« on: September 17, 2012, 01:35:29 AM »
Every muslim should find out for him/herself what islam really mean; and what it means to be muslim.
Every muslim women must ask, herself and allah, if being muslim means getting half a man's share; being rendered being half mentally adept; having to share a husband; etc. If allah could bless marium with a son immaculately, how much more can he bless you as a woman? With allah, anything is possible. We, as women don't have to submit to men. Only submit to allah. He could if he wanted give you a child without using a man's sperm; give you food in abundance without your having ever worked a day in your life or having been someone's wife. Amin.
Muslims like to ask christians questions, to question christianity. But, muslims should question muslims about islam. Question the dictatorship. Question the discrimination. Question the bloodshed. Question the poverty. Question the characters of the muslim scholars.