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Messages - Emre_1974tr

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"Hadiths are rumors" ? what ? are you a quranist?

Of course I am a Muslim.

Hadiths are rumors, leave them aside. So since this is not mentioned in the Qur'an, don't try in vain to tell her age. Maybe forty years old.

18:21 And as such, We revealed their case so that they would know that the promise of God is true and that there is no doubt regarding the Hour. They argued among themselves regarding them, so they said: "Erect a monument for them!" Their Lord is fully aware of them, those who managed to win the argument said: "We will construct a temple over them."

18:22 They will say: "Three, the fourth is their dog." And they say: "Five, the sixth is their dog," guessing at what they do not know. And they say: "Seven, and the eighth is their dog." Say: "My Lord is fully aware of their number, none know them except for a few." So do not argue regarding them except with proof, and do not seek information regarding them from anyone.


I also think that the famous "Proof of Desire", which shows the existence of Allah and the reality of eternal life, is a proof that the Hereafter Universe and life already exists. Because humans want their lives to continue immediately/uninterruptedly. It is as if this desire is encoded in their genes and programs. No one wants to wait thousands or millions of years to be resurrected again. In this context, it is more rational to accept that there are some servants who attain the life of paradise immediately after their death than the proof of desire.

As I said, I think the Evidence of Desire shows that the afterlife exists even now. Let us itemize this as follows:

1- We see that the natural and healthy desires of human beings are usually reciprocated (for example, the desire to drink water is reciprocated by the presence/existence of water, etc...).

2- Almost no one wants to stay/wait for thousands or millions of years in a state of extinction, even if there is a break, they want to continue their lives as soon as possible, especially they want to reach the life of paradise immediately.

3- In this context, at least some deserving servants have already been created and started their eternal life in paradise without waiting (and therefore there is a place(s) where this happens).

In addition, according to the argument from desire, the blessings that people desire are mostly already created, that is, ready. From this point of view, again, according to the argument from desire, it is more logical to think that paradise exists now rather than in the future.

Furthermore, this point of view/questioning provides another proof that there are similar blessings in paradise as there are on earth.

(from my Turkish article)

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Choose happiness not misery
« on: November 08, 2022, 11:47:36 AM »
Holy Quran
2:57 We shaded you with clouds, and sent down to you manna and quails, "Eat from the goodness of the provisions We have provided you." They did not wrong Us, but they wronged themselves.

2:58 We said, "Enter this town, and eat from it as plentifully as you wish; and enter the gate humbly, and talk amicably, We will then forgive your mistakes, and We will increase for the good-doers."

2:59 But the wicked altered what was said to them into a different saying, thus We sent down upon the wicked an affliction from the sky because they had transgressed.

2:60 Moses was seeking water for his people, so We said, "Strike the rock with your staff." Thus, twelve springs burst out of it; each tribe then knew from where to drink. "Eat and drink from God's provisions, and do not roam the earth as corruptors."

2:61 You said, "O Moses, we will not be patient to one type of food, so call for us your Lord that He may bring forth what the earth grows of its beans, cucumbers, garlic, lentils, and onions." He said, "Would you trade what is lowly with what is good?" Descend to Egypt, there you will find what you want. They were thus stricken with humiliation and disgrace, and they remained under God's wrath for they were not appreciating God's signs, and killing the prophets with no justification. This is for what they have disobeyed and transgressed

Here, the Israelites do not like manna, an extraordinary food specially produced for them, and they want to turn to other foods of inferior quality.

At first glance this may seem to some to be "wanting variety and richness". But no, a hundred kinds of tents are not worth one luxury villa or castle. If you choose a hundred kinds of tents over a castle, you are choosing poverty and misery, not riches.

"Exchanging an inferior blessing for a superior one" is self-cruelty.

And choosing misery and oppression over happiness and pleasure is deviation.

So self-persecution is not virtue, it is cruelty.

So we have to choose the good, the beautiful and the happy for ourselves and for all humanity.

The way to go to heaven in the hereafter is to offer beauty to ourselves and humanity in this world.

In other words, avoiding suffering and evil.

The Qur'an "shows what are the 'true interests' of human beings" and "shows the means of achieving these interests, of attaining lasting salvation. "

Some of the commands and prohibitions that seem like sacrifices are actually desires that in the long run provide pleasure and benefit both in this world and in the hereafter.

Those who play chess know well that you can bait a queen and checkmate your opponent after a few moves. Taking that queen may seem like a win for the opponent at the time, but after a few moves it will turn into a great misery for him.

The Qur'an warns people against such traps, and shows them how to "checkmate", that is, how to win in the end and avoid suffering.

(My Turkish article translated with machine)


Holy Quran 3:59 The example of Jesus with God is similar to that of Adam; He created him from dust, then He said to him "Be" and he was.

Adam and his wife, as well as the other humans first created in paradise, were created directly, just like Jesus. They have no father and mother.

And the verses explains that the creation in the hereafter is also a creation without ancestors, and that people will be created directly.

Also, as I have shown in my article, some special people, such as martyrs and prophets, have already been created in Paradise/the Floor of God and have already started their eternal life:

So Jesus and the other prophets are now living in the Hereafter Universe in the flesh.

In short, the situation of Adam and his wife, the situation of the other people created in paradise, and the situation of all the people created in the Hereafter Universe is like the situation of Jesus. They were created directly without ancestors and continue to be created. In other words, sexuality is not mediated in their creation.

And this ancestorless creation gives them no divinity. God creates as he wills. The creation of Jesus is just like any other example of creation without ancestors, there is no divinity in it.

Thus the Holy Qur'an once again corrects the false Bible on the market.

Full Faith and Real/Permanent Interest


41. When the sorcerers came, they said to Pharaoh: "If we are victorious, there is indeed a reward for us, is there not?"
42. "Yes," he said, "then you will be of my near ones."
43. And Moses said to them: "Throw what you will throw!"
44. So they threw out their ropes and their staffs and said: "By the honor and glory of Pharaoh, we shall prevail."
45. So Moses threw his staff. And behold, he devoured all that they had brought forth as their craft.
46. Then the sorcerers fell prostrate.
47. They said: "We believe in the Lord of the worlds."
48. "In the Lord of Moses and Aaron."
49. Pharaoh cried out: "You believed in him before I gave you permission! He is your elder who taught you all magic. Soon you will know. I swear by Allah that I will cut off your hands and your feet crosswise, and I swear by Allah that I will hang you all together."
50. They said: "There is no harm, we shall return to our Lord anyway,
51. We hope that our Lord will forgive us our mistakes because we were the first to believe."

An example of complete faith and at the same time a true and lasting self-interest.
Here, the sorcerers, who had been sinners until that day, suddenly realize their mistake thanks to the evidence they witnessed and surrender to Allah with their whole being. Not only do they give up their position/fame and other rewards, but they also openly turn to the truth, even at the risk of their lives (and at the same time repent for all the wrong they have done in the past). This behavior, which at first glance appears to be altruistic, is in fact, on the contrary, a step towards true salvation and eternal success, free from the self-persecution, i.e. self-sacrifice, that they have been doing up to now.

50. They said: "It does not matter, we shall return to our Lord anyway,
51. We hope that our Lord will forgive us our mistakes because we were the first to believe."

Here is one of the most sincere examples of repentance and surrender... And "reaching the wisdom of understanding what the true/permanent interest is and turning towards it, choosing the good... There is not even the slightest doubt or uncertainty in their minds, they have fully realized the truth. Everyone is already aware of this truth by virtue of the revelations within them from birth/creation and the evidence they encounter later on, but some stubbornly try to turn their backs on this self-evident knowledge and thereby ruin themselves and those around them all their lives. But as seen here, new evidence can sometimes break this stubbornness and cause one to prostrate oneself. A person who is on the side of goodness and reason cannot resist any longer and ends the persecution of denying the truth.

