Deep Concern With Wikiislam

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Student of Ilm:
Hello, Answering Christianity. I'm not quite sure who you guys are, but a big thanks for clarifying many issues and misconceptions about Islam. But I've noticed a major problem when I search Islam in general, many sites are Islamaphobic, the ones that come up. Wikiislam being a major one. I have a humble suggestion to put forward to you guys. And this is coming from a non-Muslim seriously interested in Islam, thinking about reverting (In'sha'Allaah, eh?).

I mean no offense when I say this, but the main reason Wikiislam is ranked so high, is because of the neat and professional, sleek look that they have for their site. They stay away from any propaganda, and stick to hard facts (opinions which are usually misinterpretations). It is the way they present themselves that allows them to be so easily searched. And I haven't really found a single site that can match them, though you guys do a great job, your site seems to be jumbled, with many English errors, and lets be honest, there is some propaganda. So here is my suggestion...

Create "WikiIslaam". Notice the two a's? And base it entirely off of theirs, match it exactly, but with rebuttals. Use only the opinions of the Ulema, the scholars, and cold hard facts. Information according to traditional Islaam, the Qur'an, authentic Sunnah and the Salaf, or even contemporary opinions, but make sure you do both. As well as correct "perceptions". Make sure the English is near perfect, that it looks clean and professional, presented very well.

I think you get the idea. Basically, they are so successful due to the same reason people believe the nonsense from Dawkins, Hitchens and their ilk. They "present" themselves in a clear, professional and clean-way. It's about the perception. And to be frank, as a non-Muslim who uses your site, a lot of the information is absolutely wonderful to have, but to be honest, many things are kind of a turn off, such as the propaganda, conspiracy theories, and the like. Just stick to Islaam, and the rebuttals.

As'salamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatu Allah Wa Barakatuh dear brother Student of Knowledge (Ilm),

I first would like to welcome you to the forum.  I ask Allah Almighty that you find all of your answers and the Truth here to your best satisfaction.  Ameen.

Thank you for dear brother for your kind advice.  There is absolutely no offence my dear brother, and such wonderful advices could only be offensive to the people who are offensive themselves.  So no my dear brother, constructive advices and also criticisms are always welcomed.  I will insha'Allah work on a new templat for the website this weekend, and see to it, insha'Allah.

As to embracing Islam, I ask Allah Almighty to further open your heart to His Divine Truth, Islam, and to further Guide you and Bless you, akhi (brother).  Ameen.  Don't rush into embracing anything my dear brother, unless you are 100% ready for it.  But you seem to be a Muslim at heart.  To embrace Islam is very simple dear brother.  All you need to do is declare the following two statements, and you would officially become a Muslim:

"I bear witness, that there is no GOD but Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His Servant and Messenger."

But again my dear brother.  Don't embrace anything unless you're 100% sure.  But if you know that you are 100% sure, then this is all that you need dear brother.  Please visit the following link to learn about the 5 Pillars of Islam:

May Allah Almighty greatly bless you, akhi.  Ameen.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

As'salamu Alaikum Everyone,

Per brother 'Student of Ilm' request, I have purchased:

And I already own:  I will insha'Allah work on building a wiki website.  It's been requested many times from me in the past.  Any brother or sister who knows anyone who could help in the technical part of it, then please forward him to me.  I will pay him/her for their work, insha'Allah.  It won't be for free.

May Allah Almighty bless you all!  Ameen.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah



good new Bro Osama ......though huge efforts should be done....

I suggest:

1- the site should has the same simple look of the critical nonemuslim site of wikiislam... the over usage of colors,  big fonts ,links interuppting the topic,images  should be avoided .

2- After reading some of wikiislam ,some of the articles there seem to be of cooperative efforts of several persons... and that should be done on your site as well....

3- the titles of topics should be exactly the same design and order of the the critical nonemuslim site of wikiislam,with the difference that the content be a refutation explanation to the topics therin.
for example the antiislam site put the following links

Contradictions and Inconsistencies

    Flat Earth and the Qur'an
    The Geocentric Qur'an
    Dhul-Qarnayn and the Sun Controversy
    Embryology in the Qur'an
    Questions to Ask a Muslim
    Qur'anic Claim of Everything Created in Pairs
    Qur'an and the Big Bang

the design of the islamic site should be nearly the same

Flat or round Earth in the Qur'an?
    The Geocentric Qur'an
    Dhul-Qarnayn and the Sun Controversy
    Embryology in the Qur'an
   answering questions asked to Muslim
    Qur'anic Claim of Everything Created in Pairs
    Qur'an and the Big Bang

and let me repeat the precious advice of  the member "Student of Ilm"

Use only the opinions of the Ulema, the scholars, and cold hard facts. Information according to traditional Islaam, the Qur'an, authentic Sunnah and the Salaf, or even contemporary opinions, but make sure you do both. As well as correct "perceptions". Make sure the English is near perfect, that it looks clean and professional, presented very well.



mendacium remedium:
I absolutely agree with the OP. One of the main reasons i made this account was to alert brother Osama and the rest of us to websites like these. They look proffesional, factual, but they simply and cleverly misinterpret the Quran. Many people hear about the miracles of the Quran, then go on those websites and read the misinterpretations and think 'This is the wrong religion'. I am not too fused with regards to how many become muslims, i just want the truth to be relayed out to the people and then allow them to make their final decisions.

Brother Osama, if i can in any way be of use to you, please let me know. I have been studying the science of the Quran for a while, and will be going into medical school in October. If you require me to do any work for you in this respect and regard , please let me know and i will see if i have the ability to help.

Also brother Osama, i will try to recruit as many muslims to join this blog and this website. We need to have some sort of unity and organisation.


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