Don't be my Dictionary, I know the difference I Would have written that in a rush.
A nice way to not answer how you put words in my mouth .
Lolz You Psychopath?? Have you even read that??? if you are putting that as reference then You yourself is against you, there was nothing to prove your point.
And now it's a psychopath ? Anyway , here they are again in English if you can't understand Arabic : note that it says they are scholars of Shiism . Case closed . So you should be lashing at them for giving a negative view of shia not me .
Who Do you think You are?? Am I on your GUN point So lie or DEny?? YOU're brain Washed Bro... I Wallahi Not scared of any human beings But ALLah the Almighty.. I would never lie or deny anything which is true about us, but if its false no matter how hard You try I will DENy and DENYY.
I'm beginning to think that you either don't understand plain English or you don't understand basic logic . When I give you evidence of something , either you say that what they do is not of your Shiism and that they are wrong , or admit it . You apparently do neither . Do I have to make it simple again ? Fine . You must either answer my point and show me if I'm wrong about it , deem yourself innocent of them the same way we all deem ourselves innocent of violence against the innocent - Yeah , a lot of "innocent mentioning , whatever - , or admit that it's true . So what will you do ?
Let's Face it how many WEbpages You want me to show you that says MUslim are Terrorist
Just because of you People American People Burn QUran, just because of you People Israelis made a crap film of Our Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
You can take this statement and throw it in the nearest trash dumb . Jews and Christians hate us ever since the beginning of Islam . Wither 0.04 of Muslims act violently or not isn't going to change how they look at us . They are used to lie in all different ways to divert people from truth . Put a face if you want , I don't care . And after hearing this part of your rant , WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING ?!
THE irani People were the first who yell against the people who made that film against our prophet.. where were SAUDI arabia that time
WHo do you think you are to JUDGE me and MY PEOPLE???
I don't care in the slightest about Iran , Saudia Arabia , or any other forsaken country which makes the so called "nationality" more important than brotherhood in Islam . Trying to make an emotional attack through "You're from Saudia Arabia so you suck , I'm Iranian so I rule" is pathetic .
I clearly say that all Pages he put there are in Arabic, and the majority of SHIA people understand PERSIAN or FARSI in my Country where SHIA mostly live if I'm not wrong which doesnt matter though... People like You Allow SUICIDE Bombing, CAlling Kaffir other people, Putting allegations on others, try to demolish people where Human beings lives have no value for you. where as OUR prophet (pbuh) brought the message of peace and harmony.
Again , take this statement and throw it in the nearest trash dumb along with the rest of your rant . Claiming we allow suicide is a low shot showing your true value . And when someone has NOTHING at all except emotional attacks , you know he's got NOTHING .
Arabic or not , what's the point ? You used a translation of Quran so does that make it fake ?
Written in ARABIC, revealed in ARABIC, Distributed in ARABIC and read ARABIC people.... OMG!!!! and you call them references?? I ask you how many SHIA people you met and asked them??
Arabic or not means nothing ! So what ? You're telling me all Shia are Persian ? If you say so then you're absolutely out of your mind . Wither those books were written in Persian or Arabic doesn't matter . If Persian , the pages I brought are translations . No meaning in your "Arabic sucks" nonsense .
And after all this heap of trash you think we'll be cool if you call me "Brother" ?! Keep in mind that this thread started fine as a conversation but you're the one who bloody acted like a retarded moron who understands NOTHING of what I say ! YOU'RE the one who started calling me psychotic and brain washed because you're simply afraid to respond with a meaningful argument ! YOU'RE the one who put words in my mouth and ranted like a 5 years old ! So deal with the consequences of your bloody actions , go learn logic and a bit of English , and shut up and spare us the headache !!