Another point is that the sorcerers here are having such an experience because they deserve to repent and be saved, that is, because they are the ones whose goodness outweighs the bad. In any case, everyone gets what they deserve in this 2-day world of trials:

I explained that Islam teaches us what our true salvation and interest is and how to achieve it:

In reality, those who destroy themselves and those around them and sacrifice themselves in an eternal sense are the wicked people of hell, whereas the "true beneficiaries" are the good people of heaven who lead themselves and those around them to salvation and happiness.

Ankebut 6. Whoever strives for us strives for himself. God is not in need of anyone.

By the way, we have explained the reason for the ancient Egyptian Pharaohs' interest in crosswise in verse 49 here:

I wrote on Twitter: -Sometimes you are defeated but you have actually won, sometimes you win but you have actually been defeated, but the best thing is to win and actually win.

The sorcerers in this incident are the winners in defeat, but the most beautiful is of course the experience of the Prophet Moses, who won in win.

(My Turkish article translated with machine)


All polytheistic religions, from Hinduism to New Age religion, worship many gods as a reflection or manifestation of the one God. Christianity has the same pagan doctrine. In fact, it is in itself a pantheistic philosophy.

As it is stated in the Holy Qur'an, the elite hid the Torah and the Gospel, they only shared some of its pages with humanity. So we don't have the Injeel or the Torah now.

And unfortunately, the people had to adopt the hadith books like Barnabas, Enoch, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, which were written by human beings, that is to say fake books, as Gospels. There are many more fake Gospels. But the pagan religious leaders adopted four of them and deceived people with these books. Whatever Bukhari or Tırmizi books are, these are the same. They are hadith books. Bible is not Torah or Injeel.

But some Christians, in spite of these pagan false books, realized that the belief in the trinity was a heresy and fought against this heresy. Because with the revelation inherent in their genes, man is inclined towards the truth. As long as he keeps his heart pure.(unitarians)


 Almost all polytheistic religions have the same trap, that the demons are making them adopt the lie that there are multiple reflections of one God.

Hindus also think that they believe in one God, pantheists also, Christians also. They have been made to believe that the one God is manifested in different ways. From Indian religions to Far Eastern religions, they all have the same fallacy. People who worship idols actually believe in one God. All idols are manifestations or parts of the original God in paganism. Hindus or other idol worshippers say the same thing. So they have exactly the same belief as the lie they are being fed.

Satan cannot make people polytheists directly, for the most part. Because there is true knowledge/revelation in the genes of human beings and people innately know that there is only one God. That's why Satan insidiously makes people polytheistic. He says that the one God manifests in different ways. And he deceives the pagans mostly in this way. Hindus, Native Americans, Asian pagans, new age believers, Christians  think they believe in one God, but in reality they are polytheists. They have associated partners with Allah, so you are in shirk.

Hindus "333 in 1"

Christians "3 in 1".

Pantheists "everything in 1"

New Agers "we are in 1"

This is paganism.

The sectarian followers of Hadith believers have been dominated by the belief that aging cannot be fought. The starting point of this belief is, of course, fabricated narrations.

Also, in the hadith-sect and Sufi teachings, striving for a long and healthy life and struggling to minimize the troubles on earth have often been portrayed as worldliness and have been opposed.

But in the Qur'an, the teaching of Islam, the situation is very different. In fact, the teachings of the sects and Sufism show again here that they are contrary to the teachings of Islam. And as is well known, rumors called hadiths or sectarian and Sufi acceptances have no validity in the religion of Allah. Only the Qur'an is the source of religion, as our Lord says.

It should be known that according to Islam, the earth is not a place of progress or suffering, but a place of testing, and the condition for passing this test successfully is to produce beauty for yourself and for all humanity, and to try to make the earth a paradise (true faith free from shirk is at the forefront of this). In this context, the fight against disease, disability and aging is also among the Qur'anic goals.

There is no verse in the Qur'an that says that aging and diseases are helpless and that we should not fight to prevent them. On the contrary, our Lord says and wills the opposite.

The verses speak of people who remain vigorous for centuries.

Surah Ankebut:

29:14 And We had sent Noah to his people, so he stayed with them one thousand years less fifty. Then the flood took them while they were wicked.

As we can see, Prophet Noah lived on earth for "at least" 950 years. And since we don't see anyone in his community in the Qur'anic story who found it strange, living like that for centuries may have been an ordinary event in that civilization. In other words, either they were genetically resistant to aging or they knew the formula for youth through herbs, foods and exercises. Another option is that they had a very advanced level of science and technology and they did not age easily by taking advantage of it (more than one of these possibilities may have been effective together).

Moreover, even if it was only the Prophet's case, it shows that a person can live for many years in this world with great vigor. (There are sources that claim that some other prophets and other people also lived very long lives).

The verses also mention the long life of the people of the cave without aging (but the miracle there may have been performed outside the laws of physics).

Nowadays, especially experts in genetic science state that human life span can be extended and that we can experience a world adventure free from old age and disease for centuries and even thousands of years. Some scientists even foretell this development with sentences such as "The long-lived people written in the holy books are about to become a reality again", so it can be seen that this situation is in harmony with the information given by religion.

The goal of a Muslim is, of course, to live a good life that will earn Allah's pleasure. In other words, the main goal is not the length of life in this world, but the realization of deeds that will merit paradise and the success of the test. But the fight against aging is not contrary to this, but supportive of it. Even if a person never ages, he will still be mortal in this world. He will only be able to remain vigorous and healthy for as long as he lives. The quality of life will improve. This situation can make that individual happier, think healthier and exhibit more mature behaviors. In fact, a healthy and vigorous person has more power and opportunity to produce beauty for others than an unhealthy and decadent person. A healthy and long-lived person also has the chance to grow in wisdom. A person who is more knowledgeable, more experienced, who has spent much longer thinking about life and the scriptures, and who has always done so with a vigorous body and mind, may be a little more likely to turn toward true religion and goodness.

As I have already said, since saving life is a good deed like saving all of humanity according to our holy book, doing research to prolong life and prevent the ravages of aging is also within this scope:

-And whoever gives life to one person, it is as if he had given life to mankind as a whole (from Surah Maide, verse 32).

Some people who oppose the fight against aging mistakenly perceive it as changing God's creation, as going against His law. No, it is the other way around. To ensure that a person remains vigorous and healthy for a long time or for a very long time is not to change Allah's creation, but to preserve it. Is it the preservation of creation if an organ, such as the eye, is always sharp or if it degenerates and loses its function? Or is it a change in the original shape of a person's hair when it falls out, or when it is always thick? Perpetual youth is the preservation of the healthiest state of the body created by Allah and at the same time the preservation of its shape. In fact, in Paradise, the living creatures will maintain their fixed form forever...

As long as the original, fixed forms of the creatures created by Allah are not tampered with and different organs or creatures are not created through science. Preserving youth is preserving the original form. The work to be done should be to maintain this constancy, not to change it.

Another point to be considered is that one should not fall into the trap of trying to adopt Far Eastern teachings under the name of anti-aging. Some pagan practices, beliefs such as pantheism and reincarnation, in short, spiritualism, are sometimes tried to be instilled in people as exercises to ensure longevity. In reality, these have nothing to do with health.

 God's law commands the struggle against adversity and suffering. Working to stay healthy and young and ensuring that humanity is happy is part of realizing this, as we have repeatedly stated.

 This can be done through the science of genetics, but also through natural food/herbs or exercise...

By the way, the fact that the world's longest-lived people are usually Muslims is another confirmation of how preserving youth and health goes hand in hand with living the way Allah wants us to live (e.g. the longest known long-lived person is the Azeri Shirali Mislimov).

In fact, praying, fasting and obeying Allah's other commands and prohibitions are in many ways responsible for longevity.

In short, Islam already includes the effort to prolong life, to make youth last longer and longer.

And not only in this area, but in all aspects of life, it is a Qur'anic principle to increase quality and happiness, to multiply beauty and to work for a paradise-like world.

This is not worldliness. In fact, in the Qur'an, the beauty of this world and the hereafter are one and the good you do in this world for yourself and for all humanity is also an investment in the hereafter. The two are mutually supportive, contrary to popular belief. What is unreligious is the pursuit of evil, misery and suffering.

