Author Topic: Help PLEASE!!! Christians Claim to Call the Prophet (PBUH) a False One!! I need  (Read 27665 times)

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Offline Saudi Salafi

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 They claim that Allah SWT is a devil who deceived us and that Prophet Muhammad PBUH is a falso prophet and claI'm that the Bible has a prophecy which predicts Islam. HELP! ANYONE PLEASE!!

Offline AhmadFarooq

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The following is according to my own understanding and knowledge, which could be faulty.

First of all, the most important counter argument to the allegation that Islam came from the devil is the fact that Muslims pray to seek refuge from the devil, before their prayers, before reciting a surah of the Qur'an etc. Why would the devil make praying for refuge from him and cursing him, such an integral part of the religion?

In other words we seek refuge from Satan and curse him repeatedly every day, we do this probably more than the Christians themselves, who have even reached a point where in their entertainment shows, in pursuit of new stories and ratings, they have even started showing the devil as the protagonist in some stories, indirectly making the concept of the devil more acceptable to the hearts and minds of the viewers.

In such a scenario, if anyone has the right to accuse the other of being at a far greater risk of mislead by the devil, it should be the Muslims.

From what I understand, the "King of kings" as mentioned in 1 Timothy 6:13-15 is God "the father" but the same term is apparently used for Jesus (in Revelations 19:13-16), which brings us back to the whole problem of how Jesus, who died can be God, because if a part of God can die than the whole of God can also die thus making God mortal instead of an immortal being as the Bible claims; not to mention, many other issues than the trinitarian Christian doctrine has. This goes against Islamic doctrine and some would argue against sound logic too, therefore this is probably a corruption in the book and you should not put much stock in things like these.

I suspect the most troubling portion of that article for you, was the part about the false prophet. I am not a scholar so I can't be sure about how right I am here, but you should take a look at Revelations 19:19-21 which describe the "Beast and False Prophet".

…19: And I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies assembled to make war against Him who sat on the horse and against His army. 20: And the beast was seized, and with him the false prophet who performed the signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image; these two were thrown alive into the lake of fire which burns with brimstone. 21: And the rest were killed with the sword which came from the mouth of Him who sat on the horse, and all the birds were filled with their flesh.

Aside from several other problems, as Prophet Muhammad has already left this Earth, there appears to be no possibility that the Biblical prediction about the false prophet can hold to Prophet Muhammad (p).


Offline Idris

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From what I understand, the "King of kings" as mentioned in 1 Timothy 6:13-15 is God "the father" but the same term is apparently used for Jesus (in Revelations 19:13-16)

As-Salam Aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa baraketuh,

Dear brother AhmadFarooq, the passage of Revelations 19:11-16 does not refers to Jesus (pbuh), but rather to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Yes, he is described in a specific way indeed, but according to my research this is the same figure mentioned in Isaiah 49:2 identified as the Servant of God. The fact of using these untypical phrases alone indicates that it is about the same person. In my detailed work concerning the prophecies about the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the Bible, I'am proving that this Servant of God [Isaiah 42; Isaiah 53 etc.] is none other than Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

I will insha'Allah respond on this article, when I get a free time.

Take care, and Salam
Ahmed (Poland, Warsaw)

Offline AhmadFarooq

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Okay, thanks for the correction.

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Jesus never declare himself to be King of Kings; one of the title/attribute belonging to Yhwh.

But rather the Hellenistic authors that believe in God appearing as human on earth wrote such description about Jesus in their Greek stories.

Offline Idris

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As-Salam aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa baraketuh,

As to the claim from that article, first of all, Allah Almighty is called “the King” (Quran 59:23)

Narrated `Abdullah:
A (Jewish) Rabbi came to Allah's Apostle and he said, "O Muhammad! We learn that Allah will put all the heavens on one finger, and the earths on one finger, and the trees on one finger, and the water and the dust on one finger, and all the other created beings on one finger. Then He will say, 'I am the King.' Thereupon the Prophet smiled so that his pre-molar teeth became visible, and that was the confirmation of the Rabbi. Then Allah's Apostle recited: 'No just estimate have they made of Allah such as due to Him.' [Quran 39:67]  (Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 6, Book 60, Hadith #335)

Narrated Abu Huraira:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying, "Allah will hold the whole earth, and roll all the heavens up in His Right Hand, and then He will say, 'I am the King; where are the kings of the earth?"'  (Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 6, Book 60, Hadith #336)

translation by M. Muhsin Khan

Found in: 110 Ahadith Qudsi (Sacred Hadith)
Hadith no: 41
Narrated: Abu Huraira
I heard Allah's Messenger (PBUH) saying: Allah would grasp the whole planet of the earth and roll it up on the Day of Resurrection and all the heavens will be in His Right Hand. Then He will say: I am the King. Where are the monarchs of the earth? (This Hadith is sound and reported by Bukhari and Muslim).

