As'salamu Alaikum dear brothers,
One thing is clear from the Glorious Quran, is that the believers (at least the Martyrs among them) will enter Heaven before the Day of Judgement. The Noble Quran makes this clear. Again, visit:
Now, in what form will they be in Heaven, before Judgement Day, it's not clear. Perhaps, this is one of the mysteries of the unknown. I agree though that it is
most likely in a physical form (see below why). But however, our bodies will also resurrect in physical forms. So will the person be in a temporary physical form in Heaven? Will he be a spirit? Or will he just be standing beside GOD Almighty in Judgement Day (no resurrection for him at that time, because he/she already has a body)?
I honestly don't think anyone can give a certain answer for any of this; at least to my knowledge. But I could be wrong. There are unknowns that we were not given answers for. As Allah Almighty Said in the Noble Quran:
[017:085] They ask thee concerning the Spirit (of inspiration). Say: "The Spirit (cometh) by command of my Lord: of knowledge it is only a little that is communicated to you, (O men!)"Let us also not forget that a flesh and blood human, here on earth, is also made of a:
1- Self (Nafs).
2- Spirit (Rouh).Both are different. They're not the same. All of our spirits came directly from the Holy Spirit, which Allah Almighty used to
"blow his Spirit" into us. This is in the Holy Quran. See Our Nafs (plural Nufoos), is something else. And of course, our physical bodies are also something else. In fact, according to the Holy Quran,
OUR BODIES WILL TESTIFY FOR US AND AGAINST US ON THE DAY OF JUDGEMENT. See So this means, that we're really not our flesh and blood. In other words, the flesh and blood that you're in, is no more than a tool or a vehicle that Allah Almighty Gave you. Think of it as the car that you drive. It's not you. It's only a tool that you use and ride. So after death, the Martyr (and possibly also all Believers) might go to Heaven in A SELF. And this SELF (nafs) might be in a certain or special place that only Allah Almighty Knows, and in a certain body or form that also only Allah Almighty Knows. This is why I say, I am not sure which form they will be in, in Heaven, before Judgement Day.
Let us not forget also, that Allah Almighty Said the following about the NAFS (SELF):
89:27 ياايتها النفس المطمئنة [089:027] "O (thou) soul SELF, in (complete) rest and satisfaction!89:28 ارجعي الى ربك راضية مرضية [089:028] "Come back thou to thy Lord,- well pleased (thyself), and well-pleasing unto Him!89:29 فادخلي في عبادي [089:029] "Enter thou, then, among My devotees!89:30 وادخلي جنتي[089:030] "Yea, enter thou My Heaven! So, it is possible that the NAFS (SELF) of the Martyr, and perhaps all of the Believers, will
"come back to" (89:28) Allah Almighty, in Heaven, and will be placed in a Physical Form (in the
devotee's body (89:29)). However, which form will the devotee be in, in Heaven, before Judgement Day? Will he be in a physical form?
Probably yes. If so, then this means that he won't resurrect in the Day of Judgement. He'll probably only stand next to Allah Almighty. But like I said, this is probably one of the unknowns that Allah Almighty purposely left out of the Noble Quran.
If any brother or sister has any Hadith or Noble Verse or Tafsir, or has a different oppinion, that might shed more light upon this subject, then please feel free to post it

I hope this helps, insha'Allah.
Take care,
Osama Abdallah