God's religion shows us what our real and lasting interests are and aims to guide us along that path.

(My Turkish article translated with machine)


Surah Sad

38:41 And recall Our servant Job, when he called upon his Lord: "The devil has afflicted me with an illness and pain."

38:42 "Rapidly move with your foot, here is a cold spring to wash with and to drink."

38:43 And We restored his family to him along with a group like them, as a mercy from Us; and a reminder for those who possess intelligence.

Demons, whether jinn or humans, can cause distress to some people. After all, jinn, like humans, are material beings (created from fire) and so it is quite normal for them to cause physical harm to other living beings.

Surat al-Hijr 27 And We had created the Jinn/Iblis from the scorching fire before.

They can negatively affect your life energy with their mischief, as well as their telepathic effects and bad energies, and can even make you depressed in the long run. It is important to perform good deeds such as praying, praying (to Allah alone), reading the Qur'an, constantly remembering Allah and giving thanks, and competing in good deeds and charity to protect against their evil energies. The world and the hereafter are one and the same, and prayers and good deeds not only beautify the hereafter but also this world...

Surah Nas

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful and the Most Gracious.

114:1 Say, "I seek refuge in the Lord of the people,"

114:2 "The King of the people,"

114:3 "The god of people,"

114:4 "From the evil of the sneaking whisperer,"

114:5 "Who whispers into the chests of the people,"

114:6 "From the Jinn and the people."

Surat al-Fussilet

41:36 And if bitterness from the devil afflicts you, then seek refuge with God. He is the Hearer, the Knowledgeable.

Surah Araf

7:201 Those who are aware, when a visit from the devil touches them, they remember; soon they are seers.

In addition, as we see in the story of Prophet Ayyub, our Lord gave him water as a natural remedy for his distress and asked him to both drink it and bathe in it. Perhaps this is a special healing water, but we can conclude that water in general helps with this problem.

In this context, some other foods may also be helpful in getting rid of the negative influence of some people and jinns who emit bad energy, especially foods that protect our body from radiation, herbs may be effective, because a food that removes radiation from the body can also remove negative energy.

Eating foods such as carob and yogurt can play a role in protecting against bad energies and eliminating some problems in the body. You should also keep in mind Korean Ginseng, which is considered one of the most effective radiation scavenging plants in the world. Far Eastern Ginseng is also an elixir of youth that brings overall health and balance from our mind to our skin. As it increases our resistance, it also makes us strong against negative external influences. Especially against stress...

 One of the noteworthy points in this parable is that our Lord does not directly remove the problem as in some other examples, but offers the solution (water) this time. Thus, through the verses that relate this incident to us, the whole humanity is guided on the subject.

Praying, seeking refuge in Allah and being physically treated are not contradictory. Or asking for help from our Lord in any other matter and working as much as we can to make it happen, to find a solution... Everything (including our own actions) is a means, a part of the divine plan. We should always work and struggle to solve problems with all our might. And if we always walk on the path of goodness and faith, our Lord is already making us experience the beauties of paradise even in this world.


(My Turkish article translated with machine)


GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: A woman lacks mind and faith
« on: September 23, 2022, 06:57:18 PM »
"Nowhere in the Quran is it mentioned that two women are equivalent to one man as a witness. For instance, the testimony of four witnesses is required to prove adultery, and in the Quran no discrimination is made between male and female witnesses, only the number of witnesses is mentioned. However, there is a misunderstood instance described in Sura The Cow, 282, related to time loans. According to this verse, the loan received must be evidenced by a written document, and the presence of witnesses during its execution is required. This is a commercial contract that should not harm the scribe or the witnesses. It is a well-known fact that when material interests are at play, people are reluctant to give testimony. The Quran charges this heavy duty to two men. Take note that only two men are mentioned. A phrase such as ‘or four women’ does not appear. Thus, a woman who rarely deals in commercial affairs, and is weaker in the face of likely pressures and oppressions is protected. Should two men be unavailable and only one is accessible, then the required number would be one man and two women. In this way, the obligation to bear testimony is realized, and should an untoward situation occur later, an encounter between a man and a woman is avoided. Let us assume that a dispute arose about the amount of the loan. The woman, who will have to face one man failing to agree on the amount in question, cannot avoid experiencing stress and pressure. Whereas if there are two women in the picture, they can put up a bold face against the man and the ill-intentioned witnesses will be in a difficulty to put pressure on the women. This practice, which protects women from undue pressure, has been wrongly interpreted and made a generality of this particular case. Except for this particular instance, there is no other discrimination elsewhere in the Quran. Had this been a general principle, God would have made it explicit simply by stating that the testimony of one male witness corresponds to the testimony of two female witnesses.

We have to take note of the statement that runs: “Do not injure either the scribe or the witness. Otherwise you risk swerving from the right path.” The pressure both the witness and the scribe labor under may be imagined and the rationale of the verse can be better understood."


As we have seen, the testimony of men and women is equal in all matters and in all areas. There is only one exception and this is explained in the article.


GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: A woman lacks mind and faith
« on: September 22, 2022, 05:44:28 AM »
"Nowhere in the Quran is it mentioned that two women are equivalent to one man as a witness. For instance, the testimony of four witnesses is required to prove adultery, and in the Quran no discrimination is made between male and female witnesses, only the number of witnesses is mentioned. However, there is a misunderstood instance described in Sura The Cow, 282, related to time loans. According to this verse, the loan received must be evidenced by a written document, and the presence of witnesses during its execution is required. This is a commercial contract that should not harm the scribe or the witnesses. It is a well-known fact that when material interests are at play, people are reluctant to give testimony. The Quran charges this heavy duty to two men. Take note that only two men are mentioned. A phrase such as ‘or four women’ does not appear. Thus, a woman who rarely deals in commercial affairs, and is weaker in the face of likely pressures and oppressions is protected. Should two men be unavailable and only one is accessible, then the required number would be one man and two women. In this way, the obligation to bear testimony is realized, and should an untoward situation occur later, an encounter between a man and a woman is avoided. Let us assume that a dispute arose about the amount of the loan. The woman, who will have to face one man failing to agree on the amount in question, cannot avoid experiencing stress and pressure. Whereas if there are two women in the picture, they can put up a bold face against the man and the ill-intentioned witnesses will be in a difficulty to put pressure on the women. This practice, which protects women from undue pressure, has been wrongly interpreted and made a generality of this particular case. Except for this particular instance, there is no other discrimination elsewhere in the Quran. Had this been a general principle, God would have made it explicit simply by stating that the testimony of one male witness corresponds to the testimony of two female witnesses.

We have to take note of the statement that runs: “Do not injure either the scribe or the witness. Otherwise you risk swerving from the right path.” The pressure both the witness and the scribe labor under may be imagined and the rationale of the verse can be better understood."


Holy Quran

4:117 They are only calling on females beside God. Indeed, they are only calling on a persistent devil.

4:118 God has cursed him; and he had said, "I will take from Your servants a sizeable portion."

4:119 "I will misguide them and make them desire, and I will command them, so that they will mark the ears of the livestock, and I will command them so they will make change to God's creation." Whoever takes the devil as a supporter other than God, then he has indeed lost a great loss.

(My Turkish article translated with machine)

First of all, let me share with you a few of the things I wrote on Twitter. And then I would like to give you a few examples of some of the questions I have been asked on the internet about religion and philosophy and the answers I have given to them:

-The Quran shows what the real interests of human beings are and provides ways to achieve these interests, to achieve lasting salvation.

-We need to think deeply about our behavior, as the decisions we make will shape not only this world but also the hereafter.

-Do not fear difficulties, do not fear others, fear only the scriptwriter.

-The false Bible or Torah we have, or rumors called "narrations" are not the source of religion. Only the Quran presents the religion of Allah.

-The Quran commands the use of reason, questioning and science. This is why following superstition and conjecture is forbidden.

-God is everywhere as overseer and ruler, but "as being" He is outside our universe.