Also, Abu Huraira has reported that Allah’s Messenger said:
“The most wretched person in the sight of Allah on the Day of Resurrection and the worst person and target of His wrath would be the person who is called "Malik al-Amlaak" (the King of Kings) for there is no king but Allah.”  (Sahih Muslim, Book 25, Hadith #5339)

In sura 3:26 Allah Almighty is also called "Malik al-Mulk" (the King of the Kingdom/The King of Absolute Sovereignty), and it is one of His 99 glorious names known as “asma al-husna”. He is "the King of the Day of Judgement" (Quran 1:4)

That is why… “The most awful name in Allah’s sight on the Day of Resurrection, will be a man calling himself Malik Al-Amlak (the King of kings)” …since there is no king over Allah, the Most Exalted, the Ruler of the Universe, The King of all Kings !

As to the New Testament, what is really bizarre for me is that the person mentioned in Revelations 19:13-16 is allegedly called “the King of Kings”. I ‘am positive that it is about the same figure mentioned in Isaiah 49:2 which describes The Servant of God [from Isa. 42, Isa. 45, Isa. 53, Isa. 60 etc.], but he is nowhere called "the King of Kings" or "the Lord of Lords" in Isaiah. Perhaps these two expressions should be taken figuratively, or it is even possible that it was made up by some scribe who tried to ascribe this particular vision to Jesus (pbuh). One of such examples is Matthew 12:18 where he quotes the passage of Isaiah 42:1-4 as a certain fulfilment of Jesus (pbuh). What a wishful thinking ! First, no serious Christian scholar will admit today that Isaiah 42 is talking about the coming of Jesus (pbuh). Secondly, I have proved enough in my book (using hadiths, Quranic verses, Rabbinical and Christian commentaries, Biblical dictionaries and lexicons) that this "Servant of God" is Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and no one else !

I will continue insha’Allah this issue in my next post.

Take care, and Salam
Ahmed (Poland, Warsaw)

Offline Saudi Salafi

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 Thanks brothers. :)

Offline QuranSearchCom

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As'salamu Alaikum everyone,

The link in the first post quotes the Hadith as follows:

"Malik Al-Amlak (the King of kings)"

That is a wrong translation.  The correct one is: King of all possessions.  AMLAK means possessions.  And yes, no one owns anything.  Allah Almighty ALONE owns All.

As to Prophet Muhammad's Prophethood, he was thoroughly prophesied in the old Scriptures.  Please visit:

Also, visit the following link to see the overwhelming and STUNNING Scientific and Numerical Miracles in the Glorious Quran:

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline Saudi Salafi

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 The version that he narrated was Muslim's version. The bukhari one says Malik al-mulook 

“The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: ‘The most despised name with Allaah on the Day of Resurrection will be a man called Malik al-Mulook.’”

 Meaning the King of Kings.

Offline Saudi Salafi

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Brother can you refute this also?

Offline QuranSearchCom

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What's to refute?  It's rubbish that is full of desperate interpretations.  The Bible THOROUGHLY speaks about the Glory of GOD Almighty coming from Arabia (the East).  And GOD Almighty's new Covenant and new Servant will also come from there:

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

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The version that he narrated was Muslim's version. The bukhari one says Malik al-mulook 

“The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: ‘The most despised name with Allaah on the Day of Resurrection will be a man called Malik al-Mulook.’”

 Meaning the King of Kings.

Ok, then this Hadith proves that the bible is corrupt.  It's ironic that even the bible itself declares that it is a corrupt book:

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline Saudi Salafi

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 How does it prove that the Bible is corrupt? Also, what I want a refutation of is the claim that "Allah hates the King of the Kings and the King of the kings is Jesus. And in the Bible it says that the King of the Kings is going to put the false prophet (Prophet Muhammad PBUH) and the devil (Allah SWT) in hell."

 Also, regarding the second link that I have you,

Offline khdrb

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it's really simple , devil will tell you that the good is evil , i give just  a 4 opposite differences to tell us who is the devil .
1- the naked person on the beach or the respectable person everywhere? Adam and Eve PBUH were putting heaven leaves to cover their things not the opposite , this is the real human nature the respectable one , Islam came to have them under control  and to prevent chaos of happening, now the bad is having the good under control and preventing the order of god of happening,  theirs are the real crooked opposite nature of humanity and primitive status. all of that bad and evil to the world caused by Romans polytheism Catholicism . but their puppeteers are really good in balancing it on evil scales and brainwash all that it is the good scale are the heavier one , imposters worx.

 70% of atheist are ex-Christians.

