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Messages - MuslimBoy

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As-Salamu Alaikum Every one,

Jesus (Peace be Upon Him) was Born to a virgin. So, why did the lineage matter?
I think the Geneology of Jesus was merely a fabrication by people of Pauline Doctrine to Convince the Chosen People. As they believed that the Messiah should be from David's Lineage.

this is funny, did anyone ever ask a chritian about what happend to those who lived before isa came ?? did they all go to hell ? if so, then the christians worship a mad devil.
Yeah!! And some christians even say that every prophet before Jesus are in hell(Including Abraham, David, Elias and others)!! What a ridiculous thing? the Prophets who had done a lot of service for God how can be they are in hell? According to this Even the so-Called chosen People (Jews) are also in hell. It Really it seems a pagan thinking.

What you don't know is that, three days that Jesus used in the grave, he was preaching to them, I mean the dead ones
Brother Can you give me the refrence from "Bible" to support your claim?? and I Heard from many Christians that Jesus was suffering in Hell for sins of Adam and Mankind. so who is right? you? or they?

As-Salamu Alaikum Every one,

Brother Osama i do not like your tone, this is not fair and you are very offensive. If you disagre with some one than you just have to say I disagree with you but you are insulting others calling them Cultists, Making ridiculous examples is not fair. And Many people says that The island is some where in Bermuda Triangle. but i too do not agree with this so did i should call them cultists? Absolutely, No. Thanks

Wa Alaikum As'salam dear brother MuslimBoy,

Thank you for the valuable advice, dear brother, and I apologize if I have offended anyone.  I was referring to those who think they own and control Islam, and are willing to call you a heretic and an apostate for any reason.  I was also speaking about the problems of our Ummah and how we can solve its chaotic problems. 

I hope this helps, Insha'Allah.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah
Thanks for your Understanding..

As-Salamu Alaikum Every one,

Brother Osama i do not like your tone, this is not fair and you are very offensive. If you disagre with some one than you just have to say I disagree with you but you are insulting others calling them Cultists, Making ridiculous examples is not fair. And Many people says that The island is some where in Bermuda Triangle. but i too do not agree with this so did i should call them cultists? Absolutely, No. Thanks

« on: April 27, 2014, 03:43:55 AM »
Thanks Brother Osama,

JazakAllah Khairan

May Allah Bless you.


« on: April 26, 2014, 11:35:32 PM »
As-Salam Alaikum,

I am wondering the Flood at the time of Prophet Nuh was Local or Global.
Some say it was Global while say Local and Some say it was Local but the population at that time was only lives at that place, no where else in the World.

So which one is true?


Usually The Godless people are sick of Christianity and they hate it. And to defend themselves as right they frequently quote christian's REPRESENTATION of Islam which tells about their intelligence. In the whole process they seem to be hate Abrahamic religions. but they really love the Non-Abrahamic Religions probably because Unfortunately Christianity is a Abrahamic one.

« on: April 24, 2014, 01:26:41 PM »
As-Salam Alaikum brother,

I am not sure but i have heard that he permits about 3 Thousands(or hundred) of Jews to settle in Jerusalem.


As-Salam Alaikum Everyone,

Very nice article brother. You mark out some very good points. Jazak'Allah Khairan


As'salamu Alaikum everyone,

I once read a (false?) hadith on the mouth of the Prophet, peace be upon him, where he said that the Jinns eat the dead bodies, and this is why they disappear after a few days.  The Jinn ate them.  The Prophet was asked about why dead bodies of creatures disappear.

Yet, the Glorious Quran Says that the Jinns were created from a smokeless fire:

[015:026]  And indeed, We created man from sounding clay of altered black smooth mud.
[015:027]  And the jinn, We created aforetime from the smokeless flame of fire.

‏15:26 ولقد خلقنا الانسان من صلصال من حمأ مسنون
‏15:27 والجان خلقناه من قبل من نار السموم

The problem with the false narrations from the hadiths collections is this, in my opinion:

1-  Somebody had an idea that he strongly believed in with a passion (ex: jinn eat dead bodies), and he lied on the Prophet to legitimize or give authority to his belief to make it a widely acceptable fact.  So in other words, with this lie, he would transform his opinion into a widely accepted fact.

2-  Gossips from unknown sources made their way with fabricated chain or narrations into the hadiths.

3-  Islam-hating liars and hypocrites injecting poisons into Islam. Examples:

(a)-  The Prophet got bewitched by a Jew who stole a piece of his hair, sneezed on it, and hid it under a rock.
(b)-  Aisha used to have her nieces and sisters breast-feed men so they would enter her house and have private sessions with her.
(c)-  She-monkey stoning by other monkeys for adultery.
(d)-  The dajjal was found chained in one Island.  None of the Islands of the Middle East have any chained dajjal in them.

And on and on and on....  Visit:

Take care,
Osama Abdallah
Walekum As-Salamu brother, Thanks for replying akhi. thanks for your information and Only bacteria and some other few microbes fed on dead bodies. I am thinking that may be the interpretetion of Jinn = Unicellular Organisms is somewhat right but i am confused. So, what is your opinion?

Thanks for replying akhi. well, I really do not understand what you mean. Can you explain this?
Jins = Bacteria (AKA germs) ? Yeah , with what Quran and Sunnah tell us about Jins , this DOES make sense as this :
No offense Tanveer .
Brother i do not say only germs but I say UNICELLULAR ORGANISMS. It just means that are small in size on the Earth.

Ok, so I studied a bit more, and watched tons of YouTube videos on who the real Israelites are. There are a lot of people commenting on YouTube videos saying that the Pashtun people are not Israelites. A lot of people are saying that the afghan people are white, or 'Aryans'. People keep saying that they are indo-European, and that they're mixed with white people aka Europeans. They also talk about hitler saying something about the Aryans. I just want to know if afghans are their own race or not. Jazakum'Allah Khair brothers.
Brother many people (a.k.a. Jews and Christians) try to disprove this as it hurts them that they are 'Muslims' but there are many things that proves that Afghans are ancient Israelites but we are not 100% sure. And if the migrated tribes had to live east of Iraq and Persia did not they live in the present day land of Afghanistan( the part of ancient Arya Land which extends from Kazakhstan to Eastern Afghanistan )? In India they cant live because ancient Indians hates foriegners. and they Aryan race a.k.a. the race of hitler has blue eyes and i do not see a single Pashtun with this kind of eyes. And the Aryan race had been migrated to the Other parts of world such as Europe and they also had a invasion on the land of India and the at the time of babylonian exile of the Israelites there was no or may be very less Aryan presence in central asia. Pashtun follows a ruling named Pashtunwali which is almost equal to The Rules of Torah it includes marrying of the widow of brother, purifying house by blood etc... And more over the names of tribes Yosefzai-Sons of Joseph, Efridi-Ephraim and Lawi-Lawani. And Allah knows best. Thanks

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« on: April 19, 2014, 10:39:24 AM »
And akhi the Atheist uses the terms "Rational Squad", "Free Thinker" and "Open Minders" etc... But in real they are ignorants and deceptionists at many times!! So My advice to you is not to see a lot of Atheist Video or whatever you like.

Landing was false? Armstrong became a muslim? I am hearing these things first time.

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