-In Islam, some of the commands and prohibitions that appear to be sacrifices are actually desires that in the long run provide pleasure and benefit in this world and in the hereafter.

-God Almighty wants you to enjoy beauty in all aspects of life, in this world and the hereafter.

-Paradise is the pinnacle of luxury, splendor and happiness, and this land of blessing and immortality is as vast as our universe.

Those who look to the Qur'an as the only source of religion and turn to true Islam are not reformers, but, on the contrary, anti-reformist conservatives in the field of religion.

-In the Hereafter Universe, that is, on the Lord's Floor, life forms are so constant that they do not even age...

-Perpetual machines machines have already been built, in fact, and it is enough just to utilize gravity to realize these contraptions.

-This worldly life is much more important than we think, as it is the test that determines our eternal life.

-Not only in the field of religion, but in every field, from philosophy to science, human beings tend to turn to superstition.

-The right way of thinking and behaving should remain stubbornly fixed forever.

-Notice how often the numbers 19 and 11 are mentioned in the news...

-There is no good in everything "for the individual", there is good in some and evil in others

-But in general, from the point of view of Allah's plan, there is good in everything and everyone gets what they deserve, in this world and in the Hereafter.

Each year has its own characteristics and collective consciousness, but these periods do not start on January 1st, but in mid-September.

-I have said that every September 17th or 18th the sound/characteristic of the new year begins, so today is actually the real New Year.

-Not relaxing until you get people to accept that you are right means that you are actually submitting to their opinions.

-Do not postpone your good deeds, try to do them sooner rather than later.

-In European and American movies, TV series and cartoons, the term "gods" instead of "God" has become more and more common, beware...

-Listening to music, playing chess or watching movies are bodily-mental pleasures, just like eating, drinking and sex.

-We are given free will in some important choices related to the test, but in other areas and moments we are directed.

-The people around you, where you live (even what floor you live on), the exercise you do, what you eat and drink...all affect your personality.

-And even the year/period you are in influences you with its timbre/characteristics.

-A true psychological analysis or analysis can only be done in the light of the Qur'anic Teaching.

-Sometimes many blessings or, on the contrary, calamities occur in our lives that we are not even aware of, and some of them even serve both functions.

-Those who wish to have children should pray for good and heavenly children who will experience the beauties of both worlds.

-Your experiences are telling you something, are you listening?

-Humanity must get rid of the delusion of making change the goal or absolute evolution and realize that some things must remain the same forever.

-Are you afraid of others or are you afraid of yourself or the collective consciousness...? None of these should be your answer.

-Most of the problems you are actually struggling with are symptoms/signs of the main/real problem.

-It is one of the results of our Lord's mercy, goodness and perfection that He rewards the good and punishes the bad.

My Twitter address for those who want to follow me (you know the words should be read from the bottom up there):

We receive various questions either on internet forums or via e-mail or chat. Here are a few of my answers to these questions:

Question:  People's habit of trying to make haram things halal or not following them is known and criticized in the verses. But is the opposite situation, when they try to declare halal things haram, also described and criticized in the verses?


Of course. Throughout history, in the world of testing, servants have been in a race to make what is lawful unlawful as much as, if not more than, declaring what is unlawful lawful by attempting to act as lords in the field of religion/life. Thus, the forces of evil have tried to turn religion, which is supposed to provide pleasure, material/spiritual wealth and happiness on earth, into a center of misery and misery. Although those who corrupt religion have different aims, their main goal is to ensure that people lose and stay away from blessings in both worlds. The Qur'an criticizes those who try to pretend that what is free is forbidden:

Surah Kehf

26- He does not make anyone a partner in His judgment.

Surah Nahl

116 And do not say, "This is lawful and that is unlawful," with the fabrications of your tongues, that you may slander Allah with falsehood. Those who slander Allah with falsehood will not be saved.

Surah Anam

138 In accordance with their own delusions they said: "These are untouchable animals and crops. None but those whom We will may eat them." There are animals on which it is forbidden to ride, and there are animals on which they do not mention the name of Allah because they slander Allah. Allah will punish them for the slander they fabricate.

139 They also said: "What is in the bellies of those animals is reserved for our men and forbidden to our women. If the offspring is born dead, they are all entitled to it, men and women." Allah will punish them for this characterization. He is the All-Wise, the All-Knowing.

140 Verily, those who mindlessly slaughter their own children for lack of knowledge, and those who forbid what Allah has provided for them by slandering Allah, are indeed losers. Believe me, they have gone astray; they will never find truth and beauty.
143 Eight pairs: Two of the sheep and two of the goat. Say, "Has He forbidden two males or two females, or what the wombs of the two females enclose? Inform me with knowledge if you are truthful."

144 And two of the camel and two of the cattle. Say, "Has He forbidden two males or two females, or what is enclosed by the wombs of the two females? Or were you witnesses when Allah suggested this to you?" Who is more unjust than he who fabricates a lie and slanders Allah in order to mislead people without knowledge? Allah does not guide a wrongdoing people.

145 Say: "I do not find in what has been revealed to me anything forbidden for anyone to eat that which you say is forbidden, except if it is one of the following: carrion, spilled blood, swine's flesh, which is filth, and an unclean thing slaughtered in the name of none but Allah." He who is in a state of necessity may eat them, provided that he does not violate the rights of others and does not exceed the limit of necessity. For your Lord is most forgiving, most merciful.

148 The disbelievers will say: "Had Allah willed, we would not have committed shirk, nor would our ancestors have committed shirk. Nor would we have made anything unlawful." And those before them denied in this way until they tasted Our torment. Say: "Do you have any knowledge with you that you can bring before us? You follow nothing but conjecture. You are only talking nonsense."

150 Say this: "Bring your witnesses who testify that Allah has forbidden this and that." If they bear witness, do not bear witness with them! And do not follow the pleasure of those who deny Our verses and do not believe in the Hereafter! They equate others with their Lord.

Surah Yunus Surah 59: Say: "What has come upon you that you make some of what Allah has sent down to you as sustenance forbidden and some of it lawful?" Say: "Did Allah give you permission, or do you slander Allah?"

Surah Al-Ma'idah 87 O you who believe! Do not make unlawful that which Allah has made lawful for you which is pure and good, and do not transgress; Allah does not love those who transgress.

The following verses reveal again that those who have a disease in their hearts love to turn their backs on beauty and ease and follow misery:

Surah Saba

18. And We made for them towns back to back between them and the cities in which We filled them with abundance, and We appointed a way of going and coming between them, and We said: "Travel therein in safety by night and by day."

19. But they kept saying: "Our Lord, put a distance between our journeys!" So they wronged themselves, and We turned them into myths, and We destroyed them all. Surely there are signs in this for anyone who is patient and grateful enough.

Also, in fact, those who pretend that what is lawful is unlawful are committing the greatest haram by pretending to be gods and associating themselves with Allah.

In fact, even those who do the opposite, that is, those who try to make the haram appear to be halal, in the long run are pursuing misery and suffering, and again, they are acting as if they are gods. People's subconscious-consciousness and their behavior is really interesting...


He has created horses, mules and donkeys for you to ride and as an ornament. And He creates what else you do not know.

Mules do not exist in nature, they were created by human intervention. So why is it mentioned in the verse among the animals created by Allah?


Allah is the Creator of all living things, even every object that exists. Whether there is human intervention or not does not change this. Allah can use the laws of physics, man, etc. to create. But it is He who designs, creates the laws and materials necessary for its formation out of nothing. Even what is called chance is nothing but fate.

Surah Vakia

56:" We created you. Should you not confirm?"

57: "Tell us then, what is the semen that you pour (into the wombs)?"

58: "Do you create it or are We the Creator? "

61: "And certainly you have known the first creation. Should you not reflect and take a lesson?

62: "Now tell me about what you sow.

63: "Do you cultivate it or are We the cultivators?

64: And if We had willed, We could have made it dry garbage, and you would have been astonished."

67:And what about the water that you drink?

68:Did you send it down from the cloud, or is it We who sent it down?

