Author Topic: NON MUSLIM & HEREAFTER  (Read 2668 times)

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Offline shabeer_hassan

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« on: January 23, 2015, 12:35:22 PM »
Time of death:

8:50. And if you could see when the angels take away the souls of those who disbelieve (at death), they smite their faces and their backs, (saying): "Taste the punishment of the blazing Fire."
51. "This is because of that which your hands had forwarded. And verily, Allâh is not unjust to His slaves
2:81. Yes! Whosoever earns evil and his sin has surrounded him, they are dwellers of the Fire (i.e. Hell); they will dwell therein forever.
3:116. Surely, those who reject Faith (disbelieve in Muhammad SAW as being Allâh's Prophet and in all that which he has brought from Allâh), neither their properties, nor their offspring will avail them aught against Allâh. They are the dwellers of the Fire, therein they will abide.
4: 56. Surely! Those who disbelieved in Our Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) We shall burn them in Fire. As often as their skins are roasted through, We shall change them for other skins that they may taste the punishment. Truly, Allâh is Ever Most Powerful, All¬Wise.
8: 13. This is because they defied and disobeyed Allâh and His Messenger. And whoever defies and disobeys Allâh and His Messenger, then verily, Allâh is Severe in punishment.
14. This is the torment, so taste it, and surely for the disbelievers is the torment of the Fire.
8: 59. And let not those who disbelieve think that they can outstrip (escape from the punishment). Verily, they will never be able to save themselves (from Allâh's Punishment).
39: 71. And those who disbelieved will be driven to Hell in groups, till, when they reach it, the gates thereof will be opened (suddenly like a prison at the arrival of the prisoners). And its keepers will say, "Did not the Messengers come to you from yourselves, reciting to you the Verses of your Lord, and warning you of the Meeting of this Day of yours?" They will say: "Yes, but the Word of torment has been justified against the disbelievers!"
40:43……..those who commit great sins, the transgressors of Allâh's set limits)! They shall be the dwellers of the Fire!
40: 72. In the boiling water, then they will be burned in the Fire.
41: 16. So We sent upon them furious wind in days of evil omen (for them) that We might give them a taste of disgracing torment in this present worldly life, but surely the torment of the Hereafter will be more disgracing, and they will never be helped.

Grave punishment for sinner:

Bukhari :: Book 8 :: Volume 73 :: Hadith 81
Narrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Once the Prophet went through the grave-yards of Medina and heard the voices of two humans who were being tortured in their graves. The Prophet said, "They are being punished, but they are not being punished because of a major sin, yet their sins are great. One of them used not to save himself from (being soiled with) the urine, and the other used to go about with calumnies (Namima)." Then the Prophet asked for a green palm tree leaf and split it into two pieces and placed one piece on each grave, saying, "I hope that their punishment may be abated as long as these pieces of the leaf are not dried."
Bukhari :: Book 2 :: Volume 23 :: Hadith 454
Narrated Masruq:
'Aisha said that a Jewess came to her and mentioned the punishment in the grave, saying to her, "May Allah protect you from the punishment of the grave." 'Aisha then asked Allah's Apostle about the punishment of the grave. He said, "Yes, (there is) punishment in the grave." 'Aisha added, "After that I never saw Allah's Apostle but seeking refuge with Allah from the punishment in the grave in every prayer he prayed."
Bukhari :: Book 2 :: Volume 23 :: Hadith 460
Bukhari :: Book 1 :: Volume 4 :: Hadith 217
Bukhari :: Book 8 :: Volume 73 :: Hadith 78
Bukhari :: Book 2 :: Volume 23 :: Hadith 443
Bukhari :: Book 2 :: Volume 18 :: Hadith 164
Muslim :: Book 40 : Hadith 6859
Muslim :: Book 4 : Hadith 2029

Non Muslim will going to eternal hell/they reject their leaders/idol: idol rejects them:

