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Mujahid Saifullah:
Yes, but how is that relevant? Neanderthal bloodlines still exist in peoples of the northern hemisphere (i.e. white people).

They may very well be descended from Adam, but what is your point? Are you stipulating that there were prophets amongst them?

Most likely they were animists and polytheists. I say this, because it tends to be true of ancient civilizations.

New Dating Methods Put Neanderthal Extinction Much Earlier Than Previously Thought
If the new evidence holds any weight, then the popular theory that modern humans and Neanderthals co-existed—and possibly even interbred—for millennia has just been shot down, especially as another hugely accepted theory shows modern humans didn’t settle in the region until 42,000 years ago.

Mujahid Saifullah:
^ I am aware of such things, but It would also imply that modern humans didn't interbreed with Denisovans, which is troublesome for explaining the natural blond hair of various melanotic peoples.

Brother Mujahid if Evolution is true than why did not Eskimos develop furs to prevent cold according to Evolution?


--- Quote from: Mujahid Saifullah on February 20, 2013, 10:01:07 AM ---Most likely they were animists and polytheists. I say this, because it tends to be true of ancient civilizations.
--- End quote ---
Yes, may be they were because after the time of Prophet Nuh Peace be Upon him whole world become polytheists but After Prophet Ibrahim Peace be Upon him a new monotheist group came into existence who call themselves Jew.


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