69:Had We willed, We could have made it salty, should you not be grateful?

70:Tell me now about the fire which you are kindling,

71:Did you create its tree or did We create it?

72: We created it as a sign and for the benefit of those who pass through the desert."

In verse 70 we are told that even the fire we ignite is not actually ignited by us, but Allah has created the formation necessary for it to come into existence, so that we can make use of it.

In addition, all technologies are also brought into existence thanks to the laws set by Allah.

The ships that sail in the sea like high mountains are among His signs. If He willed, He could stop the wind, so that they would remain on it. Verily, in this are indeed signs for him who is patient and thankful (Surah 42: Shura, 32-33).

Surah al-Qamar Verse 3: They denied and followed their own desires and delusions. However, every work and occurrence is subject to decision, measure and order.

Therefore, it is emphasized in the Qur'an that the real creator of all the tools is, of course, our Almighty Lord.

Surah Ibrahim Surah 32 It is Allah who created the heavens and the earth. He sent down water from the sky and brought forth from it fruits for you as sustenance. He has given you ships to sail the sea at His command. He has also given the rivers at your command.

Surah Zuhruf Verse 12: It is He Who has created all the pairs. And He has made for you of the ships and of the beasts what you ride on;13 so that you may sit on their backs, then when you sit therein, remember the Blessing of your Lord and say: "Glory be to Him Who has given this to our command! Otherwise we could not have brought it near us."

Surah Al-Jaziya Verse 12: Allah has made the sea subservient to you so that ships may sail in it by His command, that you may ask of His bounty and give thanks.

It is reported that not only ships but all other means of transportation were created by our Lord:

Surah Ya-sin 42 And We have created for them other things like ships that they may ride on.

Although the accumulation of knowledge in the fields of culture and science may seem to bring about the blessings that provide our comfort, in reality it is our Lord who provides us with these blessings:

Surat al-Hadid: 25 And We sent Our Messengers with clear proofs, and We sent down with them the Book and the measure so that men may uphold justice. And We sent down iron, and in it is a formidable strength and many benefits for mankind. By it Allah will know who will help Him and His Messengers, believing in the unseen. Allah is the Mighty, the Mighty.

Surah Anbiya 80 We taught him the art of making armor that will protect you from your violence, but are you grateful?

In short, the Almighty, who says that He has created even technological blessings for us and that we should be grateful for them, is of course the Creator of all living beings and states this in His verses. In fact, if we pay attention to the expressions in the verses, it is said that He has created/will create even the products that will emerge in the future thanks to science and technology.


Surah Al-Mulk 16 Are you sure that that which is in the sky will not submerge you? Then the earth will suddenly begin to shake.
Surat al-Mulk 17 Are you sure that He who is in the sky will not send upon you a wind carrying pebbles? Then you will know how I warn!

Our Creator is outside time and space. That is, He is not inside our universe but outside it. So why is He referred to as "in the sky" in these verses?


Allah created the universe and time out of nothing and that is why associating shirk with Him is the greatest sin. Because nothing created is a part or partner of Him. Our Lord is separate from all His creations as a being. But He is present at every point and moment as an observer and manager.

We said that our Lord "as a being" is outside our universe. So when this is the case, which side is the outside of our universe "in terms of direction" to us? The sky, of course.

Because the boundaries of the universe are in the sky.

If we want to look through a curtain from where we are sitting, how do we try to do that? We look through the curtain, right? Actually, it is not the curtain you are looking at, but what is beyond the curtain (even though you cannot see it...)

 God (as a being) is also outside the boundaries of the universe, i.e. separate from His creation. However, to us, "in terms of direction", He is on the sky side. But in reality, of course, He is outside the sky/universe.

Likewise, Paradise in the "Hereafter Universe", or as it is called in the verses, "in the Presence of Lord", is also outside our universe, but for us it is on the sky's side in terms of direction, because that is where the boundaries and the outside of our universe are. This is stated in the Qur'an as follows:

 Surah Zariyat: 22 And your sustenance is in the sky, and what you are threatened with.

In other words, Paradise and hell are both in the sky. Of course, this is not referring to the vacuum of space in our universe, but the space in the other universe. It is talking about the Hereafter Universe (the Floor of the Lord), which has different laws of physics... In this context, we understand again that the expression "in the sky" is also used for what is beyond our universe. Because, as I said, in terms of direction, it corresponds to the outside, that is, above us, the boundaries of our universe and beyond.

It is also possible that verses 16 and 17 of the Mülk Surah may be referring to a danger or entity waiting for us in space. For example, a planet, a black hole or something else with consciousness.

Greetings and love

Surat al-Qasas 59 Your Lord does not destroy countries/civilizations unless He sends a messenger to them in their centers who recites to them Our Verses. We do not destroy countries/civilizations unless their people turn to injustice.

Our Lord states that before destroying or punishing a society, He sends a messenger to it and does so if they persist in their mistakes.

Surah Yunus Surah 13 We destroyed the generations before you because they were unjust and did not believe when their messengers brought them clear proofs. This is how We punish the people who commit sin.

In other words, for a civilization to be destroyed, there is a condition of 1) deviation (and continuation) of oppression and 2) the arrival of a messenger.


15. Whoever is guided is guided for himself. Whoever goes astray goes astray to his own detriment. No one bears the burden of another. We do not punish anyone without sending a messenger
16. When We wish to destroy a community, We allow its prominent wealthy people to do evil there. Then the promise to that community is fulfilled and We destroy it.
17. And how many a people did We destroy after Noah, and your Lord is sufficient as the All-Knowing and All-Seeing of the sins of His servants.

It is also very clearly stated that the same thing happened to Noah's people. In other words, this prophet only warned the people to whom he was sent and only they were destroyed by Noah's Flood. Everyone gets what they deserve in this world and the Hereafter.

In this context, there can be no question of the whole world and humanity being punished for what Noah's people did, as the modified Torah states. According to the Qur'an, the only protected religious source, the Flood punished and destroyed only that people.

Surah Noah 1 We sent Noah to his people to warn them before a terrible torment came upon them.

Surat al-A'raf: 59 And certainly We sent Noah to his people and he said: "O my people! Serve and worship Allah. You have no god but Him. I fear that a great torment will descend upon you."
And We sent to Ad their brother Hud, and he said: "O my people! Serve Allah. You have no god but Him. Do you still not abstain?"
Surat al-A'raf 73 And We sent to Thamud their brother Salih: "O my people! Serve Allah. You have no god but Him. A clear proof has come to you from your Lord. This is the camel of Allah. A miracle for you. Leave it alone, let it graze on Allah's land. Do not touch it with evil intent. Otherwise a terrible torment will seize you."
Surah A'raf: 85 And We sent to Median their brother Shu'ayb, and he said: "O my people! Serve Allah. There is no god for you but Him! A clear proof has come to you from your Lord. Be honest in measuring and weighing. Do not stoop to confiscate people's property. And do not sow corruption in the earth after it has become peaceful. This is better for you if you are believers."

In these sample verses, the societies mentioned in these verses receive one (or more) warnings before they are punished. And again, it is clear that what happened to the people of Noah is exactly the same as what happened to the people of Ad, Thamud or Median. Just like the others, a messenger comes to them because of their rebellion, and when they continue in their wrongdoing, they receive the punishment they deserve and say goodbye to the world of trial (confrontation with themselves).

Surah Al-Isra: 17 And We destroyed many generations after Noah, and your Lord is sufficient as the Reckoner and Seer of the sins of His servants.

  21. Noah said, "My Lord, they have disobeyed me and followed a man whose money and children only harm him."
 22. "And they even set great traps."
 23. "They said, 'Do not abandon your gods. Do not forsake Vedd, nor Suva, nor Yegus, nor Yeuk, nor Nesr.'"
 24. "They have led many astray. So increase the confusion of the wrongdoers."
25. They were drowned and taken into the Fire because of their crimes. They could find no helper for themselves except Allah.
 26. Noah said, "My Lord, do not leave a single disbeliever on the earth."
27. "If you leave them, they will lead your servants astray and give birth only to lowly disbelievers."
28. "My Lord, forgive me and my parents and those who enter my house as believers, and the believing men and women, and increase only the destruction of the wrongdoers."

