Author Topic: Islamic proof that the sun prostrates to Allah Almighty when it is above Mecca  (Read 3256 times)

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As'salamu Alaikum Everyone,

Here is a new article that I just finished writing:  (Islamic proof that the sun prostrates to Allah Almighty when it is above Mecca)

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Ali ibn Masud

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Wa Alaykumus Salam Brother Osama,
You said in your article that the sun prostrates beneath Allah's Throne when it is up in the sky of Mecca. But, the Hadith says after the sun sets it does that. So how do you say the sun prostrates beneath GOD's Throne when it is high up in the sky? Also isnt the center of the Earth supposed to be Mecca and not the center of Saudi Arabia? I thought مكة meant center?

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The Glorious Quran says Middle nation, not middle city.  That includes all Arabs and Arabia.  In light of the Glorious Quran's numerical and geographical Miracle, I find the Hadith means exactly this:  The sun prostrates to Allah Almighty under His Throne when it is above Arabia - facing Mecca.

And like I mentioend in the article, how this works while it is in motion remains in the unseen world, exactly as Allah Almighty said.

As to Mecca's meaning, I don't think it means center.  But when I get a chance I'll try to check it out, insha'Allah.

Ali ibn Masud

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Sorry to bother you, but I still do not get what you mean by "light of the Quran". The hadith clearly states that after the sun sets, it prostrates before Allah Almighty and asks to rise again. It does not say that it prostrates before Allah when it is in the highest point in the sky. Please explain to me how can this be.


Ali ibn Masud

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Well, about Makkah meaning center, it is not meant to be taken literally, this is what I found in Google, "noun. Also Mek·ka; Mak·kah [mak-kuh, -kah] . a city in and the capital of Hejaz, in westerm Saudi Arabia: birthplace of Muhammad; spiritual center of Islam. (often lowercase) any place that many people visit or hope to visit: The president's birthplace is a mecca for his admirers." However, someone told me that makkah is the literal center of the Earth and the Kabah is the extreme center of the Earth. Well, I guess he was wrong.


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The point that I made is that if you put everything in the context and under the light of Noble Verse 2:143 STUNNING numerical and geographical Miracle (confirmed by google earth), then you'll see everything clearly.  Since the perfect center of the earth is in Arabia according to both Google earth and the Glorious Quran in Noble Verse 2:143, then the Hadith means that the sun prostrates to Allah Almighty under His Throne when it is above Arabia (completing its rotation and sunset).  It rises above the center and it must set above the center to complete its sunset and end its day.

Ali ibn Masud

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Wow Osama,
It took me a long time to understand what you said. Keep up the good work for the website. Masha Allah

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Jazaka Allah Khayr akhi.  Your questions are helping me improve the article.  I've updated it several times already due to your questions and challenges :) .

Ali ibn Masud

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Glad im helping!

Ali ibn Masud

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Hey Osama, why did you remove the Abraham topic? I asked a question. Are you talking about the different Abraham spellings اِبْرَاهِيم and اِبْرَاهٖم?

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Here are two examples of different spellings of Abraham, peace be upon him:

I'll get to this when I get a chance.  I haven't researched it in a long time.  Brother Adnan Al-Refaei mentioned this Miracle as an example from many examples of how the spelling of Words in the Glorious Quran is not random.

Take care,

Ali ibn Masud

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Yeah it was those two spellings. May Allah give you the strength to research this miracle. Insha Allah


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