For example:
Isra power: This is only a very small sample of attacks with 0 muslim protest. .... very small
Adil Riaz: +Isra Power 8/15/2016 "More than 30,000 Muslims from across the world meet in the UK to reject Isis and Islamic extremism"
Muslim students hold posters during a gathering to denounce the Islamic State, in Mumbai, Nov. 20, 2015.
AFP/Getty Images
6/30/2016 "100,000 Expected to Attend Muslim Anti-Terror Rally in DC"
11/25/2015 "20 million Muslims march against ISIS"
There are many more, but here i decided to give some to show how ignorant u people are., can u plz provide evidence for moderate christians protesting christian terrorism, ever?
I have looked i couldn't find any, if there r i would love to hear about it. - “Why don’t Muslims protest against ISIS?” and other idiotic questions
Isra Power: These demonstrations are nice and cute.But do they really make an impact for serious change?

. Also, the Terror group Isis and others have been savagely killing Yazidis, Kurds, christians but mostly Muslims, so obviously the good Muslims are saying its not Islam. But Please , In my stupid and humble opinion, ISIS members (which is not a small group) is only applying whats in the Koran. They want their caliphate with sharia law. But this is altogether a completely different topic. Again, the real issues are mass migrant and refugees entering the west (the concept of Numbers) , integration and assimilation (which is not compatible with Islam) , reforms in Islam, etc, etc, etc, etc.....The West has nothing to offer them....
Adil Riaz: +Isra Power plz do not change the topic, also the dicussion regards to quran is to wide. Ur lying spirirts have created way to many misconceptions to address all of them here. U can get ur answers at
Isra Power: I should of figured, thats the kind of Garbage you thrive on......answering-christianity...
Adil Riaz: +Isra Power garbage? No plz provide me with ur garbage biebert, faux news and answering islam all guys that thrive on alt news. Lol maybe u should stop slumbering in a make believe world where only ur views matter. Also it isn't surprising to find so many LYING SPIRITS in ur culture since Paul the Pharisse taught u to be a liar. So i guess i really shouldn't be surprised. =)
As u can see their last line of defense is to claim ur sources are garbage, but islam is ours it started in middle east. So i do not see how there sources aren't garbage.