Here, too, it is clearly stated that it was the people of Noah who were drowned in the water and taken into the Fire in the Hereafter (verse 25).  Now some will say that Noah's prayer in verse 26 is a universal request. It is the prophet's own desire, not the actual event.Noah prays for the destruction of all the unbelievers after the flood.

In other words, it is not a prayer he made beforehand, so even this is proof that the flood was localized, he makes his prayer at the very end after the event is over: 71:25 They were drowned and thrown into the Fire because of their error. They found no helpers for themselves except Allah. 71:26 Noah prayed thus: "My Lord! Leave none of the disbelievers on the earth to dwell in it."

In fact, similar regional disasters that befell Noah's people have befallen other societies after him:

17. How many peoples did We destroy after Noah, and your Lord is sufficient as a Sender and Seer of the sins of His servants (Surat al-Nuh).


31 Abraham asked: "What is your purpose, O messengers?"
 32 They said: "We have been sent to a people of criminals."
 33 "That we may throw stones of clay on them."
34 "Stones marked in the sight of your Lord for the transgressors."
35 We drove out whoever was there of the believers.
36 We could not find therein any of the Muslims/submitters to Allah except in one house.
37 We left therein a sign for those who feared a painful torment;
38 And in Moses. We sent him to Pharaoh with a clear proof.
39 He turned away with all his power/all his elite men and said: "He is a sorcerer or a madman."
40 So We seized him and his army and threw them into the middle of the water. He was reproaching himself.
 41 And there is a sign in the people of 'Ad. We sent upon them the wind which uprooted everything.
42 It did not leave everything it passed over without reducing it to ashes.
43 And there is a sign in Thamûd. It was said to them: "Eat and drink and enjoy yourselves until a time."
44 Then they disobeyed the command of their Lord, and the lightning seized them as they looked on.
 45 They could not get up and escape, nor could anyone help them.
46 And We had destroyed the people of Noah before, for they too were a people who had departed from the truth.

Once again, we realize that it is not the world, but only a region and its people, that suffers disaster. Noah, Median, Ad, Thamud.... what happened to all these societies is parallel. They disbelieved and turned to evil, a warner came to them, they continued to do evil and finally they were punished. All of them are exemplary events that happened to that society.

Surat al-Hadid: 26 And We sent Noah and Abraham as Messengers, and We placed the Prophethood and the Book among their descendants. Some of those descendants were guided. But most of them are those who have gone astray.


32. They said: "O Noah! You have struggled with us, and you have gone too far in your struggle with us. Bring forth what you threaten us with if you are of the truthful."

33. Noah said: "Only Allah will bring it to you if He wills, and you will not be able to prevent it."

34. Nûh said: "If Allah wishes to mislead you, my advice will avail you nothing, even if I seek to advise you. To Him is your Lord and to Him you will be returned."

35. Or do they say, "He fabricated it himself"? Say: "If I have fabricated it, my guilt is against me. But I am not responsible for the crimes you are committing."

36. It was revealed to Noah: "None of your people will believe except those who believed before. So do not grieve over what they do."

37. Build the ship before our eyes according to Our revelation. And do not quarrel with me about the wrong-doers. They will surely be drowned.

38. He was building the ark. Whenever any of his people passed by, they mocked at him. Noah said, "If you mock us, we will mock you. Just as you are amused."

39. "Soon you will know on whom the humiliating torment will come, and on whom the everlasting torment will descend."

40. And when Our command came and the tandoor boiled, We called out: "Load into it two pairs of each and your family, except those against whom judgment has been pronounced, and those who believed." But only a few believed with Noah.

Those who claim that Noah's Flood covered the whole world try to cling to this expression of collecting pairs of every living thing. But what is meant here is to collect samples from the animals in that area. If someone said to you "pick all the apples", you would think that they meant the ones in your locality, not all the apples in the world. In the same way, it is not talking about all the animals in the world, it is talking about the place where Noah was. For him to collect samples from all the creatures on earth, he would have had to make a world tour and build a huge ship, perhaps the size of a city. What is meant is the collection of pairs from there.

So if Noah's Flood was localized, how come one country was flooded and other neighboring nations were unharmed? If Noah's people lived on an island, this is quite possible. And this island could be a continental island, perhaps the size of Australia or even larger. And in that case, they would have disappeared under the waters and this catastrophe would have affected only them.

Now notice these verses:


10. So he cried to his Lord, "I am defeated, help me!"

11. So We opened the gates of the sky with a flood of water.

12. And We split open the earth, spring by spring. And at last the waters merged into a certain measured formation.

13. And We carried it on what was formed of plates and nails.

14 It ran under Our watchful eyes; a reward for one who was rejected.

"They denied him. So We saved him and those with him in the ark, and We drowned those who denied Our signs. For they were a blind people." (Surat al-A'raf, 64)

Water descends on the land from the sky and water gushes up from the ground, and then the waters merge, according to verses 11 and 12. It is a scene reminiscent of an island sinking. To the island (perhaps the huge island continent) 1- Water is pouring down from the sky 2- There are explosions from under the earth and the water rises from there 3- As a result of this, that is, as a result of the flooding of the island from above (from the sky) and below (from underground), this flood meets the sea on all four sides and the island is completely flooded and sinks into the depths of the ocean, as it seems.


14. By Allah, We sent Noah to his people and he remained among them fifty years less than a thousand years. Finally the flood seized them. For they were wrongdoers.

15. And We saved Noah and the people of the ark, and We made the ark a sign for the worlds.

Again, it is explained that it was Noah's people who were punished and why. It is also stated that the prophet lived for over 950 years. It seems that his community did not find this longevity strange. If so, it may have been common for Noah's people to live for a thousand years, and this may indicate that they were a very advanced civilization in science and technology, at least in the field of medicine. As we know, our Lord says that there were advanced civilizations in the past, but they could not escape extinction because of their disbelief.

Let us now turn to another very important point:


65 And We sent to 'Ad their brother Hûd. He said: "O My people! Serve Allah. You have no god but Him. Do you still not abstain?"

67 Hûd said: "O my people, there is no foolishness in me; I am a Messenger from the Lord of the worlds."

 69 "Are you surprised that a warning has come to you from your Lord through a man from among you to warn you? Remember that He made you successors after the people of Noah and gave you a greater stature in creation. Remember the blessings of Allah so that you may be saved."

Here too, a comparison is made between the people of Noah and the people of Ad, and it is stated that the people of Ad were bigger and taller than the people of Noah. So there is no comparison between the old people and the new people. It is only a physical comparison between Noah and Ad. Just like the British today are bigger and taller than the Japanese.

Surat al-Rum: 47 And We sent messengers before you to their people, and they brought them clear proofs. Finally, We took vengeance on those who sinned, and it was Our right to help those who believed.

Noah surah 1. We sent Noah to his people to warn them before a terrible torment came upon them.

And it is repeatedly stated that Noah was sent only to his people and it was only his people who were punished.

"They denied him. So We saved him and those with him in the Ark, and We drowned those who denied Our signs. For they were a blind people." (Surat al-A'raf, 64)

Another proof that the Flood was regional is the following verses:


 2. In the same way, We gave Moses the Book. to guide the children of Israel to the truth: "Take no master besides me.

3. They are the descendants of those whom We carried with Noah; he was a grateful servant.

4. In the Book, We said to the sons of Israel: "You will make mischief on the earth twice, and you will be arrogant."

Notice that the Children of Israel are "the descendants of those whom we carried with Noah". If Noah's Flood had been universal and not regional, and if only Noah and those who boarded the ark had survived the catastrophe all over the world, then all people on earth today would be descendants of Noah's people. But no, the verse says that only the Children of Israel are the descendants of those who boarded Noah's ark. So the other nations did not descend from the people on that ark, and certainly it was only Noah's people who were destroyed in that catastrophe.

