis who were already obsessed with the christian way of life, with the christian moasticism, the christian Aestheticism.
As for diving into sects in Islam, it is CLEARLY HARAM, here is evidence from the Qur'an:
“As for those who divide Their religion and break up Into sects, you have no part in them in the least: Their affair is with Allah: He will in the end tell them the truth of all that they did.†[Al-Qur’an 6:159]
The You in that ayaat ('You have no part in them in the least'), has been said to be Prophet Muhammad Salallu Aleyhi Wasalaam.
So from all this, we can come to the conclusion that,