2-  do you prefer who makes mistakes and solve their mistakes with more mistakes ? or who prevent mistakes of happening? , they made gays by their Christianity academic life that delayed marriage for who couldn't find a girl friend, and adopted them by liberty state and married them in churches. they are the causes of illegitimate child and broken families , they dealt with it by mothers day(not enough) , they made orphans places for illegitimate and made all pays for it, they causes you cancers and makes you pay for it medicines  , they feed you cancer food and selling you drugs and alcohol and makes you pay for it and for it medicines , they pollute air , they nuked test, they nuked japan , they made the woman and man unnatural, they left uranium radiations in Iraq and afghan, they are real imposters and know when to back a step and back-stab  .

3- they made their religious men not getting married and produced more gays and they did little boys in the churches and loving dates in there. or the people that pray in mosque and having peace with each others and leave in peace. ?

4- their wars are genocides , Islam wars are battles .
.....etc and lots of opposite differences try to figure it out by yourself.

they are just using issa PBUH name and unmarried status of his , as they praised Elijah for not doing so , using this for making gays , this really work of imposters, as Persians are using ALI name and makes him and his family gods to kill monotheists. Islam is being fought from all directions.

7-17"then I shall come on them from before them and from behind them, from their right hands and their left hands; Thou wilt not find most of them thankful.'"

they wanna makes Sodom and amoura to the whole world so god will close the page of all humanity together.
this is not bible is what they got . no comparable . they are a people who wanna makes their genitals happy for a period of time and spending their life on lusts and earth fascinations, where Jesus said in their bible that my kingdom is not from this world, but you can see that their heaven is by doing crooked habits in this world . 

15-39"Iblis said, "Lord, because you have caused me to go astray, I shall make earthly things attractive to (people) and mislead all of them"

so they made every bad things possible, and encourages you to do it by their crooked life style that they imported it and marketed it to the all nations, covering their mistakes , blaming it on anothers , solve their mistakes with more mistakes and makes you pays for it. this came by roman Christianity which is the way to atheism and human portrait(devil) nature. they are only troubles makers . they are the real Zionists.

Offline AhmadFarooq

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I don't think there is any way that the "false prophet" title from the Bible can be inserted for Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). As I mentioned before, the Bible claims, in Revelations 19:19-21, that this false prophet will be fought by Jesus. As Prophet Muhammad has left this Earth and, unlike Jesus, is not coming back therefore, there is no way that Jesus is going to be doing any fighting with Prophet Muhammad.

Regarding the other "arguments", why are you giving so much importance to the Book which is known to have been corrupted? If the Bible claims that Jesus is the "king of kings", it does not make him the king of kings. Similar is the case for the horse colours.
Additionally, one of the earliest interpretations of the white horse rider, by Irenaeus, an influential Christian theologian of the 2nd century, holds that this rider is Jesus himself. Others hold that this rider is the Holy Ghost.

Moreover, Revelation 6:1-8 talk about how these four horses were let loose by Jesus himself. Does it make sense to you that the four horses that Jesus let out presumably at the very beginning of the first century CE, were going to wait 700 years and in the case of the Fatmid Caliphate (the green "horse") 900 years. Because of this reason most of the interpretations for these verses take them to indicate things which happened in the beginning of the Christian calender. Either these are related to something obvious like the Roman empire of those times and its trials and tribulations; or something symbolic like injustice and such things continuing in the world from that time.

The interpretation you cite is a minority opinion.
"American Protestant Evangelical interpreters regularly see ways in which the horsemen, and Revelation in general, speak to contemporary events. Some who believe Revelation applies to modern times can interpret the horses based on various ways their colors are used. Red, for example, often represents Communism, the white horse and rider with a crown representing Catholicism, Black has been used as a symbol of Capitalism, while Green represents the rise of Islam. Pastor Irvin Baxter Jr. of Endtime Ministries espouses such a belief."

This  is an extremely fallacious methodology. Let's look briefly at what the Bible says about these horses.
The white horse (according to Revelation 6:1-2), when the seal was broken by Jesus in first century CE, "went out conquering and to conquer." Muslims came 600 years later, so how could this possibly be talking about Islam? Similarly, the other three horses also came out along with him, 600 years before the introduction of Islam. According to the text, these horses were to start their work soon after they came out, why the 600 year wait?

The pale horse (according to Revelation 6:7-8) was to kill "with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth". Again, where is the relationship with Islam? As far as I know, the only empire known for killing with "wild beasts" as a national past-time was the roman empire. Additionally, sexual promiscuity, something Muslims are famous for staying away from, has been known to be a cause of some forms of "pestilence".

Additionally, it can also be argued, that the four horses came out in the order of White, Red, Black and then finally Green; while the order of the introduction of Pan-Arab colours can be construed as Black, White, Green and Red somewhere in-between which is another point that appears to go against the Biblical "prophecy", if you can even call these text as prophecies in the first place.

The fact is, unless these four horsemen are interpreted to be exactly what they appear to be in the Biblical text, in which case they can have nothing to do with Islam as they predate the religion by 600 years, several extremely different interpretations can be made and by providing very little, if any, authentic supporting evidence, these insincere people can bend the verses to reach their desired conclusions.



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