16: 86. And when those who associated partners with Allâh see their (Allâh's so-called) partners, they will say: "Our Lord! These are our partners whom we used to invoke besides you." But they will throw back their word at them (and say): "Surely! You indeed are liars!"
43: 74. Verily, the Mujrimûn (criminals, sinners, disbelievers, etc.) will be in the torment of Hell to abide therein forever.
75. (The torment) will not be lightened for them, and they will be plunged into destruction with deep regrets, sorrows and in despair therein.
33: 64. Verily, Allâh has cursed the disbelievers, and has prepared for them a flaming Fire (Hell).
65. Wherein they will abide forever and they will find neither a Walî (a protector) nor a helper
66. On the Day when their faces will be turned over in the Fire, they will say: "Oh, would that we had obeyed Allâh and obeyed the Messenger (Muhammad SAW)."
67. And they will say: "Our Lord! Verily, we obeyed our chiefs and our great ones, and they misled us from the (Right) Way.
68. Our Lord! give them double torment and curse them with a mighty curse!"
41: 29. And those who disbelieve will say: "Our Lord! Show us those among jinns and men who led us astray, we shall crush them under our feet, so that they become the lowest."
46: 6. And when mankind are gathered (on the Day of Resurrection), they (false deities) will become enemies for them and will deny their worshipping.

Devil/shaithan rejects the sinner(His follower) hereafter:

50: 27. His companion (Satan devil)] will say: "Our Lord! I did not push him to transgress, (in disbelief, oppression, and evil deeds) but he was himself in error far astray."
28. Allâh will say: "Dispute not in front of Me, I had already, in advance, sent you the threat.
Sinner agreed their sin [hereafter]:
40: 48. Those who were arrogant will say: "We are all (together) in this (Fire)! Verily Allâh has judged between (His) slaves!"
49. And those in the Fire will say to the keepers (angels) of Hell: "Call upon your Lord to lighten for us the torment for a day!"
50. They will say: "Did there not come to you, your Messengers with (clear) evidences and signs? They will say: "Yes." They will reply: "Then call (as you like)! And the invocation of the disbelievers is nothing but in error!"
51. Verily, We will indeed make victorious Our Messengers and those who believe (in the Oneness of Allâh Islâmic Monotheism) in this world's life and on the Day when the witnesses will stand forth, (i.e. Day of Resurrection),
52. The Day when their excuses will be of no profit to Zâlimûn (polytheists, wrong-doers and disbelievers in the Oneness of Allâh). Theirs will be the curse, and theirs will be the evil abode (i.e. painful torment in Hell-fire).
46: 34. And on the Day when those who disbelieve will be exposed to the Fire (it will be said to them): "Is this not the truth?" They will say: "Yes, By our Lord!" He will say: "Then taste the torment, because you used to disbelieve!"
67: 9. They will say: "Yes indeed; a Warner did come to us, but we belied him and said: 'Allâh never sent down anything (of revelation), you are only in great error.'"
10. And they will say: "Had we but listened or used our intelligence, we would not have been among the dwellers of the blazing Fire!"
11. Then they will confess their sin. So, away with the dwellers of the blazing Fire.
74: 42. "What has caused you to enter Hell?"
43. They will say: "We were not of those who used to offer their Salât (prayers)
44. "Nor we used to feed Al-Miskin (the poor);
45. "And we used to talk falsehood (all that which Allâh hated) with vain talkers .
46. "And we used to belie the Day of Recompense
47. "Until there came to us (the death) that is certain."
48. So no intercession of intercessors will be of any use to them.
49. Then what is wrong with them (i.e. the disbelievers) that they turn away from (receiving) admonition?
Muslim :: Book 1 : Hadith 365

People know after the death whether they are going hell/heaven:

Bukhari :: Book 2 :: Volume 23 :: Hadith 461
Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar :

Allah's Apostle said, "When anyone of you dies, he is shown his place both in the morning and in the evening. If he is one of the people of Paradise; he is shown his place in it, and if he is from the people of the Hell-Fire; he is shown his place there-in. Then it is said to him, 'This is your place till Allah resurrect you on the Day of Resurrection."

