Jihad & Terrorism / Re: When is overthrowing a leader permissable?
« on: January 11, 2013, 04:34:48 AM »
No, he isn't. I know most of you hate what I'm going to say now, but the truth has to be revealed. Bashar Al-Assad was never corrupt. He actually improved Syria in a million ways. Syria was the country of peace. You're saying one day, Bashar woke up and said, "Let me go kill everybody in my country,"? America organized the protests because he refused to stop being a threat to Israel. Al-Jazeera, Al-Arabiyya, CNN, BBC and all these channels are controlled by Amercia (even the Arab ones) and are posting false information. Just today or yesterday Al-Jazeera finished building their fake model of Bashar's house and will make it look like the rebels will take over. They did the same thing with Lybia. Look itup if you don't believe. Earlier today, the BBC said that the rebels might win soon. Coincidence? Look, I love you all for the Sake of Almighty Allah and I don't want politics to make us fight. Thats why I said don't get politics into this. I know brother Osama won't like what I just said as he wrote that Al-Jazeera was his favorite channel.