(My Turkish article translated with machine)


GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Answer to the Problem of Evil
« on: August 24, 2022, 06:53:43 PM »
Surah Anbiya 35 Every living creature will taste death. We test you with evil and good as a trial. In the end you will be returned to Us.

Interestingly, throughout history, many people, from philosophers to theologians, have been immersed in the strange questions raised under the title of "the problem of evil" such as "if God exists, why does suffering and evil exist", "why does He watch people do wrong", "what is the source of evil". In fact, these questions are answered in the Qur'anic verses, in the verses within us and in the universe, and even in our logic. As long as we know how to look at the whole picture.

This world is the realm of testing, of confronting oneself, and it is also the place where some small punishments or rewards begin to be offered. And every adversity or happiness that happens in this world functions both as a test and as a way of giving the person what they deserve. In my article titled "Destiny and Free Will", I have explained this issue with evidence:

The universe we live in is a mixture of paradiseand hell. Just as in heaven there is pure pleasure, or in hell there is pure misery, in this world, which is a mixture of both, pleasure and misery are intertwined. Again, as I said, the bad things that happen in this life are actually because of what people do with their own hands or because of their wrong thoughts/beliefs.

Surah Rum Surah 36 When We give people a taste of mercy, they are relieved and spoiled with it. But when evil befalls them because of what their own hands have prepared, they immediately fall into despair.
Surah Shura 30 Every calamity that befalls you is because of what your hands have earned. Allah forgives many of them.

The adversities in this world have such a function in addition to revealing the bad and the good: warning and punishment...

The evil-doer is confronted with himself and has the chance to realize why he is destined for hell, or if he is destined for heaven, why he is suffering temporary hardship in this world, and so on.

On the other hand, the person who is subjected to this evil is actually tasting the suffering/punishment that they would have experienced anyway. Even if he had not suffered evil from someone else, he would still have experienced an equivalent suffering through an accident or illness.

Doing evil to others, denying the truth, or believing in superstitions and slandering Allah are all derivatives of confronting the evil in oneself. So when we think of cruelty, we should not only think of inflicting violence on others. One of the reasons why the so-called problem of evil is misperceived is that these details are not paid attention to and the issue is not evaluated in its entirety.

Surah Zumar 32 Who is more unjust than he who fabricates a lie about Allah and denies the truth that comes to him? Is there no shelter in Hell for the disbelievers?

 A person does not do these things because Allah has created evil/wrong, but because he will do them anyway when he has free will, and our Lord gives him what he wants and deserves. The servants are responsible for all suffering. Both in this world and in hell...If all of the selves had chosen goodness, there would only be paradise and paradise-like places for the servants.

Surah Yunus 44 Allah does not oppress people in any way. But people oppress their own selves.

-Whatever comes to you of goodness and beauty is from Allah. Whatever evil and ugliness reaches you is from your own soul. We have sent you as a Messenger to mankind, and Allah is sufficient as a witness.

Human beings are destined for goodness and truth through the basic revelation given to them at creation. A servant who does not turn his back on the revelations within him knows from birth that doing good to others and believing in the one God is the right way:

7: 172 When your Lord brought forth the offspring from the loins of the sons of Adam, He made them witnesses to themselves: "Am I not the Lord your God?" They say, "Yes, we bear witness." So that on the Day of Resurrection you will not be able to say: "We were unaware of this".

Commit yourself to religion as a monotheist (hanif). Indeed, ALLAH has created mankind with such a creation. There is no change in God's creation. This is a perfect religion, but most people do not know (Surah Rum: 30)

In fact, this path was reinforced by the revelations and proofs that reached him later on.

Surah al-Human 3 We have guided him on the path, so he will either be grateful or ungrateful.

In this way, mankind has no excuse against his Master. Because beyond being created equidistant from good and evil, man was actually created as if programmed to be good, and then this was reinforced in various ways. Nevertheless, those who choose to be evil have not the slightest refuge.


Since Allah Almighty knows who will do what with their free will and what their character will be like even before they are created, He has directly created those in this universe who do not deserve to be created in Paradise. In other words, no one created for the test in this world is completely innocent, otherwise they would not be subjected to the slightest experience of suffering:

Surah Ahzab

72 And We offered the trust to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, but they shunned to bear it and were afraid of it. And man took it upon himself, though he was very unjust and very ignorant.

73 That this is so, Allah's; It is to punish hypocritical men and hypocritical women, and men and women who stray from shirk, and that he accepts the repentance of believing men and believing women. Allah is Ghafur, Rahim.

Surah Al-Nahl: 61 If Allah had punished mankind for their wrongdoing, He would have left nothing struggling on the earth. But He does not do so, but delays them until a certain period. When their time comes, they will not be able to go back an hour nor will they be able to go forward.

By the way, let us mention again that since our Lord knows who would do what and what wrongs they would exhibit if they were tested forever, the inhabitants of this universe are generally in a negative position in His eyes. Otherwise, this has nothing to do with Adam and his wife eating the forbidden fruit. No one can be blamed for another's sin and everyone is judged by God Almighty on what they have done and will do. So this is not to be confused with the Christian belief of being born a sinner...It also has nothing to do with the spiritist belief of being born to evolve/evolve. Even if Adam and his wife had not made that mistake, they were already created for this world because that is what they deserved...And our Lord knew this from the beginning.

And as I mentioned, life on earth is a mixture of paradise and hell. That's why blessings and troubles are intertwined in our universe. This situation is actually designed again to get what we deserve, both in terms of experience and in terms of testing... In the middle, in terms of the collective picture, in terms of the system, there is the temporary exposure to tiny punishments or rewards (the troubles in this life are minor compared to those in hell) that you deserve. But here, unlike in hell, the suffering you experience is sometimes two or more birds with one stone. That is, if what you are suffering from is not an accident or an illness or something like that, but something done to you by someone else, it is at the same time a confrontation with that person (i.e. the one who did the evil) and evidence against him for the Hereafter, a trap for him, and at the same time you (the one who suffered the evil) experience the suffering that you (the one who suffered the evil) deserve.

Now, you may ask why a young person or a teenager can experience troubles in life without committing evil? A servant can begin to experience suffering without committing sin, because our Lord knows what that person deserves and does not deserve, what he will do and what kind of character he will have. Again, everything is realized by Allah Almighty according to what that person deserves. Likewise, the happiness, success and blessings that we experience in this life and will experience in the hereafter...

In short, from a holistic and collective point of view, there is no injustice even in this world. The only injustice can be in the event itself. In other words, in this world of testing, no one is even authorized to say a bad word to anyone, but if one person does evil to another person, the one who commits this injustice is committing a sin. But as I said, from a holistic point of view, everyone gets what they deserve by being "equalized". Moreover, the life of this world should not be evaluated in isolation, but should be considered together with the life of the eternal hereafter. Then it will be much clearer to see how divine justice works perfectly.

Even in this universe of trial, our Lord's perfect plan is at work and life here, just like heaven or hell, serves its design purpose perfectly. As I mentioned in an earlier article:

Our world and our universe;

1-The world of testing (confronting people with themselves).

2- A mixed life of paradise and hell (rewards and suffering as a warning and/or punishment)

3- It contains a finite life in which his creatures and even the universe itself will surely die in the end.

What is meant by perfection in this universe is perfection in terms of being suitable-serving for these three items, because this is the purpose of its creation. But since the purpose of creation and the conditions of the hereafter universe are different, perfection in the hereafter world is completely different. But punishment and rewards serve basically the same goal in the integrity of the world and the hereafter.


If we look at what is happening in our universe from a holistic point of view, from the point of view of the system, there is good in everything, but if we look at it from the point of view of the individual, of course this is not the case at all. For individuals, there is good in some things and evil in others in this life (and in the hereafter).

Our earthly life, i.e. our universe, is sometimes described in negative terms when it is compared to paradise, whereas when it is compared to nothingness and/or hell, it is praised and described in verses as a land of beauty to be thankful for, emphasizing the blessings within it. (From this, it can also be concluded that the heavenly side of earthly life outweighs the hellish side...).

