« on: July 04, 2022, 01:21:46 PM »
As'salamu Alaikum dear brothers,
I don't know about "repeatedly sins" and "repent regularly". Now sure, we must seek Allah Almighty's Forgiveness and Mercy every day. I personally do this, walhamdulillah (all thanks to Allah). These prayers almost never escape my mouth, walhamdulillah! But if you sin repeatedly, then according to the Glorious Quran, your repentance is false, and your deeds will be worthless like your false iman (faith) because Allah Almighty will sink them to nothingness (i.e., your time, money and efforts put into your false repentance will not be accepted) for you. Please visit:
www.answering-christianity.com/quran_moral_code.htm (see entry 248).
To all Muslims, if you are one of those scammed idiots who think that if you go to Hajj or Pray one day in Mecca then all of your sins' weight will be either erased or overpowered by the heavier weight of the good deeds (a prayer in Mecca is like 1000000000000000000000000 times the regular prayers elsewhere pile of lies), then I give you the glad tidings that you're heading straight to Hell. And you will be barking in the Day of Judgment that you were from the weak ones and scammed ones. But it will be rejected from you. See Noble Verses 14:021, 34:31-33, 40:47:
[040:047] And (imagine) when they would argue with each other in the hellfire. The weak (in this life) would say to those who deemed themselves important, “We followed you, because we were under your dominion and control. Are you now able to help us avoid some (of the pain and suffering) of the fire?”
Repentance in the Quran requires you to amend and to confess and to make it public and known that you have done wrong and have confessed and amended and paid back what is due to others, and that you have changed, and that you are not going back ever to the sin again.
Take care,
Osama Abdallah
I don't know about "repeatedly sins" and "repent regularly". Now sure, we must seek Allah Almighty's Forgiveness and Mercy every day. I personally do this, walhamdulillah (all thanks to Allah). These prayers almost never escape my mouth, walhamdulillah! But if you sin repeatedly, then according to the Glorious Quran, your repentance is false, and your deeds will be worthless like your false iman (faith) because Allah Almighty will sink them to nothingness (i.e., your time, money and efforts put into your false repentance will not be accepted) for you. Please visit:
www.answering-christianity.com/quran_moral_code.htm (see entry 248).
To all Muslims, if you are one of those scammed idiots who think that if you go to Hajj or Pray one day in Mecca then all of your sins' weight will be either erased or overpowered by the heavier weight of the good deeds (a prayer in Mecca is like 1000000000000000000000000 times the regular prayers elsewhere pile of lies), then I give you the glad tidings that you're heading straight to Hell. And you will be barking in the Day of Judgment that you were from the weak ones and scammed ones. But it will be rejected from you. See Noble Verses 14:021, 34:31-33, 40:47:
[040:047] And (imagine) when they would argue with each other in the hellfire. The weak (in this life) would say to those who deemed themselves important, “We followed you, because we were under your dominion and control. Are you now able to help us avoid some (of the pain and suffering) of the fire?”
Repentance in the Quran requires you to amend and to confess and to make it public and known that you have done wrong and have confessed and amended and paid back what is due to others, and that you have changed, and that you are not going back ever to the sin again.
Take care,
Osama Abdallah