Author Topic: The quest of all people for Salaat  (Read 3259 times)

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Offline Emre_1974tr

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The quest of all people for Salaat
« on: June 25, 2022, 06:14:54 AM »
Allah Almighty has set up His system in such a way that if you obey His commands and prohibitions, you begin to experience blessings in this world, and if you do not, you begin to experience hardships in this world...

Prayer is one of them.

Not only is prayer in itself good for the human psyche, but the time of the morning prayer is precisely the time when nature begins to come alive and joy and peace are at their peak. And even if the person who wakes up at this time does nothing, he will still be filled with the joy of living. And if he performs his prayers, his happiness, peace and joy will grow exponentially.

In addition, the time of Maghrib prayer is also a time of peace, introspection and relaxation. By praying at this time, right on time, you will be able to maximize the benefits of this transitional phase and minimize the problems that may arise from it.

In other words, praying 3 times a day will provide you with countless material and spiritual benefits. It will enable you to perceive its traces in this world even before you go to paradise. The benefits to your physical and mental health are countless. I don't even need to mention again the real beauties of the work such as good deeds and getting closer to Allah.

And if you don't do this, apart from the reward and servitude part of it, what will you miss in terms of worldly blessings?

This is what happens; you start looking for help from yoga, meditation, stimulation of your energy point on your forehead (Shirodhara), as Westerners and Far Easterners are doing now. You will be swimming in depression and stress, and you will be in a hurry to look for the beauty of prayer in these methods. In fact, if there is a craze for meditation, a craze for yoga, a craze for Shirodhara in today's world, it is because of the search for prayer. It is the lack of it.

You can find the "Shirodhara" technique, the real name in Ayurveda, on the internet, on search engines, and you can examine it.

And today people are in a rush to get up and do yoga in the morning just in time for the sunrise. Because they think it makes them more peaceful and reduces their stress and depression.

And they call this cleansing gymnastics in the morning at the time of sunrise "sun salutation". And again, if you study this yoga practice, you will see that the movements are very similar to salaat.

In the same way, in the evening there is a similar yoga exercise, and people are trying to achieve peace and health.

And apart from that, they usually try to meditate twice a day.

And again, people are actually looking for prayer/salaat. They are struggling to attain the beauties and blessings it will give. But unfortunately they are looking for this happiness in the wrong place.

So, if we say that prayer is superior to practices like meditation and yoga, then there must be some concrete evidence to confirm this.

Yes, there is. As even Dr. Deepak Chopra(now he is Muslim), an ayurvedic expert, admits and even writes about in some of his books, the longest-lived people in the world are usually Muslims. And these people have achieved this not through meditation or superfoods like ginseng, like the Far Easterners, but through rituals like prayer and fasting and foods like yogurt and red meat.

In today's geography, societies with long-lived individuals called "super centenarians" can be found in places like Georgia and Azerbaijan. They live especially in mountainous areas. But since their genes are mixed, scientists explain their longevity not by genetic factors but by their way of life.

The longest known long-lived person is the Azerbaijani Shirali Mislimov. He is said to have passed away in 1973 at the age of 168.

The healthy people of the town of Lerik on the Azerbaijan-Iran border are especially noteworthy.

In fact, the benefits of prayer and fasting are now being discovered by the scientific world. They are more beneficial for health and quality of life than yoga and other techniques.

We hope that people all over the world will discover the prayer they have been searching for without realizing it and take another step towards true happiness and salvation.

(My Turkish article translated with machine)



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