In other words, while the verses emphasize the insignificance and transience of the life of this world, they also talk about the picture that emerges when compared to heaven in terms of "experiencing beauty". Otherwise, while praising the beauties of our universe compared to nothingness or hell, its importance is also emphasized due to its function as a "life of testing". If we look at it from this perspective, that is, if we realize that this is the moment of trial that will shape our eternal life, we can say that we are actually living the most important period of our life...

I have mentioned above the purpose of the creation of our universe, but if we look at it from the point of view of just us servants, our purpose of creation in this world of trial: To serve our Lord, to face ourselves, to receive the necessary warnings, and to start tasting some small punishments or rewards in this world... In this context, the so-called problem of evil, the so-called "what is the source of evil", is not even an issue.

Surat al-Sajdah Verse 21: Verily, We shall make them taste of the near torment (the torment of the world) before the greatest torment, lest they turn back.

Surat al-Rum, Verse 36: And when We bestow upon mankind a mercy, they trust in it; and when evil befalls them because of what their hands have done, they despair.

Just as no one talks about the problem of why there is suffering and demons in hell if God exists, it is the same for the world. Our universe is not as full of suffering as hell, but it is not a paradise either. Our universe looks like a hellish place compared to heaven and a heavenly place compared to hell. Because it is qualitatively in the middle of both, heaven and hell, and pleasure and suffering are blended and balanced. On the other hand, in the "Hereafter Universe", which is called the "Lord's Floor" in the verses and which exists now, there is no such mixture and balance. The realm of bliss and happiness and the realm of punishment and suffering are completely separate from each other, and the inhabitants of that universe, the creatures living in it, are immortal. This land of eternity/afterlife, which already has different laws of physics...

I think that if the servants in this world were as perfect in behavior and thought as those living in paradise, they would not have been created on earth, let alone in hell.

I even think that there may be servants who are created directly in heaven, who do not experience suffering in any way...And also, if there are those who are good enough to deserve to be created directly in heaven, their degrees may be higher than anyone who has ever lived or will ever live on earth.

This world of ours (and our universe) is already a place of punishment compared to paradise. But again, compared to hell or non-existence, it is a land of happiness and bliss.

In this context, those in the world are servants who deserve to experience a mixture of paradise and hell, blessing and suffering, and to face themselves, to be tested.

There are also questions such as, "Couldn't a system based only on rewards have been created?" or "If He knows who will pass the test, couldn't He have created only the good ones?" Of course, Allah Almighty could have set up the system in this way if He wished, but He does what is right, what is good and, of course, what He wills.

Our Lord created such a system and order because it was the most perfect and the way it should be. Again, just as there is no objection as to why He does not throw the people in heaven or everyone into hell, the situation is exactly the same here. Nobody questions why the good are rewarded in heaven, because they know that this is the way it should be. But when it comes to the righteousness of creating the bad and punishing them in hell, for some reason, human beings generally avoid showing the same wisdom.

The fact that our Lord rewards the good and the righteous, and punishes the wicked and the evil, is a result of His mercy, goodness and perfection. There is no problem at all, it is a matter of living what we deserve in a perfect implementation and system. The suffering in the world, like the suffering in hell, is not a lottery for anyone, but the justice and goodness and perfection of Allah Almighty is being manifested. In other words, the evils that servants do to each other of their own free will are also part of this situation.

Surat al-Tegabun 11 No calamity will come upon you except by Allah's permission. Whoever believes in Allah, Allah guides his heart to the truth and the good. And Allah knows everything in the best way.

Surat al-Rum, Verse 41: Mischief has come upon the land and the sea because of what their own hands have earned, that Allah may make them taste some of what they used to do, so that they may desist.

Just as He creates and rewards those who know who will earn Paradise, so He creates and punishes the wicked, knowing who they will be, in the same beautiful and perfect process. And so are the temporary rewards and punishments in this world...

Surah Al-Baqarah 81 It is not as they think: those who have done evil and ugliness, and whose guilt has surrounded them, are the companions of the Fire. They will remain in it permanently.

To summarize and to add one or two more important details; this issue, which is said to have occupied the minds of many philosophers, theologians or other people under the title of "the problem of evil or evil" in history until today, as I said, is already solved both in the verses and in our logic, the answer is very simple and clear. Our Lord, who knows who will be among the good ones and who will be among the bad ones even before He creates them, brings them into existence so that these selves can get what they deserve. He has created hell to punish the bad and the evil, but before that, He has created a test in our world, which is a mixture of heaven and hell, so that the servants can face themselves and eliminate possible objections in the hereafter. Moreover, both the suffering in this world, which we call natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, accidents, illnesses, aging, etc...) and the suffering that people bring about by doing evil to others of their own free will, fulfill the task of punishment, warning, and confronting the wrongdoers with themselves (test) and revealing their evil deeds. On the other hand, the sufferings in the Hereafter Universe, that is, in Hell in the Court of Allah, fulfill the function of punishment.

Surah Najm 31 Whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth belongs to Allah. This is for Allah to punish those who do evil by their deeds and to reward those who do good and think well.

 The servants are solely responsible for all suffering in this world and the Hereafter. It is the free will of the servants to choose evil.

Of course, the jinn are also in this group and their wrongdoings and misguiding people are also included in the source of this evil:


168. O people! Eat of the earth's bounty, provided it is clean and lawful. Do not follow the steps of Satan. For he is a clear enemy to you.

169. Indeed, he commands you evil, ugliness, disorder and filth. And he commands you to say about Allah what you do not know.

In the meantime, we see that Allah Almighty, knowing who will choose evil, sometimes destroys the wrongdoers by creating them in the same geographical area and period in order to punish them collectively:


30. Lot said: "My Lord, help me against this party of mischief-makers."

31. When our messengers brought the good news to Abraham, they said: "We will destroy the people of that city. For they have become unjust."

And just as an absurd idea like "the problem of evil" cannot be created for the tribulations and sufferings in hell, neither can it be created for our world/universe. Because in both universes the suffering is aimed at giving the selves the experience they deserve and the situation is the same.

Likewise, the pleasures in the world and in heaven serve the purpose of giving the good and the good the reward they deserve, and this situation also ensures justice in the world and in the hereafter in a unity, and nobody even questions this rewarding by blessing. But punishing evil by allowing it to come into existence, chosen by free will, is just as right, perfect and good as rewarding good... It is the result of the mercy and goodness of Allah Almighty...

The calamities in this world and the Hereafter are the reflection of the anger of the Almighty, our Lord, against evil.

Surah Muhammad 28 This is what will happen! For they pursued that which enraged Allah, and they abhorred His pleasure; so Allah made all their deeds vain.

Surat al-Shura: 16 Those who dispute about Allah after His acceptance, their proofs are invalid in the sight of their Lord. Upon them is anger and a severe torment.

Surah Ta-Ha 81 Eat of the pure of what We have provided you! And do not be unruly in this matter! Otherwise My anger will descend upon you. And whoever My anger descends upon, he will go to the abyss.

And of course, the door of repentance is open for those who realize their wrongdoing at that moment:

Surat al-Tawbah 118 He accepted the repentance of the three who were left behind. The earth, for all its vastness, had become narrow to them, and their own selves had squeezed them; they realized that there was no other way to escape Allah's anger but to seek refuge in Allah. Then He granted them repentance so that they could return to their former state. Indeed, Allah is the Most Accepting of repentance and infinite in His mercy.

There is no problem of evil, on the contrary, there is a make  of evil and evil-doers being exposed and always punished in both worlds. The problem is only in the diseased thoughts and behaviors of the servants. And the only source of evil and suffering is the servants who choose wrong/cruelty with their free will.

And what we should do, of course, is to turn towards goodness and truth and contribute to making this world a more paradisiacal place, and most importantly, of course, to reach true salvation/paradise in the Hereafter and to earn the pleasure of our Lord.

(My Turkish article translated with machine)


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