Sinner asks help from Muslim:

57: 13. On the Day when the hypocrites’ men and women will say to the believers: "Wait for us! Let us get something from your light!" It will be said: "Go back to your rear! Then seek a light!" So a wall will be put up between them, with a gate therein. Inside it will be mercy, and outside it will be torment."
14. (The hypocrites) will call the believers: "Were we not with you?" The believers will reply: "Yes! But you led yourselves into temptations, you looked forward for our destruction; you doubted (in Faith); and you were deceived by false desires, till the Command of Allâh came to pass. And the chief deceiver (Satan) deceived you in respect of Allâh."
15. So this Day no ransom shall be taken from you (hypocrites), nor of those who disbelieved, (in the Oneness of Allâh Islâmic Monotheism). Your abode is the Fire, that is the proper place for you, and worst indeed is that destination.
57:13. On the Day when the hypocrites men and women will say to the believers: "Wait for us! Let us get something from your light!" It will be said: "Go back to your rear! Then seek a light!" So a wall will be put up between them, with a gate therein. Inside it will be mercy, and outside it will be torment."
14. (The hypocrites) will call the believers: "Were we not with you?" The believers will reply: "Yes! But you led yourselves into temptations, you looked forward for our destruction; you doubted (in Faith); and you were deceived by false desires, till the Command of Allâh came to pass. And the chief deceiver (Satan) deceived you in respect of Allâh."
15. So this Day no ransom shall be taken from you (hypocrites), nor of those who disbelieved, (in the Oneness of Allâh Islâmic Monotheism). Your abode is the Fire, that is the proper place for you, and worst indeed is that destination.

Sinner lie open in front of all creation:

Muslim :: Book 37 : Hadith 6669
……And so far as the non-believers and hypocrites are concerned, there would be general announcement about them before all creation telling them that these (people, i. e. non-believers and hypocrites) told a lie about Allah.

Hereafter Sinner will try to escape as much as they can possible [but no use]:

70: 10. And no friend will ask of a friend,
11. Though they shall be made to see one another [(i.e. on the Day of Resurrection), there will be none but see his father, children and relatives, but he will neither speak to them nor will ask them for any help)], - the Mujrim, (criminal, sinner, disbeliever, etc.) would desire to ransom himself from the punishment of that Day by his children.
12. And his wife and his brother,
13. And his kindred who sheltered him,
14. And all that are in the earth, so that it might save him .

Sinner agreed true Islam when they saw the punishment:

40: 84. So when they saw Our punishment, they said: "We believe in Allâh Alone and reject (all) that we used to associate with Him as (His) partners.
85. Then their Faith (in Islâmic Monotheism) could not avail them when they saw Our punishment. (Like) this has been the way of Allâh in dealing with His slaves. And there the disbelievers lost utterly (when Our Torment covered them).
89: 23. And Hell will be brought near that Day. On that Day will man remember, but how will that remembrance (then) avail him?
24. He will say: "Alas! Would that I had sent forth (good deeds) for (this) my life!"
25. So on that Day, none will punish as He will punish.
26. And none will bind as He will bind.
33:66. On the Day when their faces will be turned over in the Fire, they will say: "Oh, would that we had obeyed Allâh and obeyed the Messenger (Muhammad SAW)."
67. And they will say: "Our Lord! Verily, we obeyed our chiefs and our great ones, and they misled us from the (Right) Way.
68. Our Lord! give them double torment and curse them with a mighty curse!"
Sinner body part talks true what they did their past life:
41: 20. Till, when they reach it (Hell-fire), their hearing (ears) and their eyes, and their skins will testify against them as to what they used to do.
21. And they will say to their skins, "Why do you testify against us?" They will say: "Allâh has caused us to speak, as He causes all things to speak, and He created you the first time, and to Him you are made to return."
22. And you have not been hiding against yourselves, lest your ears, and your eyes, and your skins testify against you, but you thought that Allâh knew not much of what you were doing.


24:21……. And had it not been for the Grace of Allâh and His Mercy on you, not one of you would ever have been pure from sins. But Allâh purifies (guides to Islâm) whom He wills, and Allâh is All-Hearer, All-Knower.
37: 57. "Had it not been for the Grace of my Lord, I would certainly have been among those brought forth (to Hell)."
49: 17. They regard as favour upon you (O Muhammad SAW) that they have embraced Islâm. Say: "Count not your Islâm as a favour upon me. Nay, but Allâh has conferred a favour upon you, that He has guided you to the Faith, if you indeed are true.
Muslim :: Book 39 : Hadith 6764
Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: None amongst you can get. into Paradise by virtue of his deeds alone. They said: Allah's Messenger, not even you? Thereupon he said: Not even I, but that Allah should wrap me in His Grace and Mercy.
 Bukhari :: Book 7 :: Volume 70 :: Hadith 577
Muslim :: Book 39 : Hadith 6770


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