« on: July 27, 2013, 11:30:11 AM »
Dont you see, wherever the Dean grows strong the Kuffar always start a war, and blame terrorists.
1) In Chechnya (Shishan) were i am from, when they soviet union broke up, we chechens claimed our independance and intended to introduce sharia law, the dean was growing strong after years of communist stalinist atheist propaganda. We could finally regain our independance and practice our faith. But what happened.. Russia called chechens terrorist, bandits, extremists. Invaded and killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people. Did anyone intervene? No! UN, EU, USA,... they didnt do nothing except talk.
2) Again the Afghans defeated Russian and late nineties Taliban came to power. Then the Dean was growing strong, sharia was being implemented. Then booom, invasion, "war against terror" and all that BullS***. Hundreds of thousands of deaths, injuries and great losses. Again Taliban named terrorists, extremists.
3) Again in Somalia, the dean was growing, and sharia was being implemented then again, muslims called terrorist and extremists. Invaded and slaughtered by USA.
4) In china, many millions of muslims suppresed by the communist government.
5) Burma, muslims being attacked
6) In Yemen the ahlusunnah were gaining ground and then accused of being terrorists and extemists. Once again drones sent in killing many muslims.
7) In sudan, muslims gained power dean was growing, sharia was implemented and then, south sudan was created to split from muslims, now occasional battles take place.
8) In Mali, the muslims were increasing, the dean was getting stronger sharia implemented and then, France invades. Attacks muslims and kills many. Again muslims called terrorists and extremists.
9) In nigeria, muslims strength were increasing, dean was getting stronger and sharia was implemented in northern parts of nigeria. Then government attacks muslims, calls them terrorist and extremists.
In each one of these cases the media has spread false information about these. For example, they said chechens are terrorists because they killed innocent civilians in moscow apartment bombing. But the truth is that it was later proven that chechens had no involvement in this and infact it was the russian security services that did it.
Same for the others. You will here that children got shot for wanting education, or women getting beaten by extremists....ect ect. So you first got to investigate if the event really happened and then was it really done by the muslims or by people claiming to be muslims trying to spread lies about real muslims trying to disgrace their name.
Same for Al Qaeda. All we about them is what the Jewish controlled media tells us about them. We dont have anything else. We dont know if they are really good or bad. Or where they are from. Who they are. We dont know if they even exist at all.
Also did you spot that in al least 6 of these cases and other cases i not mentioned where muslims are growing strong, they are always to be called "affiliated to Al Qaeda". They made ever muslim Al Qaeda affiliates.
May Allah grant us victory over the the Disbelievers