GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: View on this respected brother saying there are no scientific miracles?
« on: May 17, 2013, 05:57:23 PM »And one more point. I am concerned about your statement that the guy's video (a very shallow and absurd video that didn't even give one example) has casted doubts in your heart. Instead of being a weak leaf that gets tossed and shaken by any wind, why don't you strengthen your Beliefs by digging deeper into this topic and settle this for yourself once and for all?
I mean, if this absurd video shook you, then you have a problem, my dear brother. I am not trying to insult you. I am only advising you. Please visit: www.answering-christianity.com/ac20.htm#links and see the Miracles for yourself. And believe me, this section will only grow, insha'Allah.
And instead of listening to people speaking general nonsense with not one single example, like the guy did in his video, why don't you, dear brother, post specific questions and specific examples that we can all examine and grill and test to see whether Islam is True or false in it? That will be much better for you, insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing).
I hope this helps, insha'Allah.
Take care,
Osama Abdallah
Jazakallah dear brother.
I probably used the wrong word. I meant i reached a point where i was just bemused, and a little confused. He is a respected scholar, and says Dr Keith Moore was bribed by saudi officials, Dr Bucaille's science is out dated (False!).
The video was definitely full of holes in terms of argumentation (this is not geebah right? We are only adressing content).
I debate people on forums - muslims- and they put this video on there, non-muslims have cashed into this, and all the time spent trying to show the miraculous nature of the Quran feels like it's gone into water.
It's as if one of your own soldiers has shot you in the foot.
I am more or less in the middle. I only say something is a natural phenomenon miracle IF and only if it is established.
I thank you for making me see the error in the words i have used. It's just that the brother is so pious, and well spoken, and my own muslims were down-playing what i say on a non-muslim forum that shook me.
May Allah swt forgive me. Brother can i ask you about the Cattle miracle i.e modification ? I was reading tafseer on that verse and apparently, the verse only talks about the idolators slitting the cattle to offer them to Gods or make them Gods(forgot what it was) but the tafseer did not mention and GM process.
How can we be sure the verse is not talking about that, and is talking about people actually changing the creation of Allah genetically, rather than just slitting their ears to offer them to Gods or as a pagan worshipping ritual?
I was browsing rebuttals on the sub-atomic particle miracle, and some people say God did not use the word Atom, but he used the word 'Ant'. How do we adress that?
I will also be going into Medical School in October, how can i be of use to this cause? What can i do to assist or help or research.
Is it possible to know how long it will take to learn Arabic - and can normal arabs understand the Quran, or do they need to do courses in Classical Arabic?
Lastly brother, as much as i agree with you on some of the scientific miracles, the big crunch miracle is not one i can agree with. It's not established science. Dark energy and the latest science says the universe will expand forever. Should we really attribute that to Allah swt.?
May you be rewarded for your time (don't feel obliged to answer this right away, i understand you are doing good work and have other duties)