can someone help me with this?
brother Osama can you 
<infidels' link removed>
In Arabic, the LAAM with ALIF, which makes it a long LAAM, means no or stating something in the negative. That's
لا. For example:
[081:015] I swear not فلا by the slinkers,
[081:016] the runners, the sinkers,
81:15 فلا اقسم بالخنس
81:16 الجوار الكنس
Here Allah Almighty is demonstrating the mightiness of the celestial black holes. He is Saying that if He were to swear on something, it would be this. So the Almighty here is saying
"I need not swear by...". Please visit:, LAAM
ل by itself means to affirm something. This is like saying in English
"No, you are smart". We see this in the following Noble Verses:
ولئن متم او قتلتم
لإلى الله تحشرون
[003:158] And if ye die, or are slain, Lo! it is unto God (la ila Allah لإلى الله) that ye are brought together.Here Allah Almighty is
GUARANTEEING to all believers this.
لإلى is
ل إلى concatenated together. The letter laam
ل when concatenated with another word also gives the meaning of bond and/or ownership. We see this in the first Word in the of the Noble Verse 3:158 above.
لئن is
ل إن also concatenated together.
To further prove this, let us look at the following examples:
1- Noble Verse 1:2:
1:2 الحمد لله رب العالمين
[001:002] All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.LILLAH لله = LI + ALLAH ل الله , which means "TO ALLAH"
2- Another example:
Hence, therefore, for this, because of this. It is the letter laam
ل concatenated with
ذالك or
ذلك , which means "this". We read in the Glorious Quran:
ذلك الكتاب لاريب فيه هدى للمتقين
[002:002] This is the Book; in it is guidance sure, without doubt, to those who fear God;So when Allah Almighty Says:
ولئن متم او قتلتم
لإلى الله تحشرون
[003:158] And if ye die, or are slain, Lo! it is unto God (la ila Allah لإلى الله) that ye are brought together.The Almighty means it to guarantee Salvation to the Martyrs.
The Middle Eastern prostitutes:Yet, the anti-Islam Arab prostitute of the article that you linked used this very Noble Verse and said:
"This grammatical construction leaves no alternative but that Q3:158 with the extra alif be translated "and certainly if you die or are slain, to God you shall NOT be gathered"."The many Noble Verses that Command the Muslims to fight in the cause of GOD Almighty, and to die as Martyrs, and to strive against the unbelievers, and to
slay and be slain in battle thoroughly prove that the anti-Islamic author is an intellectual and academic
Middle Eastern prostitute! He looks smart. He looks legit. But he's intentionally lying and making up garbage. This is the danger when Muslims listen to these prostitutes and get their learning from.
I said it before and I'll say it again here. These anti-Islam prostitutes in the Middle East are desperate to disprove Islam. They can't stand the fact that Islam crushed their pagan civilizations and drove them to extinction. The following Middle Eastern pagan empires no longer exist:
1- Persia.
2- Byzantine.
3- The Roman occupation of all of North Arabia and North Africa.
4- The Christian Coptics' rule in Egypt.
This is why you see them spewing lies on Islam. They have nothing.
I hope this helps, Insha'Allah.
Take care,
Osama Abdallah