Author Topic: Bacca is Mecca in Psalm 84:6  (Read 3246 times)

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Bacca is Mecca in Psalm 84:6
« on: July 26, 2020, 03:12:58 PM »
As'salamu Alaikum Everyone,

 Baca is Mecca in Psalm 84:6.  Ample Jewish and Christian references declare this:

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline mclinkin94

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Re: Bacca is Mecca in Psalm 84:6
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2020, 05:57:08 PM »
Thanks for the article!

I just wanted to say something about 2:75-2:79

The verse right before (2:74) mentions how the Jews hearts hardened after Moses' time. And then 2:75 asks a rhetorical question, "do you think the Jews will believe when they distort the words of Allah after they understood it"? You are exactly correct that this is about the continual defiance of the Jews from after Moses' time (2:74). That means they have been playing this game with their scriptures after Moses' time and they continue to do this.

 As an analogy, let's say you are admonishing a political party for their actions and you say "how could they be a party of the people if they write laws that impose serious hardship", this is talking about their previous actions and their continuance in this behavior etc.

Quran 2:75-2:79 hints and alludes to the Jewish tendency to tamper with the word of Allah especially when considering the overall theme surrounding the context of these verses of the Jews' general defiance against Allah. These verses do not mention if those corruptions made it into the bible, however in conjunction with 4:157 and other verses that contradict the Torah/Bible, we learn that the Jewish tendency and attempts to corrupt the word of Allah ultimately made it into the text of their scriptures!

This is an unequivocal proof that the Quran teaches they have corrupted their scriptures.

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Re: Bacca is Mecca in Psalm 84:6
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2020, 06:10:24 PM »
So what I'm saying is, thank you for pointing out that this is in the present tense.

What we know for example is that all events are in the past. So if I say "how could they be a party of the people if they write laws that impose serious hardship" I am talking about their previous actions and their tendency to do this.

So 2:75-2:79 is not just a one time thing that the Jews did, but it is reflecting their past behavior and their tendency to corrupt the words of Allah.


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