GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / WHEN,HOW and by WHOM the Thaurath an Injeel got corrupted?
« on: June 06, 2016, 07:12:13 AM »
Assalamu 'Alaikum.
1)Main question: WHEN,HOW and by WHOM the Thaurath an Injeel got corrupted?
Other questions:
2)Are they the same as found in old manuscripts?
3)Does the Holy Qur'an say they can't be corrupted?
I have many similar and related doubts which doesn't come to my mind right now.I hope I will get details from here.
I debated with a Christian on FB and I showed him few simple examples of contradictions in Bible and claimed that Bible is corrupted.But he said that the Qur'an says the Thaurath and Injeel can'tbe corrupted,and asked when and by whom they were corrupted,and told we are just repeating what we were taught.
He quoted Al-Ahqaf[46] verse 30 { "They said, "O our people, we have heard a book revealed after Moses, confirming what came before it; it guides (men) to the truth and to a straight path." } and said that in Arabic it says "Bayna Yadayhi" which means "Between his hands" and not "Before it" , and said Prophet (S) had Thaurath with him at his time.
I gave an example of Albaqara:66 and told him that "Between his/its hands" is an Arabic idiom which means "In front of" or "before".But he refuses to believe,and says I don't know Arabic.
Who is right,I or he?
When I refuted his claims of Qur'an contradictions using a video of Ahmed Deedat and some links from answering-christianity.com ,he spoke badly of brother Osama like he fabricated emails and that he was destroyed in every debate by Christian Prince.
And he also said about Deedat:"This guy prayed to Allah to make who ever was lieing in a debate to be made dumb. Only to be struck with a stroke and remained dumb for the rest of his life. Not a good person to follow sir"
1)Main question: WHEN,HOW and by WHOM the Thaurath an Injeel got corrupted?
Other questions:
2)Are they the same as found in old manuscripts?
3)Does the Holy Qur'an say they can't be corrupted?
I have many similar and related doubts which doesn't come to my mind right now.I hope I will get details from here.
I debated with a Christian on FB and I showed him few simple examples of contradictions in Bible and claimed that Bible is corrupted.But he said that the Qur'an says the Thaurath and Injeel can'tbe corrupted,and asked when and by whom they were corrupted,and told we are just repeating what we were taught.
He quoted Al-Ahqaf[46] verse 30 { "They said, "O our people, we have heard a book revealed after Moses, confirming what came before it; it guides (men) to the truth and to a straight path." } and said that in Arabic it says "Bayna Yadayhi" which means "Between his hands" and not "Before it" , and said Prophet (S) had Thaurath with him at his time.
I gave an example of Albaqara:66 and told him that "Between his/its hands" is an Arabic idiom which means "In front of" or "before".But he refuses to believe,and says I don't know Arabic.
Who is right,I or he?
When I refuted his claims of Qur'an contradictions using a video of Ahmed Deedat and some links from answering-christianity.com ,he spoke badly of brother Osama like he fabricated emails and that he was destroyed in every debate by Christian Prince.
And he also said about Deedat:"This guy prayed to Allah to make who ever was lieing in a debate to be made dumb. Only to be struck with a stroke and remained dumb for the rest of his life. Not a good person to follow sir"